Distribución de los cangrejos porcelánidos (Decapoda: Anomura) en la costa de Santiago de Cuba, con la adición de especies para Cuba (original) (raw)
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Biodiversity, morphometry and diet of Callinectes crabs (Decapoda: Portunidae) in Santiago de Cuba. On the basis of fishery intensity and proximity to river mouth, a total of 257 swimming Callinectes crabs were collected from March 2007 to April 2008 in eight localities. Captures were made with hanging nets, to a maximal depth of 1.5m, establishing a top time of 2 hr. The genus was widely distributed, and it is represented at least by four species: C. sapidus, C. similis, C. rathbunae and C. larvatus, the last two not included in the last list of Cuban crustaceans (Crustacea: Decapoda). The size and shape of the gonopods were very useful as taxonomical criteria, considering the prevalence of males. The most abundant species were C. sapidus (47.08%), and C. similis (30.35%). C. rathbunae, which was identified at 75% (6) of the localities, showed a better distribution, followed by C. sapidus, which appears in the 63% (5). Sex rate (R s ) by species (male:female) was 6.20 for C. rathbunae, 3.58 for C. similis, 1.40 for C. larvatus and 0.40 for C. sapidus. The most abundant species had a lower R s value. Morphometrical analysis and weight allowed us to know the average carapace width (CW) and weight (W). C. sapidus had an average CW = 110.57 mm (DS 21.55, n = 121) and W = 84.46 g (SD 43.25, n = 121); C. rathbunae a CW = 115.50 mm (DS 14.94, n = 36) and W = 140.44 g (DS 55.02, n = 36); C. larvatus a CW = 76.04 mm (DS 10.88, n = 22) and W = 31.70 g (DS 14.67, n = 22); and C. similis had the minimal parameter values, with a CW = 59.77 mm (DS 14.09, n = 78) and W = 13.80g (DS 10.00, n = 78). These are the first records of the coastal crabs in the area. All values are lower than in previous reports. The largest individuals (CW>140 mm: C. rathbunae and C. sapidus) were captured in localities with adequate environmental characteristics. The stomach content suggests nine dietary categories, mainly fishes and macroalgae. The genus Callinectes has a diversified trophic spectrum. These crabs eat the available food, but they have a preference for the most abundant items. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (3): 671-686. Epub 2009 September 30.
Distribución de cangrejos ermitaños (Anomura: Paguroidea) en el mar Caribe colombiano
Revista de Biología …, 2012
Hermit crabs represent the marine life in the Colombian Caribbean, and are important for the dynamic equilibrium maintenance in ecosystems, the ecological interactions and their impact on food web stability. Generally, in order to come up with some conservation strategies, strong bio-geographical information is needed for policies definition. With this aim, this study analyzed the distribution patterns of hermit crabs in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, through classification and spatial ordination multivariate analyses, using historical records from years 1916 to 2006. Besides, the world distribution of Colombian species and their geographic affinity in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic were identified. The results show deep differences between coastal and continental slope faunas, and latitudinal differences in the assemblages, with the identification of three groups: Northeast, Center and Southwest. The differences in faunal composition that support these three groups were determined. Based on maps of the Colombian marine ecosystems, it was found that the main factors affecting the distribution of hermit crabs were the Caribaná slope (depth), water-mass temperature, Guajira sea-grass beds, and particular conditions of "Coralline Archipelagos" and "Darién" eco-regions. Colombian hermit crab fauna is more related to the North Atlantic and the Antilles, than to the South Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, geographical sub-provinces in which Colombia is included, these were found as transition zones among Northern and Austral subprovinces of the Greater Caribbean. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (1): 233-252. Epub 2012 March 01.
Bulletin of Marine and Coastal Research, 2016
During the expedition INVEMAR-Macrofauna II, made in 2001 throughout the continental shelf and upper continental slope of the Colombian Caribbean coast, between 20 and 500 m depth, 22 species of hermit crabs distributed in one superfamily and four families, were collected. Within the superfamily Paguroidea, the family Paguridae was the most abundant and diverse with 13 species, six species belong to family Diogenidae; the Parapaguridae was represented by two species and one species of the genus Trizocheles of the family Pylochelidae represents the !rst report of this family from this coast. In addition, !ve undetermined species of the genera Paguristes, Enneobranchus, and Iridopagurus, were also collected. Based on the collected material, the bathymetric distributions reveal species aggregation in two depth ranges (20 - 150 m and 300 - 500 m). The upper strata species show a geographic distribution pattern, seemingly related to the in"uence of the Magdalena river; by contrast, ...
RESUMEN.-Los cangrejos braquiuros asociados a los manglares de las costas mexicanas han sido poco estudiados. En el presente estudio se abordaron los aspectos de distribución y biología reproductiva de algunas de las especies recolectadas entre 1997 y 2002, en la costa norte de Santa Rosalía, Mulegé, bahía Concepción, bahía de Loreto y en el complejo insular de San José y Espíritu Santo. Se identificaron 24 especies correspondientes a ocho familias. La familia Grapsidae, con seis especies, presentó la mayor frecuencia en casi todas las localidades, seguida de las familias Ocypodidae (seis especies) y Panopeidae (tres especies). Las especies más comunes fueron Goniopsis pulchra, Sesarma sulcatum, Cardisoma crassum, Callinectes arcuatus y Uca crenulata coloradensis; ésta última especie presentó la mayor frecuencia de aparición en los muestreos, incluyendo las citas de otros autores. Cardisoma crassum fue una especie muy conspicua que se observó frecuentemente en manglares bien desarrollados con sustrato fangoso. En un estudio cuantitativo y consecutivo de los cangrejos encontrados en las canastas ostrícolas del estero El Conchalito, las especies más abundantes fueron Acantholobulus mirafloresensis con un 67% del total de ejemplares recolectados, y Goetice americanus con 31%. Con respecto al ciclo reproductivo y la proporción de sexos de A. mirafloresensis, se observaron hembras ovígeras durante los meses de septiembre y octubre, y las proporciones de machos a hembras fueron de 1:2 y de 1:3 en una sola ocasión. No se encontraron hembras ovígeras de G. americanus y la proporción de machos a hembras fue muy variable en cada muestreo, desde 2:1, 1:1 a 1:4.
Temporal and spatial distribution of the crab Callinectes sapidus (Decapoda: Portunidae) in Chetumal Bay, Quintana Roo, Mexico. In order to determine temporal and spatial distribution patterns of Callinectes sapidus, samplings were carried out during the cold-front (January-February), dry (May-June) and rainy (August-September, 2002) climatic seasons, in 30 sampling stations of Chetumal Bay, grouped in sectors A (14 stations), B (eight stations) and C (eight stations). In each sampling station crabs were collected from two transects parallel to the coast, each with three traps, separated by 30 m. Sediments were calcareous coarse and medium sand, white or lightly gray. A total of 1 031 specimens were collected. CPEU (Capture Per Effort Unit) differed spatially and temporally. Highest CPEU was found in sector C with 1.3 ind•trap -1 , and in the rainy season with 1.1 ind•trap -1 . Population was predominantly composed of male individuals. The male:female ratio was 15:1. Males and adults (group II) CPEU was significant different between sectors and climatic seasons. Both males and adults (group II) had a greater CPEU in sector C (1.2 ind•trap -1 ) and in the rainy season (1.1 ind•trap -1 ). Abundance of female and juvenile individuals (group I) was low during the sampling period whereas group 0 juvenile individuals were not found. A greater relative frequency between sectors and climatic seasons were observed in 130-139 mm and 140-149 mm size interval (CW). C. sapidus occurred on sandy sediments in Chetumal Bay. Pearson product moment correlations exhibited significant relationships between CPEU and temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen. In Chetumal Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of C. sapidus can be related to salinity, temperature, habitat quality, food availability, recruitment and reproduction events of individuals. Rev. Biol. Trop. 55 (1): 235-245. Epub 2007 March. 31.
Los impactos que tiene la eliminación de los manglares sobre las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bénticos son inciertos y poco estudiados en Colombia, particularmente en la región Caribe. Este trabajo estudió el efecto de la conversión del manglar a potrero sobre la población del cangrejo azul Cardisoma guanhumi (Decapoda: Gecarcinidae) en el manglar de la bahía El Uno, golfo de Urabá (Colombia). De marzo a abril de 2012, se llevó a cabo un muestreo diario de especímenes en tres coberturas de vegetación diferentes: en el interior del manglar, en el potrero y en el borde (borde antropogénico ocasionado por la deforestación del manglar). Se comparó la distribución, abundancia, peso y tamaño corporal de especímenes de C. guanhumi y la abundancia, diámetro y bioturbación de las madrigueras. Durante Semana Santa se realizaron visitas y entrevistas a los recolectores de cangrejo azul. Se encontró un número de individuos en el interior del manglar (140) mayor que en el potrero (105) y que en el borde (35), e igualmente fue superior el peso corporal y tamaño del cefalotórax en el manglar que en las otras coberturas, las cuales no presentaron diferencias significativas entre sí. En cuanto a las madrigueras no hubo diferencias en su número y sedimentos expulsados (bioturbación) en las distintas coberturas y tampoco hubo una correlación significativa entre el diámetro de la madriguera y la bioturbación. La presión antrópica sobre la población de cangrejos durante el muestreo fue alta, debido a la temporada de caza. En conclusión, se demostró que hay un efecto borde sobre la población de C. guanhumi inducido por la conversión del bosque de manglar a potrero.
Boletin De Investigaciones Marinas Y Costeras Invemar, 2006
First record of Pilumnus pannosus Rathbun (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pilumnidae) from the Colombian Caribbean. This paper reports Pilumnus pannosus Rathbun, a member of the family Pilumnidae, for the first time from the Colombian Caribbean. This report is based on specimens collected on the continental shelf of the Guajira Peninsula, where the species was found associated with seagrass meadows of Thalassia testudinum.