Distribution of the Scaled Condition Number of Single-Spiked Complex Wishart Matrices (original) (raw)
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Consider the matrix Σ<em>n</em>=<em>n</em>−1/2<em>X</em><em>n</em><em>D</em>1/2<em>n</em>+<em>P</em><em>n</em> where the matrix XninCNtimesnX_n \in \C^{N\times n}XninCNtimesn has Gaussian standard independent elements, <em>D</em><em>n</em> is a deterministic diagonal nonnegative matrix, and <em>P</em><em>n</em> is a deterministic matrix with fixed rank. Under some known conditions, the spectral measures of Σ<em>n</em>Σ∗<em>n</em> and <em>n</em>−1<em>X</em><em>n</em><em>D</em><em>n</em><em>X</em>∗<em>n</em> both converge towards a compactly supported probability measure <em>μ</em> as <em>N</em>,<em>n</em>→∞ with <em>N</em>/<em>n</em>→<em>c</em>>0. In this paper, it is proved that fini...
We continue with the study of the Hankel determinant, defined by D n (t, α) = det ∞ 0 x j+k w(x; t, α)dx n−1 j,k=0 , generated by a singularly perturbed Laguerre weight, w(x; t, α) = x α e −x e −t /x , x ∈ R + , α > 0, t > 0, and obtained through a deformation of the Laguerre weight function, w(x; 0, α) = x α e −x , x ∈ R + , α > 0, via the multiplicative factor e −t /x . An earlier investigation was made on the finite n aspect of such determinants, which appeared in Chen and Its [J. Approx. Theory 162, 270-297 (2010)]. It was found that the logarithm of the Hankel determinant has an integral representation in terms of a particular Painlevé III (P III , for short) transcendent and its t derivatives. In this paper, we show that under a double scaling, where n, the size of the Hankel matrix tends to ∞, and t tends to 0 + , the scaled-and therefore, in some sense, infinite dimensional-Hankel determinant has an integral representation in terms of a C potential. The second order non-linear ordinary differential equation satisfied by C, after a change of variables, is another P III transcendent, albeit with fewer number of parameters. Expansions of the double scaled determinant for small and large parameters are obtained. C 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.
Nuclear Physics B, 2019
Let W 1 and W 2 be independent n×n complex central Wishart matrices with m 1 and m 2 degrees of freedom respectively. This paper is concerned with the extreme eigenvalue distributions of double-Wishart matrices (W 1 + W 2) −1 W 1 , which are analogous to those of F matrices W 1 W −1 2 and those of the Jacobi unitary ensemble (JUE). Defining α 1 = m 1 − n and α 2 = m 2 − n, we derive new exact distribution formulas in terms of (α 1 + α 2)-dimensional matrix determinants, with elements involving derivatives of Legendre polynomials. This provides a convenient exact representation, while facilitating a direct large-n analysis with α 1 and α 2 fixed (i.e., under the so-called "hard-edge" scaling limit); the analysis is based on new asymptotic properties of Legendre polynomials and their relation with Bessel functions that are here established. Specifically, we present limiting formulas for the smallest and largest eigenvalue distributions as n → ∞ in terms of α 1-and α 2-dimensional determinants respectively, which agrees with expectations from known universality results involving the JUE and the Laguerre unitary ensemble (LUE). We also derive finite-n corrections for the asymptotic extreme eigenvalue distributions under hard-edge scaling, giving new insights on universality by comparing with corresponding correction terms derived recently for the LUE. Our derivations are based on elementary algebraic manipulations, differing from existing results on double-Wishart and related models which often involve Fredholm determinants, Painlevé differential equations, or hypergeometric functions of matrix arguments.
Characterizations of the distribution of the Demmel condition number of real Wishart matrices
Special Matrices, 2016
The Demmel condition number is an indicator of the matrix condition, and its properties have recently found applications in many practical problems, such as in MIMO communication systems, in the analytical prediction of level-crossing and fade duration statistics of Rayleigh channels, and in spectrum sensing for cognitive radio systems, among others. As the characterizations of a probability distribution play an important role in probability and statistics, in this paper we study the characterizations of the distribution of the Demmel condition number of real Wishart matrices by truncated first moment. Since the truncated distributions arise in practical statistics where the ability of record observations is limited to a given threshold or within a specified range, we hope that these characterizations will be quite useful for practitioners and researchers in the fields of probability, statistics, and other applied sciences, such as actuarial science, linear algebra, multivariate sta...
Distributions of Demmel and Related Condition Numbers
Consider a random matrix A ∈ C m×n (m ≥ n) containing independent complex Gaussian entries with zero mean and unit variance, and let 0 < λ 1 ≤ λ 2 ≤ · · · ≤ λn < ∞ denote the eigenvalues of A * A, where (·) * represents conjugate-transpose. This paper investigates the distribution of the random variables n j=1 λ j λ k for k = 1 and k = 2. These two variables are related to certain condition number metrics, including the so-called Demmel condition number, which have been shown to arise in a variety of applications. For both cases, we derive new exact expressions for the probability densities and establish the asymptotic behavior as the matrix dimensions grow large. In particular, it is shown that as n and m tend to infinity with their difference fixed, both densities scale on the order of n 3 . After suitable transformations, we establish exact expressions for the asymptotic densities, obtaining simple closed-form expressions in some cases. Our results generalize the work of Edelman on the Demmel condition number for the case m = n.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2015
We continue with the study of the Hankel determinant, defined by, D n (t, α) = det ∞ 0 x j+k w(x; t, α)dx n−1 j,k=0 , generated by a singularly perturbed Laguerre weight, w(x; t, α) = x α e −x e −t/x , x ∈ R + , α > 0, t > 0, obtained through a deformation of the Laguerre weight function, w(x; 0, α) = x α e −x , x ∈ R + , α > 0, via the multiplicative factor e −t/x. An earlier investigation was made on the finite n aspect of such determinants, which appeared in [20]. It was found that the logarithm of the Hankel determinant has an integral representation in terms of a particular Painlevé III(P III , for short) and its t derivatives. In this paper we show that, under a double scaling, where n , the order of the Hankel matrix tends to ∞, and t , tends to 0 + , the scaled-and therefore, in some sense, infinite dimensional-Hankel determinant, has an integral representation in terms of a C potential. The second order non-linear ode satisfied by C, after a change of variable, is another P III transcendent, albeit with fewer number of parameters. Expansions of the double scaled determinant for small and large parameter are obtained.