Hardiness Dan Dukungan Sosial Dengan Adaptabilitas Karier Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi (original) (raw)
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Hubungan Hardiness dan Adaptabilitas Karir Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
Counsellia: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling
Adulthood has an important role in a career. However, individuals often make mistakes in designing and making career choices. Determining and preparing for a career are usually experienced by final year students in college. In preparing for a career, individuals need to have career adaptability so that they are able to determine the career achieved, be confident about the career achieved, and be able to overcome obstacles in a career. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between hardiness and career adaptability in final year students. The type of research method used is quantitative with a correlational design. The participants involved in this study were 165 people spread throughout Indonesia. The measurement scale used is a hardiness scale and a career adaptability scale. The results based on the product moment-Pearson correlation test, r = 0.661 with sig. = 0.000 (p<0.01). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relat...
Hardiness Dan Adaptabilitas Karir
Jurnal Psikologi Malahayati, 2021
ABSTRACT: HARDINESS AND CAREER ADAPTABILITY Career adaptability is needed to assist students in facing and anticipating the challenges that may occur in entering the world of work. This study aims to determine the relationship between hardiness and career adaptability in vocational students. This study used a sample of 113 people who were students of class XII using the saturated sample technique. The measuring instruments used in this study are the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) and the Dispositional Resilience Scale (DSR-15). The data analysis technique used is the Pearson product moment correlation technique which shows the correlation coefficient value of 0.952 (p < .001). So it can be interpreted that there is a significant positive relationship between hardiness and career adaptability of SMK "X" students in Ambarawa. The implication of this research is that having high hardiness will help students to achieve the desired career adaptability. This support stud...
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between hardiness and career adaptability at the Vocational School at Hang Tuah University, Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative approach to survey methods and uses product moment correlation. Data collection uses a hardiness scale of 15 items and a career adaptability scale of 24 items. The number of subjects in this study were 100 cadets at the Faculty of Vocational Shipping, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling technique. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between hardiness and career adaptability at the Vocational Vocational School at Hang Tuah University, Surabaya.
Hubungan antara Social Support dengan Career Adaptability pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
Buletin Riset Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (BRPKM), 2021
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara social support dengan career adaptability. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif eksplanatif dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa survei. Alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel dukungan sosial adalah Interpersonal Support Evaluation Scale – 12 (ISEL-12), dimana alat ukur tersebut berbentuk skala likert yang berisi 12 aitem dengan α = 0,820. Sedangkan alat ukur yang digunakan untuk mengukur variabel adaptabilitas karier adalah Career Adapt-Abilities Scale, dimana alat ukur tersebut berbentuk skala likert yang berisi 24 aitem dengan α = 0,926. Partisipan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 173 mahasiswa tingkat akhir dimana sedang menempuh minimal semester 8 untuk jenjang D4/S1 dan minimal semester 6 untuk jenjang D3. Teknik korelasi yang digunakan adalah teknik non-parametrik Spearman`s Rho menggunakan program IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini menunj...
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Hardiness Pada Bintara Polri Sebagai Langkah Mencapai Career Adaptability
Psikoborneo: jurnal ilmu psikologi, 2022
Kemampuan beradaptasi dengan lingkungan kerja semi-militer adalah salah satu hal yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap lulusan Bintara Polri, hal tersebut dapat terwujud dengan adanya ketahanan dalam mengatasi setiap permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Bintara Polri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empirik ada atau tidaknya hubungan antara hardiness dengan career adaptability pada lulusan Bintara Polri angkatan tahun 2019/2020 di Kalimantan Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang dirancang untuk uji korelasional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 77 orang lulusan Bintara Polri angkatan tahun 2019/2020 di Kalimantan Timur yang dipilih menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data dalam pelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur berupa skala hardiness dan skala career adaptability yang dianalisis menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson Product Moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara hardiness dengan career adaptability pada lulusan Bintara Polri angkatan tahun 2019/2020 di Kalimantan Timur dibuktikan dengan nilai r hitung = 0.398 dan p=0.000 < 0.05. Artinya, semakin tinggi hardiness yang dimiliki oleh Bintara Polri, maka semakin tinggi pula kemampuannya dalam beradaptasi dengan karir kepolisian. Career adaptability dapat meningkat karena adanya control, challenge, dan commitment yang tinggi.
Peran Dukungan dan Hambatan Kontekstual Terhadap Adaptabilitas Karier pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
A senior college student is an individual who is in a transition from college to work life. In this transition period, last-year college students need to prepare themselves to face difference role as a worker. Furthermore, the phenomenon of college students who do not always work in accordance to their majors getting more. Therefore, having high career adaptability is important skill for students. One of the important factor that can influence an individual's career choice is an external factor or can be called as a form contextual support and barrier. This research was conducted to find out the role of contextual support and barrier to career adaptability at final grade student in Jabodetabek. The study used a Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) and Contextual Support and Barriers Scale (CSB). The subjects of this study were 270 college students in Jabodetabek, which obtained from quota sampling technique in each region is represented by 30 sample. The role of contextual support and barrier to career adaptability tested by simple regression. The results showed that contextual support participated for 14.5% of career adaptability (p <0.05). Meanwhile, contextual barriers felt by final-year college student are insignificant to career adaptability. Therefore, giving support to final-year college students is an intervention that can be given to improve their career adaptability.
Happiness, Journal of Psychology and Islamic Science, 2022
Hardiness is a tough condition in oneself that is needed to overcome obstacles in oneself and also in the world of work in general, in the current condition of students there is a sense of anxiety, lack of confidence and difficulty in competing. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between hardiness and work readiness in Islamic Psychology students of IAIN Kediri class 2018. The subjects of this study were 97 students of Islamic Psychology IAIN Kediri class 2018. As for the sampling technique, the researchers used a non-probability technique, namely accidental sampling. Furthermore, for the processing of the data itself, the researcher uses the SPSS 20 for windows application by using non-parametric analysis methods with the Spearman Rho hypothesis test. Based on this research, the results obtained based on the results of the analysis of spearman rho obtained a score of 0.802 with a significance value of 0.000. This statement can be interpreted that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Then the correlation value is positive and has very strong criteria, which means that the relationship between hardiness and work readiness is 0.802 and has very strong criteria. If the student's hardiness is high, the student's work readiness will also be high and vice versa.
Pengaruh Hardiness dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Stres Akademik Mahasiswa
Psikoborneo: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
Mahasiswa dalam menjalani masa studinya cenderung rentan mengalami stress yang diakibatkan oleh tuntutan-tuntutan yang harus dipenuhi. Stres yang tidak ditangani dengan baik akan mempengaruhi kondisi psikis dan fisik mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hardiness dan dukungan sosial terhadap stres akademik mahasiswa Diploma IV kebidanan di Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu 80 mahasiswa Diploma IV menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala hardiness, skala dukungan sosial dan skala stres akademik. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan uji analisis regresi berganda dengan program Stastistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 25.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara hardiness dan dukungan sosial terhadap stres akademik mahasiswa Diploma IV kebidanan dengan nilai Kendalls Wa=0.717 dan Asymp....
Psikoborneo: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on career adaptability, determine the effect of social support on career adaptability, and determine the effect of emotional intelligence and social support on career adaptability in fresh graduates of Hang Tuah University, Surabaya. This study uses a quantitative approach to the type of causality research. Participants in this study amounted to 177 people. The sampling technique used was the non-probability sampling accidental technique. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out on the major hypothesis testing, the results show that the influence of emotional intelligence and social support variables together on career adaptability in fresh graduates of Hang Tuah University Surabaya is 62.4%. In the results of the minor hypothesis test, it was found that the effective contribution of emotional intelligence to career adaptability was 62%, the rest was influenced by variables not inc...