Innovative and Competitive Structure of Regional Economies in Turkey (original) (raw)
Related papers
An assessment of the technology level and knowledge intensity of regions in Turkey
European Planning Studies, 2019
The paper investigates the patterns of technology and knowledge of the regions. The first aim of the paper is to determine cluster templates at the national level. The second aim of the paper is to investigate the technology and knowledge composition of the regional highpoint clusters. The paper identifies patterns of industrial linkages to define cluster templates and regional highpoints. The second part uncovers regional distributions of technology and knowledge. The data comes from Turkey’s 2012 input–output table. The location quotients use industrial employment statistics from the Turkish Statistical Institute. The technological and knowledge intensity classification follows Eurostat. The findings reveal 10 cluster templates in Turkey. Spatial distribution of the highpoint clusters reveals that most regions contain highpoint clusters with low technology and low knowledge-intensive sectors. The results reveal that highpoint clusters in Turkey’s regions contain industries whose technologies do not demand high skills, knowledge and sophistication. Limited existence of high-tech industries and low knowledge intensity in Turkey’s industry composition is a limiting factor for transition to high value-added manufacturing. Special emphasis should be directed towards constructing regional advantage, given the current levels of technology and knowledge intensity.
Innovation Dynamics of Turkish Regions Compared to European Union
The main aim of the paper is the evaluation of innovation processes in Turkish regions as compared to NUTS 2 level regions from the EU countries using contemporary dynamic taxonomy tools. It refers to the application of the suggested methodology for innovation processes assessment at regional level in the following areas: profile (input and output) and global area. 8 variables are used and objects (regions) are clustered with Ward’s agglomerative method and k-means method. The composite measure of innovativeness is calculated. The analysis is carried for dynamic data covering 2008-2012 years. The results can be thus evaluated both from the point of the level of innovativeness and its dynamics. We are able to identify regions attracting innovativeness and entrepreneurship. Regions of Turkey are considered in comparison to EU regions.
Regional Determinants and Spatial Differentiation of Innovation in Turkey
Regional Determinants and Spatial Differentiation of Innovation in Turkey, 2022
This study investigates the spatial distribution and regional determinants of innovation in Turkey. In this study, we applied regression analysis which is called global (GR) and geographically weighted regression (GWR). The empirical analyses show that human capital as an internal resource and export as an external resource/openness are the determinants of innovation in the Turkish case. GWR showed that these predictors do not affect innovation in every region. Our method differentiates us from other studies in the literature. The research depicted an important image reflecting the policymakers' urging to take the local and regional dynamics into account and their top-down policies on innovation. The present study proves empirically that place-based approaches are needed in innovation policy. Özet Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de inovasyonun mekansal dağılımını ve bölgesel belirleyicilerini incelemektedir. Araştırmada global (GR) ve coğrafi ağırlıklı regresyon (GWR) olarak adlandırılan regresyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. GR'ye dayalı olarak elde edilen bulgular, beşerî sermaye ile ihracatın/dışa açıklığın inovasyonu yordadığını göstermektedir. GWR analizine dayalı bulgular ise söz konusu yordayıcıların her bölgede inovasyon üzerinde aynı etkiye sahip olmadığını göstermektedir. Kullanılan bu yöntem çalışmayı literatürdeki diğer çalışmalardan farklılaştırmaktadır. Bu bulgular, politika yapıcılar tarafından uygulanan yukarıdan aşağıya inovasyon politikalarına ek olarak yerel ve bölgesel dinamiklerin de dikkate alınmasının gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Buradan hareketle bu çalışma, inovasyon politikasında yer temelli yaklaşımlara ihtiyaç olduğunu ampirik olarak ortaya koymaktadır.
RIS-Mersin Project: the first regional innovation strategy in Turkey and its spatial dimensions
Mersin is a relatively new city in Turkey. Although it only dates back to the first decades of the 19 th century, it has experienced significant changes in its urban economic structure. Being established as a port city, Mersin has been a major gate for Anatolia and Middle-East. This character has been supported by construction of a new port in 1962 and introduction of new macroeconomic preferences towards export-oriented economic development in 1980, both of which not only have increased the number of foreign trade and logistics activities but also have enriched the urban economic structure with new economic activities. With the Persian Gulf Crisis in 1990 and the following embargo, however, there occurred drastic changes in local economic life of Mersin. Logistics activities started to lose their significance due to radical decreases in transactions with Middle-Eastern countries. In 2006, the first regional innovation strategy in Turkey was prepared as the end product of RIS-Mersin Project in order to change downward trends of local economy and trigger local development opportunities. The strategy depends on the idea that innovation is a key-factor for local development. The aim of this study is critical evaluation of this regional innovation strategy and its spatial dimension within the context of local development. Successes and failures of this strategy provide important lessons for other regions aiming to produce such strategies.
Ankara Technology Development Zones Within the Context of Innovation Strategies in Turkey
Contemporary discussions on new economy have displayed that competitiveness of regions greatly depend on innovation regarded as a complex process involving many different functions, actors, and relationships. To improve the innovative performances of agents of production in the system and to promote interactions between them, national and regional innovation systems are developed. As a part of regional innovation systems, technology development zones (TDZs) appear as an environment that transforms innovative ideas to marketable products by utilizing collective learning processes among universities, innovative firms, and innovation support institutions. The aim of this study is to discuss the innovative strategies, thus the various instruments and institutional arrangements to encourage technology development in Turkey, and the efforts of building innovation capacity through the initiatives of TDZs in Ankara. Within this context, first of all, the innovation capability of Turkey in terms of R\&D activities, policies, actors, and spatial repercussions under the name of TDZs are discussed. Second, the three TDZs in Ankara are analyzed in details. At the end, with the comparison of the three TDZs, the innovative capacity of TDZs and the effects of government support in this process are evaluated briefly.
Disparities across regions and provinces are on the agenda of both developed and developing countries. Differences in terms of development and income between regions are becoming more important policy challenge particularly in developing countries. As a developing country, interregional disparities are seen intensively at east-west direction in Turkey. In recent years with the process of harmonization with the European Union policies, interregional disparities problem and regional development policy issues came to the fore in Turkey. In this paper, Diyarbakır-Şanlıurfa region, located in Southeast Anatolia, the largest region with respect to population identified as regional growth poles by Ministry of Development, is discussed in the framework of regional economic development and competitiveness. Diyarbakır-Şanlıurfa Region is the seventh largest region in Turkey according to population, but socioeconomic development rank of the region is 23 between 26 NUTS 2 regions in Turkey. According to economic base model, local economy shapes regions' size and welfare level. "Information about an area's future population is incomplete without a parallel understanding of the local economy that largely shapes its future." (Klosterman, 1990) As method of the study; in order to determine the basic and leading sectors of regional economy, location quotient technique will be used. Then shift-share analysis will be used to determine competitive areas/sectors of the region and to see economic projection of region. Finally findings and results of the two analyses will be compared and regional economic policy will be developed in the light of the findings. The findings showed that the region has a rapidly growing economy depend on "agriculture", "construction", "mining", "transportation and storage" and "human health" sectors and also for manufacturing industry "food products", "textiles", "non-metallic products"
In this study, the level of 81 city in Turkey, will be presented the results of innovation index. The index was created by 25 different variables. Following the announcement of the innovation index, an empirical analysis of the determinants of innovation will be made. In this study, correlation analysis is applied and found correlations between innovation and 276 different variables for cities. The main variables that affect the competition will be determined. Thus, to put forth the factors affecting innovation at the level of provinces, a framework will be established for the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of provinces in terms of innovation
Nova Science Publishers, 2020
Knowledge is the most important resource and learning is the most important process to advance the level of development and technology within particular regions or countries. There are, of course, several ways in which countries can increase their technological levels. One of the most important ways is by exporting. This is called ‘learning by exporting’ in the relevant literature. Studies conducted in this area show that exporting not only contributes to technological learning and productivity, but also exports are important for obtaining the kind of knowledge that cannot be simply gathered from the domestic market. It is through this type of economic interaction that gives rise substantial increases in the various levels of innovation. A unique study of these economic realities is Turkey. Although the amount of exports from Turkey is increasing, the regions where exports are sent are changing significantly. Specifically, the rate of total exports with Near and Middle Eastern countries has continued to increase over the last decade. In sum, the rate of decline in exports to developed countries (like OECD and EU countries) is being replaced by exports to developing and underdeveloped countries...
In this study, the level of 81 city in Turkey, will be presented the results of innovation index. The index was created by 25 different variables. Following the announcement of the innovation index, an empirical analysis of the determinants of innovation will be made. In this study, correlation analysis is applied and found correlations between innovation and 276 different variables for cities. The main variables that affect the competition will be determined. Thus, to put forth the factors affecting innovation at the level of provinces, a framework will be established for the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of provinces in terms of innovation.
The Influence of Innovative Potential on Gross Production and Economic Security: Regional Analysis
IAEME Publication, 2020
The level and management of economic growth of territories in modern conditions largely depends on the introduction of innovations and structural changes. The purpose of the research paper: to study the level of gross production, economic security and innovation potency in the regions, to develop mechanisms to stimulate economic growth in various regional clusters. The study methods were: statistical analysis innovation and economic performance, data grouping, tree-like clustering method based on Euclidean distances is selected, discriminant analysis. The study revealed a low level of gross production in Ukraine, which is proven by comparing similar indicators in EU countries. The non-harmoniousness of gross production and economic development in the regions of Ukraine is also observed (according to many indicators Kyiv city has significant advantages in the economy of the regions of Ukraine). Through empirical studies it has been proved that spatial unevenness of innovative opportunities of Ukrainian regions affects economic growth. The presence of significant innovative potential is an advantage and an opportunity for the region to improve economic development. Based on the results of empirical research, 2 regional clusters were identified. Cluster 1 has an average economic growth, but there is a high innovative potential that needs to be applied more effectively and these regions can become powerful economic and scientific centers after Kyiv city. Cluster 2 has average economic growth, but the innovation potential is lower. Its significant strengthening is necessary for regions with low innovation potential.