New Vision of 'Social Europe': Renationalising the Integration Process in the Internal Market of the European Union (original) (raw)

European Union migration policy: Current problems and prospects for analysis

Cuestiones Políticas, 2023

The aim of this study was to examine the migration policy of the European Union EU and to identify its strengths and problems requiring improvement. In order to achieve the objectives, set, international standards, EU legislation, the analysis of EU statistical data and the study of scientific opinions on the problem have been analyzed. It is concluded that the main areas of EU migration policy are the following: the principle of human rights and freedoms; political equality and mutual assistance of the member states of the union; border protection and prevention of illegal migration; integration and inclusion of migrants in the social phenomena of the receiving country; management of migration processes and migration management; negotiation and cooperation policies with third countries; ensuring “circular migration”; active participation of the labor force, particularly highly skilled workers; active participation of migrants in the labor market and of their families, which is a key factor for the success of migration. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la política migratoria de la Unión europea UE e identificar sus puntos fuertes y los problemas que requieren mejoras. Para alcanzar los objetivos fijados se han analizado las normas internacionales, la legislación de la UE, el análisis de los datos estadísticos de la Unión Europea y el estudio de las opiniones científicas sobre la problemática. Se concluye que los principales ámbitos de la política migratoria de la UE son los siguientes: el principio de los derechos humanos y las libertades; la igualdad política y la asistencia mutua de los Estados miembros de la unión; la protección de las fronteras y la prevención de la migración ilegal; la integración y la inclusión de los migrantes en los fenómenos sociales del país receptor; la gestión de los procesos migratorios y la gestión de la migración; las políticas de negociación y cooperación con terceros países; la garantía de la “migración circular”; la participación activa de la mano de obra, en particular, de los trabajadores altamente cualificados; la participación activa de los migrantes en el mercado laboral y de sus familias, que es un factor clave para el éxito de la migración.

International legal aspects of migration in the EU

Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021

Migration policy is an independent direction of public policy, which is closely related to its other components, both domestic and foreign policy. It is an element of population policy and, at the same time, as one of the means of projecting the desired population and labor force - part of socio-economic policy, a tool to achieve its goals. Migration policy, on the one hand, is aimed at planning the movement of the population, and on the other - performs the functions of control over it, is a reaction of the state to the spontaneous movement of people. The purpose of the article is to determine the basics of migration policy of the European Union, problematic aspects in migration policy and mechanisms for its improvement. The methodological basis of the work is represented by a set of methodological approaches, a set of philosophical, general scientific and private-scientific methods, which allowed to ensure the reliability and validity of the research results. The main purpose of t...


Migration case that exists as of human history and demostrate continuity has been revealed itself in different dimentions as a result of the globalization process affecting the whole world. EU countries has become one of the center of attraction in this increasing migration movement with line of economic and security elements. According to recent researches EU has aproximately 2 million immigrants. Furthermore the number of immigrants is expected to increase further as a consequence of globalization, economic and demographic factos, wars, climate change and politic trouble. Because of that migration policy of EU, has become an increasingly important feature of the Union's relations with third countries. At this point migrants, who are out of the EU's control can be seen as a problem that needs to take precaution on the other hand a solution for ageing EU population. One of the most important negative impact can be that immigrants have been observe to cause problems for EU countries integration and alienation. Especially for years the illegal and unskilled immigrants problems lead the EU to take precaution against unwanted immigration instead of creating new policies. .Inspite of enterprise and discussion for years, a real migration policy hasn't execute by EU leadars. In this study, the future of EU migration policy will be assessed and EU's common migration policy development efforts will be examined by considering the couses of migrants to the EU countries.

The Crisis of Free Movement in the European Union


The European Union is in crisis, and a major part of this is the increasing political backlash against the free mobility of persons. Probably the most dramatic symptom of this is Brexit, which could result in the stripping of rights or, in some scenarios, even physical expulsion of millions of people, whether Britons living in other EU countries, or EU citizens presently living in Britain. While the vote outcome apparently took policy makers by surprise, it represents a trend to redefine the status of intra-EU migrants in ways which clarify that EU citizenship is not equivalent to citizenship in the host country of residence. Unresolved contradictions between supernationally regulated free mobility and national sovereignty have come to the fore, precipitating political crisis. This is a serious obstacle for the European project, and one which is fundamentally embedded in the design of the European integration. As a social engineering project driven by "spill-over," European integration incentivizes elites to cooperate transnationally, but leaves large portions of national civil society outside this élite consensus. The consequence is that free movement of persons is stuck in a fragmented and variegated regulatory mode in which the social rights of mobile persons are precarious and dependent on market contingencies.

A Study of EU's Migration Governing Policy

GRFDT Research Monograph Series, 2020

Migration studies is an interdisciplinary field that draws on sociology, anthropology, history, economics, law and post-colonial studies. The numerous causes of migration ranging from socio-political, economic to ecological nature, has enriched the discipline further. As the discipline is evolving, new debates are entering into the picture. One such debate is the lack of focus of political theory on the ‘migration’, which is directly related to its singular focus on state, citizens and stateless society. Even though various political philosophers have faced migration, such as Hannah Arendt, F.Nietzsche Theodor Adorno; yet the field is still far from being developed holistically. The political theory restriction in terms of stepping up statelessness resulted in its diversion from one of the most intriguing and mainstream issues of Politics and International Relations in 21st century- Migration.

Free Movement of Workers: Migration in the European Union

Revista Juridica

Objective: This article is intended for studies and research on the free movement of workers within the European Union, the purpose of which is to provide a critical analysis of not only its current foundations, but also to provide contributions to demonstrate that the migratory flow of workers is fundamental for maintaining the integration of the respective economic bloc. Methodology: The methodology used in the studies and research carried out is the critical-reflexive one, which operates through a bibliographic review and the analysis

Shaping Europe’s migration policy

ERA Forum, 2002

151 Shaping Europe's Migration Policy noch bestehende Probleme -etwa bezC~glich der Kontrolle der Europ~iischen Staatsanwaltschaft -interessengerecht gel6st werden. Die Schaffung einer Europ~iischen Staatsanwaltschaft w~re dann ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung eines echten gemeinsamen Raums der Freiheit, der Sicherheit und des Rechts. 9

The European Migration System and the Development of the EU External Migration Policy: A Critical Review

in V. Gutsche, R. Nate (eds) Cultural Identities in Europe. Nations and Regions, Migration and Minorities, Eichstätter Europastudien, Bd. 4, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 89-103 (ISBN: 978-3-8260-5287-3), 2014

This article aims at sketching the evolution of the European migration system and the development of the external dimension of the European migration policy in light of the European Union (EU) enlargement processes. It does so by means of policy analysis as well as the direct experience of the author in exploring the European migration scenario and its transformations over the last ten years. Both the internal and external components of the EU migration policymaking are briefly assessed in light of the multimodal character of migration flows, which the Eastward enlargement contributed to spark significantly in recent times. Asymmetries in policy convergence and the lack of a coherent migration policy towards the EU neighbourhood are also explained in view of the lack of a thorough discussion on the European borders as well as the overarching difficulty in shaping a common European sense of belonging. Lastly, a right-based approach aimed at a fair and comprehensive migration policy will be advocated.

Free-Movement Rights of Third Country Nationals in the EU Internal Market

Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics

(EC) 2003/86 on the right to family reunification [2003] OJ L 251/12 (Family Reunification Directive). 7 Council Directive (EC) 2004/114 on the conditions of admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of studies, pupil exchange, unremunerated training or voluntary service [2004] OJ L 375/12 (Students' Directive). 8 Council Directive (EC) 2005/71 on a specific procedure for admitting third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research [2005] OJ L 289/15 (Researchers' Directive). 9 Directive (EC) 2009/50 on the conditions of entry and residence of non-EU nationals for the purposes of highly qualified employment [2009] OJ L 155/17 (EU Blue-Card Directive). 10 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union [2012] OJ C 326/02 (Charter). 11 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as amended by Protocols No 11 and No 14 [1950] European Treaty Series No 5. 12 Justice and Home Affairs Council Conclusions, Common Basic Principles of Immigrant Integration Policy in the European Union 15; Moritz Jesse, 'Missing in action: Effective protection for third-country nationals from discrimination under Community Law' in Elspeth Guild, Kees Groenendijk, Sergio Carrera (eds), Iliberal liberal States: immigration, citizenship and integration in the EU (Farnham: Ashgate 2009) 187.