The Bulgarian Legal Framework Determining the Specificity of Pedagogical Work (original) (raw)


The current article is dedicated to the 117th anniversary of the birth of Penka Kassabova – one of the founders of the pre-school education in Bulgaria. This is a short theoretical presentation that refers to the life of the Bulgarian pedagogue in a tabular presentation of the main elements of her biography, publication activity and educational attitude. The article deals generally with kindergarten educators and students on pedagogical subjects, studying "History of Education" and "Pre-school Pedagogy". Revising Penka Kassabova’s educational views and pedagogical understandings will help Bulgarian students to get aware and advance with basic and pre-school educational matters.

Aspect of Inclusive Educational Process in Kindergarten in Bulgaria

International scientific journal "Internauka"

Inclusive education has been constituted in Bulgaria with the introduction of the Law on Preschool and School Education and the relevant bylaws. This put an end to the integrative educational approach. In the period after it, the focus in education is the child, who is accepted as a person with a wide range of characteristics, not assessed as good and bad but as different. It is placed in the center of the system to be supported by it. Educational approaches, management and organization of processes, subjects, community are the changing environment in the direction of meeting the needs of the child. This is accomplished successfully, if teacher-parent trust is established. It is a prerequisite for the prevention of children dropping out of kindergarten and school afterwards. The existing mechanisms in Bulgaria for dropping out prevention as processes may have indicators of effectiveness. Such one is the number of children enrolled in kindergartens. The research draws conclusions abo...

Bilingual and multicultural education in Russian kindergartens

Intercultural Education, 2015

The article gives brief summary of author's probation period in Hamburg (Germany) during which he investigated inclusive education for people with special educational needs. Targeted group subject to research included children with sight problems who go to kindergartens both in Germany and Yakutia for many decades. The author uses not only scientific materials of German and Russian scientists in pedagogics but his empirical observations which were made by him during research probation period while visiting kindergartens. While visiting Hamburg kindergartens the author noticed poor educational activity in kindergartens, mainly their work was concentrated on upbringing and supervision functions. Today proper choice of inclusive kindergarten is obligatory condition of successful socialization of children with health problems. Inclusion of a child into society must take place in the first educational institution-kindergarten. In this case children will go to school and enter the university as quite prepared young men and universities will not spend their resources for their adaptation as it occurs today in some Russian universities.

The Need for Legal Education of Children in Bulgaria

The necessity of changing the framework of the educational profile and the curriculum of the students is emphasized. The positive role and influence of law studying, as an appropriately presented training model, is emphasized.The need to study in the reforming national educational system of our country the main international, community and national normative acts related to the rights of children, parents and family, as well as the daily meeting of students with the norms of behavior in society of the current legal framework. An attempt has been made to defend the idea of including a legal education module in the national educational framework for early childhood. Abstract-The necessity of changing the framework of the educational profile and the curriculum of the students is emphasized. The positive role and influence of law studying, as an appropriately presented training model, is emphasized.The need to study in the reforming national educational system of our country the main international, community and national normative acts related to the rights of children, parents and family, as well as the daily meeting of students with the norms of behavior in society of the current legal framework. An attempt has been made to defend the idea of including a legal education module in the national educational framework for early childhood.

Analysis of pre-school teachers training in HEI Belarus and Italian multicultural setting Selection and peer review under responsibility of Assoc

In a globalised world, the school class is the mirror of a changing society. This research aims to identify the readiness of students of the specialty 'Pre-school education' in Belarus and students of the LM Science of Education in Italy to work in a multicultural environment. Comparative analysis of social land in Italy and Belarus, confrontation of curricula and higher education programmes from the standpoint of the tasks of forming linguistic, communicative, ethnocultural and multicultural competencies, and obtained results from the diagnostics of the culture of interethnic interaction allowed us to identify the possibilities of creative extrapolation of the existing positive experience in the national educational systems. The research materials can be used to improve the theory and practice of multicultural education, and the quality of preparation of pedagogical personnel of preschool profile for work in a heterogeneous educational environment.

Re-visioning multiculturalism and bilingual instruction in Bulgarian schools

P. Petkov, & S. Boycheva, (eds.), Sprache der Kultur und Kultur der Sprache. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. sc. Ana Dimova. (pp. 332-340). Veliko Tarnovo: Faber, 2012

Educators across the world are asking “What does teaching and learning for an equitable and democratic society look like? What are the obstacles that must be overcome to achieve democratic education?” The present paper is in that spirit, and that of Jim Cummins (2001:2): “… when students’ language, culture and experiences are ignored or excluded in classroom interactions, students are immediately starting from a disadvantage. Everything they have learned about life and the world up to this point is being dismissed as irrelevant to school learning.” I look at aspects of a key question in Bulgarian public education: rethinking and restructuring multicultural education through new experiments with bilingual education for pupils whose home language is not Bulgarian. This means attention in the main to the literacy needs (and language rights) of ethnic speakers of Turkish and Romani, seeing them as “emergent bilinguals” (Menken 2011: 121). I argue that the time is ripe for a paradigm shift in language policy in the Bulgarian schools, also rethinking multicultural education for identity-building and mutual tolerance

Analysis of pre-school teachers training in HEI Belarus and Italian multicultural setting

New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences , 2020

In a globalised world, the school class is the mirror of a changing society. This research aims to identify the readiness of students of the specialty 'Pre-school education' in Belarus and students of the LM Science of Education in Italy to work in a multicultural environment. Comparative analysis of social land in Italy and Belarus, confrontation of curricula and higher education programmes from the standpoint of the tasks of forming linguistic, communicative, ethnocultural and multicultural competencies, and obtained results from the diagnostics of the culture of interethnic interaction allowed us to identify the possibilities of creative extrapolation of the existing positive experience in the national educational systems. The research materials can be used to improve the theory and practice of multicultural education, and the quality of preparation of pedagogical personnel of preschool profile for work in a heterogeneous educational environment.


Paper wants to point out the present topic of intercultural education as items that were already resolved by the time of the first philosophically constructed considerations. The authors aim is to outline the significance or less solved the issue solved questions on the basis of the current challenges of the Ministry of Education. In addition to basic research project areas as challenges, outline the increased demands on teachers and the possibility of teaching strategies and provisions related to the implementation of multicultural education at primary school. Abstrakt Příspěvek chce poukázat na současnost tématu interkulturního vzdělávání jako jevu, který byl společností řešen již v době prvních filozoficky konstruovaných úvah. Cílem autorek je nastínit významnost řešených či méně řešených otázek dané problematiky na podkladě aktuální výzvy MŠMT ČR. Kromě základních oblastí výzkumného záměru dle výzvy, nastiňují zvýšení nároků na učitele a možnosti a rezervy výukových strategií souvisejících s realizací multikulturní výchovy na primární škole. Klíčová slova: interkulturní vzdělávání, primární škola, učitel primární školy, vyučovací proces, vyučovací metody 1 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AS A CURRENT PROBLEM Multiculturalism, as the meeting of different cultures, accompanied humanity throughout its existence. Coexistence of people with different cultures, languages and religions is recorded in historical works of philosophers, thinkers and travelers. In the writings can discover many multicultural references from conventional descriptions of differences to the actual consequences of cultural differences. Moving on from the global scale of the European continent, its historical context, we can say that even Europe is its wide complex of mutually influencing cultures and ethnicities no exception. The current situation, however multicultural closely related to the phenomenon of globalization and the global state of the economy. In the Czech Republic has the issue of multiculturalism become current again until after 1989. Opening the borders and regained freedom fundamentally transformed the demographic picture of the population and restore Czech multicultural environment. Conversion to a culturally pluralistic country finally completed entry into the European Union. The current situation in society is a reflection of the political, demographic, economic and social changes that were the result of world events. The Czech Republic was affected by a number of reforms which are primarily used to update and improve the education system. Changes in school curriculum should contribute to the development of the human individual and complex company culture. One means of achieving the objectives of the curriculum