History and Tradition on the Maramureș County football map (period 1980-2016 (original) (raw)
Related papers
The Genesis of Romanian Football
Belvedere Meridionale, 2014
The present article deals with those social and economic factors that contributed to the genesis of Romanian soccer at the turn of the previous century. The author argues that football was imported from abroad via peregrination and schools, but certain social processes, such as urbanization, capitalization and the appearance of massive working classes, are the reasons why this beautiful game became socially embedded in the local environments. The different circumstances in Banat and Transylvania and in the old Romanian Kingdom marked the social history and trajectory "travelled" by the ball. While in the western part of the country, football arrived in a fertile ground because of the already existing bourgeois sport associations and the rapidly emerging local working classes, the role of foreign companies and expats in implementing football was more significant in the southern regions. This difference in the genesis of the game produced two distinct styles of playing football. These two styles clearly reflect the historical and social background specific to the different regions.
GeoSport for Society, 2018
The spatial analysis of sports competitions can be accomplished according to sports branch, specific infrastructure elements and the teams trained in competitions. By limits, geographic position, structure and dynamics, such an area is defining in outlining a type of university cultural-sportive landscape. In the case of this study, through specific analysis methods, tried in the specialty literature, our purpose is to analyze the spatial impact of team sports through the static component-infrastructure and the dynamic onesports clubs (teams). The analysis may target especially the age group, gender group, the environment, amateur or professional level, etc. At the level of the Romanian political space, the present study will reflect from territorial point of view the relationship between the dynamic and static components at the level of the year 2015, on 7 branches with team sports, amateurs, professionals, which represent the university environment. The purpose is to outline the role of university sports in the unit of the Romanian sports through quantifiable elements, useful in the spatial planning and organization strategies.
The Genesis of Romanian Football. Social Factors and Processes behind the Game
The present article deals with those social and economic factors that contributed to the genesis of Romanian soccer at the turn of the previous century. The author argues that football was imported from abroad via peregrination and schools, but certain social processes, such as urbanization, capitalization and the appearance of massive working classes, are the reasons why this beautiful game became socially embedded in the local environments. The different circumstances in Banat and Transylvania and in the old Romanian Kingdom marked the social history and trajectory "travelled" by the ball. While in the western part of the country, football arrived in a fertile ground because of the already existing bourgeois sport associations and the rapidly emerging local working classes, the role of foreign companies and expats in implementing football was more significant in the southern regions. This difference in the genesis of the game produced two distinct styles of playing football. These two styles clearly reflect the historical and social background specific to the different regions.
Football and Society in Romania. Issues and Problems in Soccer Discourses
This book presents the connections between football and society in Romania based on the main issues and problems debated in Romanian soccer discourses. The text assumes that public talk on football is more than a simple speech on soccer as game: it is an alternative public sphere where serious questions and issues about changing social environment and institutions are raised and pre- sented to larger audience. I presumed that football beyond being a ludic prac- tice: is a deep play, a post-modern mediatised rite. The research is based on the collective definition theory of social problems developed by H. Blumer (1975) next to the adjusted cultural theory on social significance of sport elaborated by Gruneau and Whitson (1993). In order to answer the questions (How soccer and society are connected? What issues and problems are raised and debated in public discourses on Romanian football? How they can be typified?) I analysed articles published in central sport newspapers.
GeoSport for Society, 2021
After the 2nd World War, for the first time after 7 decades, sports in general, and amateur football in particular, are facing a new global challenge generated by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Pre-pandemic football season 2019/2020 held on the field only for the first part (690 teams; 781 games), was suspended at the beginning of March, 2020. This situation generated an uncertain 5-month break until the first official games in play-offs (1-9 August, 2020) in wich only 46 teams (6.6%) in total actually participated. In a state of global uncertainty, to the suggestion of RFF, the 42 county football associations were “invited” to identify new solutions in order to “finalize the season”, by declaring, or not, a champion team, another team for the national phase of Romania’s Cup and a county representative for the 3rd league play-off. With the help of statistical information provided by county structures, with the spatial analysis of statistical data reported and analyzed on local...
The present work is meant to show the way in which football made its appearance in the two SouthEastern European countries. The study of the ancient forms of the game can't offer enough information as to how it evolved in the Balkan area, so this paper concentrates on tracking the way in which football made its way to become one of the main hobbies of youth in Bosnia & Herzegovina and Romania's at the start of the XX century. This article focuses on the way in which football appeared, its evolution, and the shift from amateur to professional level in both countries. The pioneering years of this sport have been rough, due to the reluctance shown by the church and the political class of the time. The two entities saw football as a threat to traditional activities, especially the religious leaders, who considered that the sport will drive young people away from the church.
Analele UniversităţiidinOradea,SeriaGeografie, 2016
The definition of a cultural-sports space is based on a background determined by geographic elements as the basis for reporting peculiarities of quantitative and qualitative amateur football. Thus are analyzed on a series of five years, and which come synthesized on the map of amateur football of the analyzed administrative space. Study area overlaps historical provinces of Crișana and Maramureș, in the territory of Bihor, Satu Mare, Sălaj and Maramureș counties.
Cartographic representation of a sports (football) competition – UEFA Youth League (2013-2019)
Geosport for Society, 2019
The sports phenomenon, football in this case, is analyzed through the angle of the inter-clubs' European competition UEFA Youth League, for teams with players aged under 19. By means of the used cartographic methods, our purpose was to build a useful tool in elaborating territorial planning and development strategies, applicable on local, regional and even continental level. The spatial representation, through adjusted methods, of certain quantitative elements (reflected through number) combined with the qualitative ones (performance) in graphic and cartographic synthetic materials, set in chronological order, finalizes our endeavor with the elaboration of synthetic products of great practical utility. There are analyzed the affiliated federations, participating teams, represented localities etc., the relations between them, their temporal activity sequence and their performances. The resulting maps are thus representations of territorial realities and they faithfully portray the condition of the sports phenomenon through temporal sequences and through its spatial distribution, as a reflection of the support human society.