A Review of Natalia Bichurina, Gory, yazyk i nemnogo sotsialnoy magii: opyt kriticheskoy sotsiolingvistiki [Mountains, Language аnd а Little Social Magic: аn Experience оf Critical Sociolinguistics]. St Petersburg: EUSP Press, 2021, 288 рp (original) (raw)

Book Review: Mladenović, R. (2019) Govor Severnošarplaninske Župe Sirinić [The Subdialect of the Micro-Region Sirinić in the North Shar Mountains]. Beograd: Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya – Tomsk State University Journal of Philology. 73. 334–340., 2021

The book examines the Serbian local subdialect of the hard-to-reach micro-region Sirinić in the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija of the Republic of Serbia. Based on the field material that reflects all levels of the linguistic structure, the book thoroughly studies and describes the accentology, phonetics, and morphology of the traditional subdialect of the Orthodox Serbian population that is receding into the past. The marginal position of the Sirinić subdialect in the extreme south-west of the Serbian dialect continuum in contact with the subdialects of northern North Macedonia and with the Albanian adstratum led to a unique combination of features known to neighboring Slavic dialects with local innovations. For the first time in Serbian dialectology, the internal variability of phonetic and morphological units in one single Serbian subdialect is exhaustively described within the framework of the traditional comparative historical approach. The book is addressed to experts in Slavic and Balkan linguistics, Serbian philology and dialectology, contact linguistics, Slavic and Balkan ethnolinguistics, variational linguistics, general and theoretical linguistics.

Review of Giovanna Brogi's work. Cultural polymorphism of the Ukrainian world; foreword by S. Plokhiy, afterword by O. Pakhlоvska. K.: Duh i Litera, 2022. 520 p

Vìsnik Marìupolʹsʹkogo deržavnogo unìversitetu. Serìâ: Fìlologìâ

The research “Cultural polymorphism of the Ukrainian world” (2022) by the Italian Ukrainian scholar J. Brogi was reviewed in a critical analysis. The work represents a fundamental collection of academic studies about the revision of Ukrainian history and culture of the 17th-18th centuries. The research provides an attempt at historical reconstruction of important figures of politics and culture of the Ukrainian Early Modern period, which is characterized as an immanently polymorphic phenomenon. This feature determines its special vitality and is a factor in the consolidation of internal forces, which over time led to the consolidation of Ukrainian political state intentions and identity narrative. The main interpretive vectors regarding the Ukrainian world as a civilizational category have been systematized. For the first time, it was proposed to define the category of “polymorphism” as a factor of identity, a component of socio-cultural and political processes that took place on Uk...

Critica et bibliographiaSergey TYULENEVTranslation and the Westernization of Eighteenth-Century Russia. A Social-Systemic Perspective (Transüd. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens 47.) Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2012, 272 p.Леся МУШКЕТИКСлавістичні студії в Угорщині: істо...

Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 2015

Bei der vorliegenden Arbeit Translation and the Westernization of Eighteenth-Century Russia. A Social-Systemic Perspective von Sergey Tyulenev handelt es sich um die leicht gekürzte Fassung der 2009 an der School of Translation and Interpretation der University of Ottawa verteidigten Dissertation des Autors. Einen Hinweis darauf findet man jedoch in der Druckfassung nicht. Die Arbeit setzt sich mit dem Thema der Übersetzung in Russland im 18. Jahrhundert auseinander und greift damit einen bis dato vernachlässigten Forschungsbereich auf. Während man sich im slavistischen Bereich bisher vorwiegend auf sprach-bzw. literaturwissenschaftliche Aspekte beschränkte, konzentriert sich der Autor bewusst auf Fragen der Translationssoziologie. Dazu behilft er sich mehrerer theoretischer Grundlagen, die im Verlauf des Buches stark im Vordergrund stehen. In erster Linie handelt es sich um das Werk von Niklas Luhmann, das seit geraumer Zeit in der Translationswissenschaft Anwendung findet und auf dessen Grundlage die soziale Funktion von Translation eingehender untersucht werden soll. Tyulenev geht es dann auch um "answering questions that would elucidate the nature of translation in its social implications" (S. 25). In der durchaus umfangreichen Einleitung von rund 30 Seiten hätte man sich als Leser ein wenig mehr konkrete Überlegungen gewünscht. Im ersten Kapitel (The Bronze Horseman: A Symbolic Map) wird das grundlegende Forschungsfeld dargelegt. Das 18. Jahrhundert und die damit im öffentlichen Bewusstsein verankerten Reformen Peter des Großen stellen einen idealen Untersuchungsgegenstand für die Translationswissenschaft dar. Durch die durchgeführten Reformen kam es zu einem tiefgreifenden Wandel der Gesellschaft, der sich nicht zuletzt in einem extremen Anstieg und einer damit verbundenen deutlichen Um-bzw. Aufwertung von Übersetzungen äußerte. Der Autor identifiziert für diesen Wandel sinnigerweise die bekannte Skulptur des ehernen Reiters. Die Modernisierungsvorgänge unter Peter dem Großen (die schlussendlich bereits unter seinen Vorgängern eingeleitet wurden) äußerten sich besonders in einer Übernahme westlicher Vorbilder und Strukturen. Es folgt ein Kapitel (2: Modernization as Westernization), in dem die Auswirkungen dieser Reformen beschrieben werden. Diese sind nicht nur in Übersetzungen von Büchern zu sehen, sondern eben auch im Import von Ideen und Konzepten, die sich auf die gesamte Struktur des Landes (nicht aber, wie noch zu erläutern ist, auch auf die gesamte Gesellschaft) auswirkten. In den folgenden Kapiteln 3-8 (Inside the System, Creation of Meaning, Constitution of Boundary, Metamorphosis of the System, Between Systems, In a Globalized System) werden die intra-, inter-und globalsystemischen Auswirkungen dieser Modernisierung durch Translation in ihrer theoretischen Tragweite beleuchtet. Die Arbeit wird mit einer Conclusio, einer Bibliographie und insgesamt vier Anhängen mit wesentlichen Daten


RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ABROAD: SOCIOLINGUISTIC FUNCTIONS Summary We discuss the main issues connected with the functioning of the Russian language abroad. Language is considered as a multidimensional entity, this implies a multiplicity and complementarity of its social statuses and sociolinguistic functions. The special attention is drawn to the role of the Russian language in education and its possible ability to integrate some cultural and civilizational areas.



Предлагаемое учебное пособие основано на курсе лекций по когнитивной лингвистике, которые автор с 1999 г. читает на филологическом факультете Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета. Книга ориентирована на традиционное понимание когнитивной лингвистики, принятое за рубежом (прежде всего в США и Великобритании) и отраженное в соответствующих англоязычных учебниках. Содержание пособия охватывает основные направления когнитивных исследований в языкознании, а также включает ссылки на близкие по духу работы ученых, не относящих себя к данной области. Для студентов и аспирантов филологических факультетов, а также широкого круга специалистов в гуманитарных и общественных науках, когнитологии и теории искусственного интеллекта.

The Legend of Gycia, Stanislas Sestrencewicz-Bohusz, and Catherine II (Легенда о Гикии, Станислав Сестренцевич-Богуш и Екатерина II) (in Russian)

Stratum plus, no. 4 , 2021

This article analyses the reasons which made Stanislas Sestrencewicz-Bohusz (Siestrzeńcewicz-Bohusz, also Sestrentsevich or Sestrenzewitsch, 1731—1826) to study the history of the Crimea and to write one of the first monographs on the subject, which still determines some trends in the Crimean studies. It has been shown that Sestrencewicz, the head of Catholic church in Russia, who tried to establish normal relations between the Polish elite and the Russian government after the first partition of Rzeczpospolita, composed a verse drama of the story of the relations between Chersonesus and Bosporus as described in the 53 rd chapter of De administrando imperio by Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Sestrencewicz supplied the main character of his drama, Gycia by name, with well-recognizable traits of Catherine II and put up the idea of the necessity of peaceful cooperation between the Chersonesites (Russians) and Sarmatians (Poles). It has been supposed that the ideas embodied in the drama made Catherine II and her favorite Grigorii Potemkin to order Sestrencewicz to write the history of the Crimea. After the unification of the Crimea with Russia in 1783, the writing of its history became a matter of public importance. Sestrencewicz knew ancient languages and therefore could read sources in original. His sincere pro-Russian position appeared in his interpretation of the liquidation of the khanate as the end of the Crimean history. The events in Sestrencewicz’s creative biography are uncovered against the background of the Russian state ideology and the ideas of Enlightenment about the history of the Crimea.

Dodgers and Pupils, or the contribution of Prof. Stoyko Stoykov to the study of the nature of social stratification of language in Sofia between the two World wars (in Bulgarian)

The article is dedicated to discussion of a controversial point in a publication of the renowned Bulgarian dialectologist prof. Stoyko Stoykov (1946). In it he discusses the social dialect of the male high school students from Sofia and its relationship to the peculiar hybrid of slang and argot of the “the language of tarikats” of Sofia demimonde between the two world wars. Unlike other specialists that published on the subject before him Stoykov insisted on the differences between the language of high school students and that of demimondaines. The latter were taken as example by the former only as far as verbal imitation of slang aspects was concerned, but not of argot. Appropriate justifications of his position are offered and discussed.

Горбаненко, С. А. (ред.). 2022. Магія повсякдення давніх слов’ян. Нариси. Київ: Академперіодика, 210 с. (Gorbanenko, S. (ed.). 2022. Everyday magic of the ancient Slavs. Essays)

Магія повсякдення давніх слов’ян. Нариси (Everyday magic of the ancient Slavs. Essays), 2022

The proposed essays describe some aspects of the ancient Slavs’ spiritual life. This book contains ten stories: from the analysis of solar symbolism in the life of ancient Slavs to trying to find the location of the Volos heathen temple in the Kyiv Podil. These essays will help the reader to feel the “laboratory” of studies on archeology at all stages: identification of archeological materials, use of natural sciences methods, and involvement of written and ethnographic sources. And as a consequence get the synthesis of new ideas and interesting well-grounded conclusions. For those who are interested in our history, archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, local history experts, lecturers, and students of universities.


Вестник Томского государственного университета: Филология, 2015, 3 (35), 73-92., 2015

В статье подробно рассматриваются глаголы русского языка «совать-сунуть» и их производные (словообразовательные и семантические). Автор исследует, «вычислима» ли особенная стилистика глагола «сунуть» из его семантики, в какой степени стилистические особенности этого глагола наследуются в процессе его словообразования, воспроизводится ли стилистика исходного «сунуть» при семантическом сдвиге, теряется ли, взаимодействуя с другими элементами новой конструкции. Ключевые слова: лексическая семантика, русский язык, стилистика, семантическая мотивированность, словообразование, приставки, глаголы каузации перемещения и помещения объекта.