VÁSQUEZ-DÁVILA (1995) Uso y manejo de recursos vegetales de Oaxaca (original) (raw)
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To design and carry out adequate forms of management in the wetlands of Tabasco, a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the most common forms of utilization of this resource zone is necessary so that comparisons with other possible options can be made. Placed in a temporal continuum from the time of the prehistoric Olmecs to the present, human groups that settled in the Tabasco’s lowlands have successfully adapted their lives to the dynamics of this geographical region where in the abundance of water is the principal characteristic of the component ecosystems. Understanding the indigenous management systems of the wetlands provide is with possible answers to the question of conserving this resource area. One of the characteristics of indigenous management is precisely a "modern" approach which consists of a sustained and multiple exploitation of the ecosystems, utilizing diverse materials, both plant and animal, that the inhabitants of this region need in order to subsist. In addition, the care that each element in the systems receives on the part of the peasant in individual, placing it within a wider cultural system, or worldview, that permits resource conservation and the regeneration of ecosystems.
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Oaxaca es considerado como el estado más rico del país en cuestión de diversidad biológica, lo que incluye al reino de los hongos que han constituido parte importante de las estrategias de subsistencia desde épocas prehispánicas (León, 1999). Con la finalidad de avanzar en la recopilación del conocimiento, uso y manejo de los hongos en Oaxaca (Cfr. Vásquez Dávila, 2003), se planteó el objetivo de realizar un estudio etnomicológico entre los ayuujk ja'ay (generalmente conocidos como mixes) de Santa María Tlahuitoltepec, Oaxaca, México.
VÁSQUEZ-DÁVILA (1995) El uso múltiple de Bursera simaruba en México
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Percepción, uso y manejo tradicional de los recursos vegetales en México
Rendón B, Caballero J, Martínez-Alfaro MA: …, 2001
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El uso de los recursos naturales en un centro de barrio de Teotihuacan: Teopancazco, 2017
This investigation contains the different types of data regarding the natural resources available for a multiethnic neighborhood center of Teotihuacan: Teopancazco. This compound was excavated extensively by Linda R. Manzanilla, from 1997 to 2005. It has functional sectors for the coordination of a Teotihuacan neighborhood. Headed by the intermediate elite of Teotihuacan, it had economic, social and symbolic ties to the Nautla region in Veracruz.