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Paper, 2024
Статья посвящена виду кругоресничных инфузорий Pyxicola socialis (Gruber, 1879), который впервые отмечен в микроперифитоне и планктоне крымского прибрежья Чёрного моря. Приводится уточнённый диагноз вида, анализируются его распространение и экологические особенности. Показано, что P. socialis-эвригалинный вид, встречающийся при солёности от 0,1 до 35,0 ‰, однако приуроченный к эстуариям. Находка единичного экземпляра вида в планктоне Севастопольской бухты, вероятно, случайна. Вид отмечен в Тихом океане, а также Северном, Белом, Балтийском, Азовском и Чёрном морях. Также обсуждаются вопросы номенклатуры вида. На основании таких признаков, как наличие выростов дна лорики, уплощённое, а не округлое дно лорики, отсутствие эндостила, вид Cothurnia corrugata Davis, 1879, считавшийся младшим синонимом P. socialis, исключён из списка синонимов и перемещён в состав рода Pyxicola как Pyxicola corrugata (Davis, 1879) comb. n.
До 70% площади континентов сложено докембрийской корой. Ее сжатие завершилось 0.5 млрд лет назад или раньше, а плиоценчетвертичные поднятия составили от 100–200 м до 1000–1500 м. Что бы обеспечить такие поднятия в отсутствие сжатия, требуется значительное понижение плотности в литосферном слое. Это понижение можно связать с замещением астеносферой нижней части ман тийной литосферы либо с разуплотнением на внутрикоровых уровнях в результате повторного ме таморфизма. Как показывают расчеты, понижение плотности на глубинах 150–250 км под докем брийскими кратонами может привести лишь к небольшим поднятиям с амплитудой до 100 м. По этому новейшие поднятия должны быть вызваны разуплотнением на более высоких уровнях в коре. Это требует поступления в нее большого количества мантийного флюида, сопоставимого по объему с новообразованным рельефом.
This article deals with preventive issues relating to the timeliness and completeness of the preconception care. Identified the low level and later prevention with folic acidi to pregnant women, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of absence the vitaminoprofilaktiki. Installed a statistically significant correlation of congenital malformations in the fetus with taking folic acidi.
Challenges of Science, 2018
The article discusses cryptographic algorithms based on elliptic curves over finite fields. It is shown that elliptic curves allow us to construct examples of finite abelian groups for cryptographic purposes. By evaluating the field, you can easily increase the cipher strength. A variant of the software implementation of this approach is considered. A software-implemented protocol can encrypt messages, generate a digital signature, and after transmitting the message, decrypt them on the recipient's side. The evaluation of the cryptographic strength of the described protocol was made.
Палеогеографические условия формирования Черноозерской гривы изучены по данным геоархеологических работ, включающих археологические изыскания, инструментальную съемку местности, геоморфологическое профилирование, изучение разреза отложений, гранулометрический и геохимический анализы, радиоуглеродное и ОСЛ-датирование. Накопление отложений Черноозерской гривы происходило на рубеже сартанского позднеледниковья — раннего голоцена в холодных климатических условиях, в процессе эолового переноса в перигляциальных ландшафтах. Установлен субаэральный генезис осадков гривы, низкая степень их химического выветривания, которая несколько увеличилась в раннем голоцене. Обнаруженный в отложениях гривы памятник палеолитической культуры связан с лессовидными породами, формировавшимися в относительно теплый климатический период, однако степень выветривания осадков сохранялась на уровне от низкой до умеренной.
Евстигнеев О.И., Горнова М.В. Ельники высокотравные – климаксные сообщества на низинных болотах Брянского полесья // Russian Journal of Ecosystem Ecology. – 2017. – Vol. 2 (3). P. 1-23., 2017
Nettle grey alder forests are a dominant forest type on lowland swamp in the Bryansk Polesie. It is formed as a result of repeated cuttings instead of tall herb spruce forests. Tall herb spruce forests are very rare communities in the vegeta-tion cover in this area due to clear cutting, melioration and peat extraction. An assessment of the succession status of tall herb spruce forests and nettle grey al-der forests was carried out in this paper. The criteria of climax state and succes-sion state of communities, developed for Eastern European forests, were used. These criteria are based on the degree of intensity of the following signs in the community: 1) the completeness of species composition of tree synusia; 2) the ontogenetic structure of cenopopulation of tree species; 3) the gap-mosaic stand structure; 4) the diversity of microsites in soil cover; 5) the completeness of spe-cies composition and ecological-coenotic diversity of vascular species. We showed that tall herb spruce forest, as opposed to black alder forest, is close to communities of the climax type. This is evidenced by the following fea-tures of cenosis: firstly, all tree species in the area that covers the Bryansk Polesye and that are able to grow on lowland swamps are represented in the spruce forest (Alnus glutinosa, Betula pubescens, Fraxinus excelsior, Padus avium, Picea abies, Salix pentandra, Sorbus aucuparia, Ulmus glabra). Secondly, a steady turnover of generations is carried out in the cenopopulations of main edif-icators (Picea abies and Alnus glutinosa). This is evidenced by the complete and left-sided structure of their ontogenetic spectrum. Thirdly, a system of asynchro-nously developing gaps (parcels), which are formed on the site of old tree falls, is formed in the community. This ensures the continuous renewal of spruce and al-der populations and creates conditions for the regeneration of other tree species. Fourthly, the structure of biogenic microsites has been formed in the soil cover: fallen logs, treefall pits and mounds, sedge tussocks, tree hummocks and sub-strate composed of the surface tree roots. These microsites determine the stable existence of species of contrasting ecological-cenotic species groups (from water-marsh and nitrophilous groups to wet-meadow, nemoral and boreal groups) in the community. Finally, thanks to the well-developed treefall gap structure and system of microsites, the parameters of the species and ecology-cenotic diversity of tall herb spruce forests are maximal among all forest types in the lowland swamp of the Bryansk Polesie. All this suggests that tall herb spruce forests are the climax (final) stage in the development of black alder forests in lowland swamps within the areas of Picea abies and Alnus glutinosa. We showed that the derivative nettle black alder forest, in contrast to the tall herb spruce forest, is in the first stages of restoration. This is indicated by the following signs: firstly, in the black alder forests, not all species of trees that can grow on the lowland swamps of the Bryansk Polesie are present. This is often due to the fact that seed sources (generative trees) are absent in the immediate surroundings. Secondly, there is no normal turnover of generations in the ceno-populations of all tree species. Third, a treefall gap structure (parcel mosaic) is not formed in the communities, which is necessary for the stable turnover of gen-erations in tree populations. Fourth, the system of biogenic microsite is not de-veloped in the soil cover. Because of this, the composition of the ground cover is limited mainly by plant species of the water-marsh and the nitrophilous groups that are tolerant to the swampy substrate. Fifthly, black alder is distinguished by relatively low indicators of species richness and ecological-coenotic diversity. This is due to the undeveloped mosaic of parcels and microsites. It should be emphasised that the low age of felling (60–70 years) is the main reason for the "eternal" succession young of black alder forests. Felling does not allow the community to reach the final stages of succession with the maximum structural, species and ecological-cenotic diversity.
Хирургия позвоночника 3-2014, 2014
To perform quantitative assessment of intraoperative blood loss volume and severity during stages of idiopathic scoliosis surgical correction. Material and Methods. Data of intraoperative blood loss during stages of surgical correction of idiopathic scoliosis were analyzed in 1241 operated patients. Multi-stage surgical interventions were performed in 581 (46.8 %) patients, posterior fusion-in 660 (53.2 %), and multilevel corrective vertebrectomy-in 72 (12.4 %) patients. Two methods of general anesthesia were used: TIVA with propofol, fentanyl, tracrium, and with inhaled sevoflurane, fentanyl, and tracrium. Volumes of intraoperative blood loss were assessed at main stages of surgery. Results. Total intraoperative blood loss during multistage surgical treatment with segmental hook instrumentation was 967.4 ± 43.6 ml, and with hybrid instrumentation-1135.9 ± 139.5 ml. Blood loss during posterior only fusion procedure was 865.5 ± 40.1 ml with segmental hook instrumentation, and 1049.9 ± 75.5 ml with hybrid instrumentation. Multilevel vertebrectomy was associated with maximum intraoperative blood loss of 1242.9 ± 121.8 ml. Conclusion. Intraoperative blood loss during surgical correction of idiopathic scoliosis varies considerably and averages from 20.0 to 40.0 % of the circulatory blood volume. The duration of surgical intervention is the main proved factor influencing the volume of blood loss.