The Place of Conflicts, Revolutions and Wars in the Evolution of the Concept of Human Rights (original) (raw)

From individual to collective rights, to the rights of mankind : the historical evolution of the subject of human rights


A glance at history shows that the progressive development of human rights has been considerably conditioned by the evolution of social relations, and the forms in which these relations were institutionalized. It was not in abstract that newly recognised human rights came to be defined, but in the context of the modern state and that of an industrial and technological civilization; in the context of the bitter experience of two World Wars and the social and political evolution after 1945. This evolution has been characterized by a process of decolonialisation, by a growing sense of solidarity among mankind, and by a widespread awareness of the delicate ecological balance of our one and only Earth which is limited in its natural resources. The remarkable thing about the evolution of human rights is that it appears to have followed in a given direction. In fact, we notice the widening of the concept of human rights which had originated in the eighteenth century. Throughout the whole d...

Historical Perspective of Human Rights: An Analysis

Ijaresm, 2022

After the world war second in 1945 a new world order came into being, putting respect for human rights alongside peace, security and development as the primary objectives of the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed in 1948, provided a frame work for a series of international human right conventions. The main objective of the study is to investigate and analysis the historical development of human rights. For conducting of this study data was collected from several articles, books, related documents and internet regarding human rights as a quality paper.

Development of the Human Rights Concept


In the article the evolution of human rights both as a moral and legal concept is traced. The authors give an overview of historical changes in the social context and the emergence of different ideas on the human individual, human personality, equality, unity as well as on human community and society as a whole. Different approaches to law and legal institutions are explored and sources of legal standards and institutions on human rights are explained.

Vasilevich N., Jääskeläinen, K., Development of the Human Rights Concept

Development of the Human Rights Concept

In the article the evolution of human rights both as a moral and legal concept is traced. The authors give an overview of historical changes in the social context and the emergence of different ideas on the human individual, human personality, equality, unity as well as on human community and society as a whole. Different approaches to law and legal institutions are explored and sources of legal standards and institutions on human rights are explained.

Evolution of Human Rights from Ancient Times till 20 th Century

The belief that everyone, by virtue of her or his humanity, is entitled to certain human rights is fairly new. Its roots, however, lie in earlier tradition and documents of many cultures; it took the catalyst of World War II to propel human rights onto the global stage and into the global conscience. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed in 1948, provided a framework for a series of international human right conventions. Human Rights involve both rights and obligations. State shoulder responsibilities and duties under International law to respect, to protect and to fulfilled human rights. The main aim of the study is to explore the historical development of Human Rights and analyze the various instruments. The data for this study was collected from several articles, books and related documents regarding Human Rights.

A Chronological Study of Human Rights

The rights to which an individual is entitled by virtue of his status as a human being are called human rights. These rights constitute the very source of all rights of human beings.The scope of these rights is very wide. They set the standards for the provision and expansion of civil, political and socioeconomic rights. Even when the ordinary rights are reinterpreted in the light of human rights, they enter the ever-expanding domain of human welfare. In every age the voice of protest has been heardand the human liberation has been glimpsed. In modern times this vision of human liberation has been developed into the concept of human rights. In the above perspective the present article gives chronological evolution of human rights.


Human rights are moral principles or norms, that describe certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected aslegal rights in municipal and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being," and which are "inherent in all human beings" regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. They are applicable everywhere and at every time in the sense of being universal, and they are egalitarian in the sense of being the same for everyone. They require empathy and the rule of law and impose an obligation on persons to respect the human rights of others. Yet, we often are debating on the issues of the existence of these rights. The society has reduced its standard and has lowered down in underestimating the existence of fellow humans. the article analyses the emergence and the existence of human rights being bestowed on humans by the virtue of their existence.

Human Rights: Historical Retrospection & Conceptual Foundations

IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013

As human civilization grew, a need arose to develop certain institutions & organizations, the most important & latest of which was the state itself. Primarily this institution was concerned with administration of Justice & defence. Now for this administration of justice & defence, the state needed to empower certain people so as to legitimize their work. However more often than not the power conferred came to be abused proving the dictum right that power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely. The State instead of being a protector became an oppressor. The dominating philosophy of Positive Law furthered the dictatorship, which came to be practiced by the regimes like the Nazi in Germany. Such regimes thriving on the philosophy that law is what is made, irrespective of its goodness or badness & completely ignoring the concept of what law "ought" to be, made things worse for the ruled. In this way self-styled autocratic rules came to be formed & promulgated, not for the benefit of the governed but the vested interests of the governing. The failure of these machinations led people to look for an alternative but found no options & started to look to heavens for help & this led to the revival of Natural Law Philosophy. As per this philosophy the Natural law being the supreme law wants every positive law to be subservient to the Cosmic order. Rousseau, a Naturalist in his treatise On the Social Contract in 1762, had observed & very rightly so, "The man is born free but everywhere he is in chains" The Natural law philosophy aimed at preservation of peace & establishment of order solely by relying on morals, ethics & reasoning. This was an immediate cure to the tyrannical enactments & draconian laws of the autocrats. But even the Natural Law failed as well beyond a certain point. The chief argument about its insufficiency was that it was an abstract idea & at times favored the ruler & at times the ruled. As a result a need was felt to have some other device to rescue the abuse & misuse of power by the state. The development gave birth to what we call Human Rights Jurisprudence. The Human Rights Jurisprudence has helped the establishment of legal regimes at the International, National as well as State levels. The need necessitated mankind to make endeavors in this direction so that the sacred humanness is preserved & protected much to the stability of world order.


From the earliest existence of the Human Species on the earth concept of human rights as it is known today or the idea of human rights as a right that accrued to all Human Being is not known.