Ligh- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry of somatotropes in the anterior pituitary gland of European ferret, Mustela putorius furo (original) (raw)
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Journal of Biosciences, 1997
Employing the superimposition technique of electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry ultrastructural heterogeneity of the mammotropes in the pituitary gland of the European ferret,Mustela putorius furo,was studied. On the basis of the size of their secretory granules, the mammotropes were classified into three subtypes, type-I, type-II and type-Ill, which may correspond to different developmental or physiological states of a single cell type. Simultaneous study of mammotropes and somatotropes in several pairs of serial semithin sections demonstrated the occasional occurrence of bihormonal somatomammotropes /mammosomatotropes which may represent a transitional stage of the progenitor stem-somatotrope during its differentiation into mammotrope; alternatively it may be a functional intermediate during the cross-transformation of somatotrope into mammotrope or vice versa.
Endocrinology & metabolic syndrome, 2016
The immunocytochemical and the ultrastructure identification of the pituitary gland of many species of herbivorous mammals were few in Egypt and may be in the world, so the present study is carried out on some herbivorous mammals such as Oryctolagus cunniculus in order to elucidate the similarities and the differences of the pituitary cells in rabbits and some mammals of the world and those of Egypt. The results indicate that, the gland is pyramidal in shape and its apex is long, directed posterior and its base interiorly directed. The acidophilic and the basophilic cells distributed heterogeneous in the body of the gland. The identification of the cells based on specific morphological characterizes, staining reaction and immnuocytochemistry. (STH) Somatotropin: Numerous, the nucleus is central, irregular or lobed with chromatin granules. The secretary granules are very enormous and more denser. Luteotropic Hormone (LTH): The nucleus is eccentrically near the plasma membrane, the mitochondria are spherical or elongated. Rough ER is poor and the granules are light and mostly collected at the periphery of some cells. (ACTH) Adrenocorticotropic: These cells are found singly, round with eccentric nucleus. Secretary granules are small and spherical shaped, while the (TSH) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: with very small secretary granules but the (FSH and LH) Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone: are found singly, angular in shape with eccentric nucleus and the secretary granules are spherical or ovoid in shaped and exhibit variation in electron density than STH cells. We can differentiate between them by immune reactivity.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 1985
The indirect immunofluorescence procedure was used to localize prolactin (PRL)- and somatotrophin (STH)- producing cells in the pituitary distal lobe from Hyla arborea adult specimens. The following mammalian antisera were employed: rabbit anti-ovine PRL, antibovine PRL, anti-human PRL, anti-rat PRL, anti-ovine STH, anti-bovine STH, anti-human STH; monkey anti-rat STH. Immunocytochemical staining was suppressed by solid phase absorption of both anti-PRL and anti-STH with the specific antigen. Absorption of anti-PRL with STH and of anti-STH with PRL did not appreciably affect immunocytochemical staining. Treatment with the two antisera revealed two different reactive cell types, both acidophils. Using PRL antisera a strong fluorescence was found in the large acidophils located chiefly in the rostro-central and ventral areas of the distal lobe sagittal sections. A somewhat weaker fluorescence was observed using STH antisera in the fewer, small acidophils mostly concentrated in the dorso-caudal region and only sparsely scattered in the other areas of the pars distalis. Strikingly, the overall pattern of localization shown by the two cell types is similar to their already known distribution in the pituitary distal lobe of some other species of urodele and anuran amphibians.
Cells Tissues Organs, 2006
Somatotrophs were identified and quantified in pituitary pars distalis of male viscachas (Lagostomus maximus maximus) during the annual reproductive cycle, after the administration of melatonin, after castration and in different growth stages by immunohistochemistry and morphometric analysis. In adult male viscachas, the somatotrophs were distributed throughout the pars distalis during the reproductive cycle. They were oval, pyramidal or round in shape with a large round nucleus. The percentage immunopositive area, the major cellular diameter and the number of cells decreased during the gonadal regression period in relation to the values found in the reproductive period. The administration of melatonin did not provoke any variations of the morphometric parameters studied. On the contrary, a significant decrease in the percentage immunopositive area, in the major cellular diameter and in the number of somatotrophs in castrated viscachas was observed. The study of different growth sta...
Independent differentiation of mammotropes and somatotropes in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 2006
It has been reported that mammotropes in a rodent pituitary gland are derived from somatotropes via somatomammotropes (SMTs), cells that produce both growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (Prl). However, no studies have been done on the transdifferentiation of somatotropes in the chicken pituitary gland. In this study, in order to determine the origin of mammotropes, we studied detail property of appearance of chicken somatotropes, mammotropes and pit-1 cells and then evaluated the existence of SMTs in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that GH-immunopositive (GH-ip) cells appeared on embryonic day (E) 14 and were mainly distributed in the caudal lobe, while Prl-immunopositive (Prl-ip) cells appeared in the cephalic lobe of the pituitary gland on E16. In situ hybridization (ISH) and RT-PCR analysis showed that expression of GH and Prl mRNA starts at E12 in the caudal lobe and at E14 in the cephalic lobe respectively. Pit-1 mRNA was first detected on E5 by RT-PCR, and pit-1 mRNA-expressing cells were found in the cephalic lobe on E8. Then with the ontogeny of the chicken, these cells spread into both lobes. Using a double staining method with ISH and immunohistochemistry, we could not detect the existence of SMTs in the chicken embryonic pituitary gland even in the marginal region of either lobe. These results suggest that chicken somatotropes and mammotropes independently appear in different lobes of pituitary gland and that transdifferentiation from somatotropes to mammotropes is not the central route for differentiation of mammotropes in the embryonic chicken pituitary gland.
Cell Fractionation of Anterior Pituitary Glands from Beef and Pig
The Journal of Cell Biology, 1959
Fresh anterior pituitary glands from beef and pig were separated by differential centrifugation into subcellular fractions. Nuclei and debris were obtained at 700 g for 15 minutes, secretory granules at 7000 g for 20 minutes, mitochondria at 34,000 g for 15 minutes, and microsomes at 78,000 g for 3 hours. Electron micrographs were taken of the individual fractions. Each fraction was analyzed for nitrogen, pentosenucleic acid (PNA), and phospholipide. Beef and pig anterior lobes were quite similar in their intracellular composition as seen in the subcellular fractions. Succinic dehydrogenase was localized in mitochondria, while alkaline phosphatase was concentrated in the microsomes. A proteinase with pH optimum at 8.2 was exclusively localized. in microsomal and supernatant fractions. Acid phosphatase, acid ribonuclease, and acid proteinase were distributed among the subcellular fractions in another pattern, indicating the presence of a particle type distinct from mitochondria and m...
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 1997
Changes in the male chicken somatotroph during growth and maturation have been examined by morphometric and immunocytochemical (ICC) analysis of serial sections of the anterior pituitary gland and by flow cytometry of dispersed anterior pituitary cells. ICC showed that somatotrophs are confined to the middle and caudal thirds of the anterior pituitary gland at all ages from 5 to 26 weeks. At a given age somatotrophs are of equal size at all positions along the cephalocaudal axis of the anterior pituitary gland. However, there are age-related changes: from 5 to 11 weeks rises occur in both the mean total somatotroph volume per gland (64%) and the mean number of somatotrophs (78%), while the mean volume of the single somatotroph is unchanged. From 11 to 18 weeks the mean volume of the single somatotroph decreases 41%. From 18 to 26 weeks the mean volume of the somatotroph, the mean total somatotroph volume, and the mean number per gland do not change. Flow cytometry studies suggested that somatotrophs from adults have less growth hormone (GH) than somatotrophs from young birds. The increases in total somato-troph volume and number from 5 to 11 weeks are consistent with the rise in anterior pituitary GH reported previously. Basic quantitative morphological information about age-related changes in somatotrophs is reported here. When combined with additional facts from future work, they may explain the well-documented sharp decline in circulating GH from 5 to 11 weeks. 1997
Pfl�gers Archiv - European Journal of Physiology, 2004
The existence of bihormonal anterior pituitary (AP) cells co-storing growth hormone and either prolactin (mammosomatotrope) or gonadotropins (somatogonadotrope) has been described. These cells have been proposed to be involved in ''paradoxical'' secretion [secretion of an AP hormone induced by a non-related hypothalamic releasing factor (HRH) and transdifferentiation (a phenotypic switch between different cell types without cell division]. Here we combine calcium imaging (to assess HRH responsiveness) and multiple sequential immunoassay of the six AP hormones to perform a single-cell phenotypic study of multifunctional somatotropes, mammotropes and gonadotropes in the normal male and female mouse pituitaries. AP cell phenotypes differed from the classic view, showing multiple HRH-receptor expression and/or hormone storage. Mammosomatotropes represented only 5-6% of somatotropes and were poorly responsive to HRHs, suggesting that their contribution to paradoxical secretion should be very limited. Somatogonadotropes were present only in females and contained adrenocorticotropic hormone. They responded to growth hormonereleasing hormone but failed to respond to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (LHRH). Other polyhormonal cells identified include (1) gonadocorticotropes, restricted to females, where they make up more than 50% of all the gonadotropes and contain other AP hormones; (2) gonadomammotropes, which are present preferentially in female cells and respond to LHRH; and (3) gonadothyrotropes, which are present similarly in male and female pituitaries.
Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry of growth hormone cells in the goldfish pituitary gland
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 1983
The immunocytological activity of an antiserum to carp growth hormone was studied on the goldfish pituitary gland, using a peroxidase-antiperoxidase ultrastructural technique. The reaction was specific for secretory granules in cells in the proximal pars distalis categorized as growth hormone cells on the basis of ultrastructural characteristics. The results support the specificity of the antiserum for growth hormone and provide firm identification ofthe growth hormone cells in goldfish.
Immunogold identification of the somatotrophs of domestic fowl of different ages
Cell and Tissue Research, 1988
The somatotrophs of the pituitary gland of the male domestic fowl were identified by means of an immunoelectron-microscopic method based on gold as the electronopaque label and an antibody to growth hormone. Gold particles indicating sites of growth hormone were restricted to cells in which virtually all of the granules were labelled. Little, if any, gold label was found outside the granules in these cells designated as somatotrophs, or at sites outside these cells. The size of these gold-labelled secretory granules presumed to contain growth hormone decreased with age, from a mean sectional diameter of 256+6.2 nm (SEM) at 4-6 weeks to 221 _+ 5.7 nm at 11-18 weeks and 205 _+ 8.6 nm at 24-30 weeks of age. On the basis of these values for mean sectional diameters the change between the first two periods represents a decrease in granule volume of about 36%. However, during the same period the growth hormone concentration of the granules increased. Accordingly, growth hormone content per granule changed little if at all. In contrast, from 11 18 weeks to 24-30 weeks of age there was a decrease of 31% in growth hormone content per granule. These data indicate that growth hormone packaging in the chicken somatotroph changes with age. The first change results in the production of smaller granules of higher growth hormone concentration. During this period growth hormone content per granule remains relatively constant. The later change results in the production of granules of lower growth hormone content than that of younger animals.