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Microfinance and Its Impact on Women Empowerment in India
Indian journal of applied research, 2016
This study based on the women empowerment through microfinance. In India, there is a male dominated society and the women always depend on the male and their participation in different economic activities is very low as compared to male. But now this time to change the mentality and to support the women empowerment. In India, women empowerment is one of very important issue and the microfinance helps to women empowerment. In India, Microfinance described as a Self Help Group (SHGs) it is a effective mechanism for providing financial services to the “Unreached Poor”, and also in promoting theirself help capacities leading to their empowerment. Rapid progress in SHG formation has now moved into an empowerment among women across the country. This paper attempt to find out the impact on women empowerment through microfinance and how, women increase the availability in the society. The result of this research paper is to promoting women empowerment in India through microfinance and to ...
Microfinance as a Tool of Socio Economic Empowerment of Rural Women
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Micro finance has become a tool of empowering the underprivileged people in the society. It plays a prominent role in the developing countries of Asia. These countries are having lots of success stories where the poor and backward people could manage to have sustainable source of revenue for themselves through microfinance. It is observed that in maximum cases women are plying a vital role in the use of micro finance through the self help groups (SHGs). This paper tries to see the impact of micro finance on the rural women of Assam-a state which is very near to Bangladesh, the country where microfinance has got tremendous response from the women folk. Through the research it was tried to see the impact of microfinance from the socio economic perspective of the North East India. The paper is based on primary data collected from the women respondents of rural area who have experience of working with the SHGs. The paper concluded that the micro finance has contributed to the empowerment of women in rural Assam and hence micro finance has a great future in this part of India.
Women Empowerment through Microfinance Specially in Rural Area
The present study evaluates the, impact and sustainability of group-based Microfinance programmed, primarily focusing on rural women households in the backward regions. In India, usually microfinance organization are women oriented and most of their activities are concentrated towards saving and credit activities (apart from other activities focusing on women's empowerment, health and educational attainment ,etc). This paper analyses the concept of women’s empowerment and outlines empowerment strategies through small micro finance organization and playing important role in helping the women who are in distress in family. The economic empowerment approach has relied on improving women's control over economic resources and strengthening women's economic security. Regional Bank has provided one example of organizing women around savings and credit, income generation, and skill training activities. For fulfilled the objective of the study has been to examine the effects of microfinance policy environment on trends and patterns of institutional credit delivery to the development
Microfinance plays a vital role for gender equality and empowering women. In India, Government has bought a number of development project but most of them have ignored the women. Microfinance plays a vital role for the elevation of poverty and for the empowerment of women. Women are the most decisive component of the society and are playing a vital role in the socioeconomic framework of Rajasthan. Microfinance Program like SHG does motivate small amount of saving among the members. The present work is done to study the empowerment of women through Microfinance. The survey was conducted in Alwar district of Rajasthan on around 50 respondents, covering a sample of beneficiaries.
A Literature Review on Role of Microfinance Institutions in Women Empowerment
Microfinance institutions play a crucial role in the economic and social development of the society particularly the females of the India. Microfinance institutions provides financial assets to satisfy the needs of the individuals of India which further results in the social growth as well as empowerment additionally, in a nation particularly females empowerment. Not merely this, microfinance institutions are extremely substantial in empowering females by offering them economic and social freedom because of the accessibility of financial resources at the end of theirs. There's no doubt that the economic and social development of the nation cuts down on the gap in between the wealthy and also the poor which eventually helps the very poor segment of the culture. Yet another merit of microfinance institutions will be the sustainable development of a nation which certainly results into societal economic growth as well as females’ empowerment of the nation. This particular paper prov...
Women are characterized by lack of education and access of resources and they have been the helpless section of the society especially in the backward and rural areas of India. Before 1990's credit schemes for rural women were almost negligible. The concept of women's credit was almost negligible. The concept of women's credit was born on the insistence by women oriented studies that highlighted the discrimination and struggle of women in having the access of credit. These days Microfinance is an emerging tool for the overall upliftment of rural women. The empowerment approach is the most recent and is aimed at empowering women through greater self-reliance and internal strength. Since women empowerment is the key to socioeconomic progress of the community; bringing women it mainstream of national development has been a major concern of government. Microfinance is necessary to overcome exploitation, create confidence for economic self reliable of the rural poor women. The article focuses on the contributionsmade by Self-Help Groups in support of rural women and in expanding their businesses.
Microfinance & Women’s Empowerment: A Historical Review
Vol. 1, pp 37-52, 2013
Mobile No+919647674809 Abstract: Indian population is one sixth of the world's population but surprisingly the largest portion of the Indian wealth belongs to only 10% of people. So, a significant number of Indians are under poverty line specially women and children. It is evident why they make that significant chunk of world population suffering from malnutrition. Getting education and knowing their rights are far-fetched dreams. Due to some man-made formalities, they are unable to enjoy many of the financial benefits from financial institutions especially from banks. In this connection, Government of India has focused more on micro finance for past few years. Microfinance is a type of banking service that is provided to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who would otherwise have no other means of gaining financial services. It is emerging as a powerful tool for poverty alleviation in India. On the basis of past data and reviews the researchers attempted to know whether microfinance really empowered the weaker section of Indian society. The findings showed that the literacy rate, per-capita income, gross domestic savings, life expectancy and infant mortality rate is improving continuously and microfinance is one of the factors for this improvement.
Microfinance: A Tool for Women Empowerment in India
Microfinance is now a proven strategy for reaching poor women. It has actually served as a tool for empowering women especially in India. It is the provision of a broad range of financial services such as deposits, loans, payment services, money transfers and insurance to poor & low-income households and micro enterprises. Microfinance sector in India has grown manifolds from its inception. All over the world also women has become more empowered with the availability of small loans called micro credit. The Microcredit Summit Campaign reports that 14.2 million of the world's poorest women now have access to financial services-accounting for nearly 74% of the 19.3 million poorest served by microfinance. Yet women in Eastern Europe and the Near East lag far behind their sisters in the rest of the world, with 54% and 27% of services respectively. And throughout the industry there is still a schism between larger individual loans, which are more often for men, and smaller group loans, which predominately serve women. Further, microfinance institutions often lack women in governance, management and operations, meaning that women's voices and perspectives are not always incorporated into the design and implementation of products and services. But in India there have been many studies being done that states that here in our country the women have still achieved the status of being empowered by the help of such financial tool. This present study will look into the same aspect. The paper emphasis on how microfinance has proved to be a useful tool in empowering rural women in India. It also focuses on why the women should be a prospective client to be targeted for microfinance and how it is impacting.
A Study on Women Empowerment Through Microfinance in North India
In India, a woman faces several discrimination like they were not allowed to own property, they did not have a share in the property of their parents, they had no voting rights, and they had no freedom to choose their work or job. The traditional Indian mentality assumes that the place of women is mainly concentrated to the household activities like kitchen work and upbringing of the children. Women make up half of the Indian population but their participation in various activities is not the same as men today. There is systematic discrimination against women economically, socially, politically and culturally and therefore empowerment of women is the only panacea to this problem. Women empowerment is a process of acquiring, providing, bestowing the resources and the means or enabling the access to a control over such means and resources. The present study measures the impact of microfinance on women empowerment in five districts of North India. A sample of 166 respondents has been t...
In India, women have been the helpless section of the society & constitute a sizeable segment of poverty struck population. Women in India are characterized by lack of education and access of resources both of which are required to help them work their way out of poverty and for upward economic and social mobility. Microfinance is emerging as a powerful instrument for poverty alleviation in the new economy. Microfinance is dominated by Self Help Groups (SHGs)-Bank Linkage Programmed as a cost effective Mechanism for providing financial services to the "unreached poor". Since women empowerment is the key to socioeconomic progress of the community; bringing women it mainstream of national development has been a major concern of government. Economic empowerment results in women's ability to influence or make decisions, energized self confidence, better status and role in household, etc. Microfinance is necessary to overcome exploitation, create confidence for economic self reliable of the rural poor. This study makes the valuable contributions by providing a base to the Microfinance institutions and SHGs for strengthening and expanding their support to rural poor women.