Platone. L'uso della paura per il governo degli umani. (original) (raw)
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The interpretation of Euripides’ Andromache can be improved by studying the role played by fear at critical points of the plot, as well as the terms employed by the playwright to express it. An atmosphere of fear pervades the play, linked with the weakness of several characters: the female ones who are enslaved (Andromache, the Servant, the women of the Chorus), Hermione and finally the attackers of Neoptolemus (who nevertheless remains untouched by fear): Euripides chooses to shape his characters showing as well their way to react to fear.
In this paper I focus on the concept of fear in Aeschylus’ Eumenides. Starting from the very beginning of the play, the reader faces an astonishing sense of fear through Pythia’s words: indeed, she cannot stand on her feet after the frightful vision of the Erinyes. It is striking how the word used by the Pythia — στάσις, which means ‘standing / position’ but also ‘division / uprising’ — to express her fear, fits within the contemporary historical and political context (458 B.C.). For after Ephialtes’ reforms and the new democratic policy of Athenian government, the political situation was extremely tense. Through the consideration and analysis of few specific passages of Eumenides together with the contemporary historical circumstances, I will argue that Aeschylus aimed: (a) to communicate — through his characters — the political fear and concerns that might be felt also by his fellow citizens towards the new (troubled) civic order; (b) to show his audience that fear of and obedience to the law was an essential feature for the good government. Errata corrige: (p. 195, n. 2) leggi 'Euripide, Elettra'.
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Metabasis. Filosofia e Comunicazione, 2017
The significance of Plato's unwritten doctrines was a much discussed problem in the last decades of the last century. Today it may be useful to return to this issue in order to investigate some aspects that have not been properly considered yet. The main point is an understanding of esotericism and its philosophical-political implications. The interpretation of the School of Tubingen underlies the assumption of a universally valid knowledge which assigns no place to esoteric knowledge in the proper sense of the term. Moreover, behind that conception of knowledge, according to which secrecy and esotericism are only a legacy from the past, it should be pointed out an uncritical assumption of the superiority of the present, of the current conception of knowledge and of the corresponding political regime.