Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Pada Tanaman Pinang Menggunkan Metode Forward Chaining (original) (raw)
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Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosis Penyakit Pada Tanaman Kopi Dengan Metode Forward Chaining
One of the factors that lead to low quality of coffee in Indonesia is because the coffee plants in Indonesia has always been threatened by pests and plant diseases. Lack of information about the types of diseases that attack the coffee plants, causing a lot of plants that are not handled properly. This problem will cause a lot of coffee plants that should be saved, will die or reduce its quality. If so, this problem will affect on productivity levels. the problem is, how a planters can know what kind of diseases that attack that coffee plants and take appropriate action to deal with it without an expert. Based on that problems, the planters need a tool to help them to get an information about the types of diseases that attack their plants and provide solutions to deal with that diseases. Application of expert systems is one solution to help planters in diagnosing diseases that attack the coffee plant and able to provide solutions to take an appropriate action to deal with that diseases. To known the results of the diagnosis, this expert system application requires the facts be symptoms of the disease to be traced by using forward chaining methods. From that facts, it will be processed to obtain a conclusion. The conclusion is the name of the disease, the cause of the disease and the solutions to take an appropriate action to deal with that diseases. With the application of this expert system, the information provided can help the planters to take action in addressing the disease of coffee plants, without having to wait or bring an expert in this field.
Penerapan Metode Forward Chaining Pada Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosa Hama Dan Penyakit Padi
So that the computer can act as and as good as a human being, then the computer should be given the lack of knowledge that has the ability to catch. One of them is an expert system, is a system that attempted to adopt human knowledge to a computer that is designed to model the ability to resolve problems such as befits an expert. With this expert system, people who have yet to figure it out at all to resolve the problem or just simply looking for an actual information can only be obtained with the help of experts in their field. Knowledge society in Indonesia about pests and diseases of rice plant is still low, including handling is known only to the extent of the knowledge of fellow farmers, pest and disease if there is a new kind of farmers are not aware of it, on the other hand there are some the expert or experts who know about the pests and diseases of rice plant, but the number of experts or experts with a large number of farmers are not balanced. Therefore, due to the applica...
Metode Forward Chaining dalam Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit pada Tanaman Kelapa Sawit
Diagnosis of diseases in plants is needed to determine pests or diseases that attack the plant through the symptoms found. This is done in order to find the best healing solutions for oil palm plants that have been stricken with disease, to minimize crop failure. Therefore we need a computerized expert system to replace the conventional system of diagnosing oil palm plant diseases in order to get a more precise and accurate healing solution without having to wait for the expert. Oil palm plantations are one of the types of plantation crops in Indonesia that occupy important positions and develop rapidly, both those that belong to individuals or companies. This is because of the many plants that produce oil or fat are oil palm with the largest economic value per hectare in the world. Not only that, oil from palm oil is also used for fuel (biodiesel). Palm oil pests and diseases are factors that can interfere with the growth and productivity of these plants. Attacking pests and plant ...
Jurnal Algoritme
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun suatu sistem pakar yang dapat membantu mengetahui secara cepat hama atau penyakit apa yang menyerang tanaman bonsai berdasarkan gejala yang muncul khususnya di Blitar Nursery. Tidak hanya jenis hama atau penyakit, sistem ini juga menginformasikan cara penanganan untuk tanaman yang terserang hama atau penyakit dan cara pencegahannya. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode forward chaining, proses pelacakan metode ini yaitu dari data gejala, kemudian mencocokkan data tersebut dengan bagian IF dari rule IF-THEN, jika sesuai dengan rule yang ada, selanjutnya rule akan di eksekusi untuk mendapatkan suatu kesimpulan. Sistem pakar ini dibangun menggunakan Bootstrap dan Bahasa pemrograman Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) dengan text editor Sublime Text. Pengujian sistem pakar ini menggunakan black box dan beta testing kepada ahli bidang IT dan ahli pakar. Hasil dari pengujian black box sebesar 97,22% dan hasil pengujian beta sebesar 85....
Penerapan sistem pakar dalam mendiagnosa hama dan penyakit tanaman jarak pagar dengan metode forward chaining diharapkan menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam mengantisipasi kegelisahan dari petani jarak pagar. Sejumlah petani melakukan budidaya tanaman jarak pagar tetapi tidak mengetahui gejala apa yang timbul akibat hama dan penyakit tanaman jarak pagar. Petani jarak pagar juga belum mengetahui dengan baik bagaimana mengatasi gejala tersebut sehingga tanaman primadona sumber energi alternatif ini mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan dan berdampak turunnya produksi buah. Penelitian ini sebagai produk ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bentuk model bagi petani jarak pagar dan pelaku usaha bidang pertanian dalam mendiagnosa gejala gejala yang timbul dari hama dan penyakit tanaman jarak pagar. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat sebagai konsultan atau instruktur dalam mengatasi berbagai macam kemungkinan hama dan penyakit yang timbul dari budidaya tanaman jarak pagar.. M...
Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Hama Dan Penyakit Pada Tanaman Kangkung Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining
The production of water spinach vegetable crops in 2020 in Central Java ranks 2nd in water spinach production, which is 29,108 tons. The amount of water in spinach production and the increased risk of being attacked by pests and diseases will be even more significant, and proper care is needed to improve the quality of water spinach. It takes an expert to convey knowledge about controlling pests and diseases that are good and right. From these problems, we developed a system to overcome the problem of water spinach plant disease. This expert system uses the forward chaining method. The results of this study are a pest and disease diagnosis system on water spinach using a website-based forward chaining method with accuracy testing using the confusion matrix method by testing 50 rules. Of 50 data, 45 are considered appropriate, and the results of 5 rules are not relevant, so the evaluation results of this expert system produce system accuracy with a percentage of 90%.
Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit dan Hama pada Tanaman Padi dengan Metode Forward Chaining
Jurnal Minfo Polgan
Tanaman padi merupakan salah satu tanaman paling penting bagi masyarakat di kawasan Asia karena masih menjadi bahan makanan pokok. Proses penanaman atau pemeliharaan tanaman padi memiliki banyak kendala yang dapat mempengaruhi hasil panen, terutama faktor hama dan penyakit yang beraneka ragam. Padi termasuk tanaman yang sangat rentan terhadap berbagai macam penyakit sehingga jika tidak ditangani dengan cepat dan tepat maka akan berdampak pada hasil panen. Tujuan dari pembuatan sistem pakar ini adalah untuk memudahkan petani dan membantu ahli pertanian untuk melakukan dianosis jenis hama dan penyakit. Metode forward chaining diharapkan dapat menentukan penyakit atau hama yang tepat melalui proses pemilihan atau pencocokan setiap gejala. Sistem pakar berbasis website yang dikembangkan tidak hanya mendiagnosa penyakit atau hama tetapi juga memberikan rekomendasi solusi untuk petani. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang dilakukan, sistem pakar ini dapat mendiagnosa penyakit dan hama padi ber...
Jurnal Ilmiah Inovasi
Teknik pengetahuan yang dimiliki petani secara tradisional memiliki beberapa kekurangan, salah satu yang paling utama adalah proses penentuan hama dan penyakit pada tanaman tembakau serta pemberian solusi yang memerlukan waktu cukup lama dan biaya yang cukup besar.Hal inilah yang seringkali membuat para petani tembakau mengalami kerugian. Dengan adanya sebuah sistem pakar maka para petani tembakau tidak akan mengalami kesulitan untuk mendiagnosa hama dan penyakityang menyerang tanaman tembakau. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, dibuat suatu sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa hama dan penyakit pada tanaman tembakau menggunakandengan teknik penelusuran data forward chaining, dan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic.Net,serta menggunakan database MySQL. System ini diharapkan dapat menganalisa beberapa gejala yang ada sehingga dapat menghasilkan keluaran yang lebih akurat.
Penerapan Metode Forward Chaining Pada Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Penyakit Tanaman Kelapa Sawit
Jurnal Ilmiah Informatika Global
This application of an expert system for identification of oil palm plant diseases aims to make it easier for employees of the Oil Palm Research Center of Sungai Lilin Musi Banyuasin Business Unit to identify oil palm plant diseases based on the symptoms seen then this application provides solutions and appropriate control methods for plant diseases. the oil palm. The data used in this study are data on 10 diseases that exist in oil palm plants and 47 symptoms that appear. The method used in this expert system for identification of oil palm plant diseases uses the Forward Chaining method and the depth-first search tracking technique so that the tracking process will be tested from the first symptom to the last to get a conclusion in the form of the name of the disease along with its causes and how to control it. in this expert system, namely functional testing and expert system testing. Functional testing uses the Black Box method with the Equivalence Patitioning (EP) technique. Sys...