The Genetic Relationship Between Some Strawberry Cultivars and F1 Population Derived from These Cultivars (original) (raw)

Comparison of Molecular Markers ISSR, SSR and RFLP to Study the Genetic Variation of Strawberry Cultivars

American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences

Strawberry is grown in Indonesia because it has potential high economic value. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship of phenetic lineage and genetic variations in 12 strawberry cultivars using three different molecular marker methods, including ISSR, SSR and RFLP. Five primers of ISSR markers were used and they generated 53 bands with 44 polymorphic DNA bands. Percentage of polymorphic using ISSR method was 83%. Five primers of SSR markers were used and they gave 41 DNA bands with 36 polymorphic DNA bands. Percentage of polymorphic using SSR method was 87%. Four primers of PCR-RFLP markers and 3 enzymes were used and they had 20 DNA bands with 9 polymorphic DNA bands. Percentage of polymorphic PCR-RFLP method was 45%. Three dendrogram results based on each method indicated that Stroberi Hitam has smallest similarity index compared with other eleven cultivars. 'Californica' cultivar had the closest similarity with Stroberi Hitam. Data analysis of molecular character requires complementary and supporting data of other characters such as morphology, biochemistry and cytology so this will strengthen the lineage data of the organisms to be investigated. Molecular marker can be used as a good method for genetic variation analysis if it has some advantages such as high polymorphism, codominance and specific characteristics and wide distribution.

Genetic similarity among strawberry cultivars assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers

Scientia Agricola, 2011

Most strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne) cultivars used in Brazil are developed in other countries, it became clear the need to start the strawberry breeding program in the country. To start a breeding program is necessary the genetic characterization of the germplasm available. Molecular markers are important tools that can be used for this purpose. The objectives of the present study were to assess the genetic similarity among 11 strawberry cultivars using RAPD and ISSR molecular markers and to indicate the possible promising crosses. The DNA of the eleven strawberry cultivars was extracted and amplified by PCR with RAPD and ISSR primers. The DNA fragments were separated in agarose gel for the RAPD markers and in polyacrylamide gel for the ISSR markers. The genetic similarity matrix was estimated by the Jaccard coefficient. Based on this matrix, the cultivars were grouped using the UPGMA method. The dendogram generated by the RAPD markers distributed the cultivars in three groups while the ISSR markers generated two groups. There was no direct relationship between the marker groups when the two types of markers were compared. The grouping proposed by the ISSR markers was more coherent with the origin and the genealogy of the cultivars than that proposed by the RAPD markers, and it can be considered the most efficient method for the study of genetic divergence in strawberry. The most promising crosses, based on the genetic divergence estimated from the RAPD and ISSR molecular data were between the Tudla and Ventana and the Oso Grande and Ventana cultivars, respectively.

A comparison of genetic relationship measures in strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) based on AFLPs, RAPDs, and pedigree data

Euphytica, 2001

Nineteen of the major strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cultivars grown in the United States and Canada were examined for AFLP marker polymorphisms. For the AFLP reactions, the EcoRI-ACC primer was used in combination with four MseI primers (MseI-CAC, MseI-CAG, MseI-CAT, or MseI-CTT). Each set of primers produced 46-66 scorable fragments ranging in size between 50 and 500 bp. The polymorphic fragments produced from each set of primers were more than sufficient to distinguish among all the cultivars, demonstrating the usefulness of AFLP markers for cultivar identification. Similarity coefficients were calculated based on data from 228 AFLP markers and data from 15 previously characterized RAPD markers. The RAPD markers had been specifically selected for fingerprinting purposes because they succesfully distinguish 41 strawberry cultivars, including the 19 cultivars analyzed in this study. Separate dendrograms were constructed based on analysis of the AFLP and RAPD marker data using a neighbor-joining algorithm. The dendrograms were compared and found to be very different. Correlations between similarity coefficients calculated from AFLP marker data, similarity coefficients calculated from RAPD marker data, and coefficients of coancestry calculated from pedigree information were evaluated. Interestingly, a better correlation with the coefficients of coancestry was observed with the RAPD marker data than with the AFLP marker data.

The genetic diversity of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) hybrids based on ISSR markers

The strawberry is an important agricultural crop in Brazil. However, most of the commercial genotypes currently in cultivation in Brazil were developed in other countries with environmental adaptations often inadequate for the regional conditions. In this work, inter-simple sequence repeat markers were used to determine the genetic variability and the loci segregation profiles of 84 strawberry hybrids obtained from a genetic breeding program at the 'Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais.' The hybrids were produced from crosses involving the following progenitors: 'Toyonoka' x 'Sweet Charlie', 'Camino Real' x 'Sweet Charlie', 'Oso Grande' x 'Sweet Charlie', 'Oso Grande' x 'Toyonoka', 'Dover' x 'Oso Grande', and 'Camino Real' x 'Toyonoka'. Fourteen genotypes were randomly sampled for each hybrid combination and evaluated. The results showed that the genetic profiles of the hybrids from each test cross were very diverse, most likely due to the high heterozygosity of the genome of each progenitor involved, which might indicate the presence of adequate genetic diversity among the hybrids to allow for the selection of new cultivars with agronomic traits that are more suitable to environmental conditions in Brazil.

Detection of polymorphisms on strawberry (Fragaria spp.) based on cleavage amplified polymorphic sequence

Strawberries (Fragaria spp.) represent a fruit of high economic value. However, its cultivation in Indonesia has not been optimal. Along with the development of technology, plant researchers and breeders have been developing new cultivars to improve the quality of strawberry plants. Morphological selection of superior quality cultivars was found less effective, leading to the development of molecular research. One method to evaluate the result of breeding strawberry plants is to use the Cleavage Amplified Polymorphic Sequence (CAPS) markers, which can be used for the identification of octoploid strawberry cultivars. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the polymorphic banding pattern of strawberry cultivars grown in Indonesia, to determine CAPS marker capabilities for detection of polymorphisms, and to determine the degree of similarity of strawberry cultivars in Indonesia based on the CAPS markers. The samples were 12 strawberry cultivars from the Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute of Malang and two strawberry cultivars from the Center for Strawberry Agro-tourism in Desa Banyuroto of Magelang. DNA amplification was performed using the primers APX4 and PYDB, and the products of DNA amplification were cut using the enzymes HaeIII and TaqI. Dendrogram construction was analyzed using the Unweight Pair-Group Using Arithmetic Average (UPGMA) clustering by means of the software Multi-Variate Statistical Average (MVSP). Results showed polymorphic DNA patterns from the two CAPS primer used in 14 strawberry cultivars. The phylogenetic relationships of the 14 strawberry cultivars could be detected quickly and efficiently using specific primer pairs and restriction enzymes. The phylogenetic relationships of the 14 strawberry cultivars were separated between the 'Festival' (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivar group and the 'Californica' (Fragaria × vesca) cultivar group at a percent similarity of 50.403 %.

Genetic Relationship in Strawberry Cultivars and Their Progenies Analyzed by Isozyme and RAPD


Isozyme pattern and RAPD technique were used to study the relationship of new hybrids in strawberry breeding in Thailand. The selected progenies from alternate crosses and their parental lines were investigated and the phylogenetic trees were constructed. Some polymorphic relations were observed when the four enzyme systems; LAP, MDH, ME and DIA were used, however they could not clearly distinct hybrid lines uniquely at either 90 or 95% similarity levels. RAPD technique, using 10 random primers, could effectively show most of the hybrid lines uniquely at 95% similarity level. Moreover, RAPD differentiated strawberry cultivars effectively. Data from this study on the hybrid line relationship could be useful for parental selection in strawberry improvement program.

Molecular Characterization of Tropical Strawberry Genotypes

Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, 2017

Genetic variability of tropical strawberry genotypes was determined through Ramdom Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers. Out of 14 RAPD primers six showed reproducible and polymorphic bands. The results revealed that the maximum polymorphic bands were produced by the primer OPB 12. Ten genotypes were differentiated into two clusters on the basis of Unweighted Pair Group Method With Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA). Genotypic variation based on molecular characterization indicated that genotypes belonging to two different clusters depend on their genetic component. So, selection of parents from different clusters will provide the maximum heterosis in yield.

Monitoring of Cultivars Identity and Genetic Stability in Strawberry Varieties Grown in Egypt


A simple and routine method for the analysis of tissue culture-derived strawberry plants for somaclonal variations is a prerquist for pricise monitring of quality control during rapid mass micropropgation. Similarly, molecular identification of different varieties is an important element for efficient and effective management of strawberry genetic resources. This study reports on the use of RAPD-PCR for identification of different cultivars of strawberry and detection of genetic variations in micropropagated strawberry plants. Seven varieties of the cultivated strawberry, grown in Egypt, were screened using RAPD-DNA markers. Only four RAPD primers (among 20 tested) were chosen as producing polymorphic DNA bands differentiating the investigated cultivars. Based on those identity markers, the genetic distances between varieties were determined and their genetic relationships were estimated. The phylogenetic tree revealed that the seven studied cultivars showed close similarity within the group. Although minor morphological variations were recorded in the leaves of some clones, the developed RAPD profiles of different micropropagated clones were typical to that of the donor mother plant.

Genetic diversity of strawberry cultivars in Banyuroto, Magelang, Indonesia based on Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence

Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity

is the center of strawberry (Fragaria spp.) development and cultivation program. The mild climate makes the location very suitable for developing sub-tropic horticulture such as strawberry. Various kinds of cultivars have been developed as part of the agrotourism program. However, genetic variation research of those cultivars is still rarely done. Therefore, the molecular study of strawberry was conducted to determine the genetic variation using CAPS markers. DNA of Five strawberry cultivars from Banyuroto and seven strawberry cultivars from Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute, Malang were isolated using the CTAB method. DNA amplification was performed by PCR using four pairs of primers named APx, OLP, F3H2, and CTI2. The amplification results were cut with three kinds of restriction endonuclease enzymes named MboI, MluI, and TaqI. Restriction product was used to analyze the genetic variation of twelve cultivars and to construct the dendrogram using MVSP software with the UPGMA algorithm. The result showed that the percentage of polymorphic was 45% from 9 polymorphic bands. Dendrogram result showed that there were four clusters. Cluster A consists of Stroberi Hitam, Cluster B consists of Californica Cultivars, cluster C consists of Osso Grande and Osso Purbalingga cultivars, and cluster D consists of Rosalinda, Deeprose, Dorit, Earlibrite, Tristar, Festival, Brastagi, and Aerut. This research concluded that CAPS markers can be used as a method for study genetic diversity of strawberries.

Genetic analysis and cross associations of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) genotypes and morpho-biochemical features: a practical breeding program


The success of plant breeding depends on diversity in plant genetic resources and their responses to changing environments. In this regard, twenty strawberry genotypes with altered genetic background were evaluated for their performance under different environments based on the estimation of their genetic variability and heritability. Furthermore, genetic distances and associations were assessed by using data mining techniques. The combined ANOVA results showed that environmental factors have great influences on changing the values’ size of the measured-traits. Also, high heritability and genetic variation were detected for yield and its components showed a high potential for improvement among the strawberry genotypes and being considered as raw materials in breeding programs. The biplot and heatmap, in line with clustering, showed to be key methods for finding about the structural association among genotypes, the measured-traits, and their cross relationships and their influences o...