Relations and Persons in Women's History: A Masterly Work on Sibling Relationships by Feminist Historian Leonore Davidoff: On Thicker Than Water: Siblings and Their Relations, 1780-1920 (original) (raw)
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Öz: Amerikalı feminist tarihçi Joan Wallach Scott kadın deneyimlerine yer vermeyen ideolojik, kısmi ve çarpık tarihi aşan yeni bir tarihyazımının geliştirilmesini ister. Bu doğrultuda Scott, toplumsal yapıdaki ayrışma ve hiyerarşi kategorilerinden biri olarak ele alınan toplumsal cinsiyet kategorisinin, sınıf, ırk, etnik köken gibi diğer hiyerarşi kategorilerini de kapsayacak şekilde yeniden tanımlanmasını önerir. Tarihi, zamansız olma iddiasındaki düşünceleri sorgulamamızı sağlayan ve böylece değişim hakkında düşünme imkânının yolunu açan bir disiplin olarak gören Scott, bu görüşünü özgürleştirici ancak sabit olmayan eleştirel tarih projesi olarak adlandırır. Söz konusu proje, Foucault'nun şimdinin tarihi dediği soykütüksel yaklaşıma karşılık gelir. Doğruluğundan şüphe edilmeyen doğal ya da verili olduğu kabul edilen kavram ve kategorilerin soruşturulmasını içeren soykütüksel yaklaşımda tarihsel soruşturmaya şimdiden başlanır. Şimdiden geçmişe belirli bir kırılmaya ya da dönüşüme ulaşıncaya kadar gidilir ve ardından yakalanan kırılma ya da dönüşümün izi takip edilerek şimdiye gelinir. Böylece, insanın kendisini tanımasını sağlayacak olayların, diğer bir ifadeyle insanın düşündüğü, dile getirdiği, yaptığı şeylerle kendisini bir özne olarak nasıl kurduğuna ilişkin olayların tarihsel bir soruşturmadan geçirilmesi mümkün olur. Bu kapsamda makale, feminist tarihyazımında farklılığın birtakım amaçlara hizmet eden belirli bir tarihsel temsil olarak görülmesinde, Foucault'nun soykütük düşüncesinin yerini anlama amacına yöneliktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Feminist Tarihyazımı, Scott, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Foucault, Soykütüksel Yaklaşım. Abstract: The American feminist historian Joan Wallach Scott desires to develop a new historiography which transcends ideological, partial and distorted history that does not include the experiences of women. In this context, Scott suggests and proposes that a redefinition of the gender category, which is considered to be one of the categories of segregation and hierarchy in the social structure, to include the other hierarchy categories such as classes, races and ethnicities. Scott who considers history as a discipline that allows us to question thoughts that claim to be timeless and thus paves the way for thinking about change and she names this view of her a liberating yet unstable critical history project. The project in question corresponds to the genealogical approach that Foucault calls the present history. In the genealogical approach, which involves the investigation of concepts and categories considered to be natural or ascribed without suspicion, historical investigation is to begin from the present. A journey is made back from the present to the past until a certain break or transformation is attained and hence the present is reached by following the trace of the captured break or transformation. And thus, it will be possible to undergo a historical investigation of the events that will enable the human to know herself, in other words, the events about how a person builds herself as a subject with his thoughts, expressions and deeds. As such, the article aims at comprehending the standing point of Foucault’s thought of genealogy in the feminist historiography, in observing the difference as a certain historical performance that serves some purpose. Keywords: Feminist Historiography, Scott, Gender, Foucault, Genealogical Approach
There have been some changes in the status of women from the first ages of history to the present. Considering our geography, one of the arguments put forth is that in the Ottoman Empire, which lived on this territory for centuries, the women did not take place in education system. However, women were accepted as the actor of the change with modernization followed by the Ottoman Empire. With Ottoman modernization, particularly after the Second Constitution, the education rights of women were authorized. The Ottoman women gained her place in the education system even as teachers. The aim of this study, formed with descriptive method, is to dwell on the women’s education and women’s education rights in the Ottoman education system after the 19th century. Within this context, firstly some general information about the status of women in the Classical Ottoman Age and after the 19th century will be given. Then, the education system and the development of the education system will be evaluated by putting women into the center. The main focus point of this text, the rights of women in education system and the educational constitutions of women will be presented with examples in the last section of this study.
Historical Fiction In Pat Barker's Silence Of The Girls
This study deals with the literary comparison of two important works based on historical fiction. In Silence of the Girls by the British novelist Pat Barker, who gained fame based on her genuine war experiences, the stories of the unnarrated women and children in the Iliad epic are included in a realistically and lively, disrupting the epic structure. By opposing Romanticism in her work, she made use of intertextuality with a realistic approach and touched upon the things left behind by the war, such as rape, slavery, death, tears, destruction, and the struggle for survival. She developed a new historical fiction with a different perspective to the fictions in the Iliad. With descriptions of collecting and bringing together the destroyed and shattered life stories, she depicted them with a fiction that is in stark contrast to mythology and epic heroism written with a male gaze and writing perspective. In this study, Silence of the Girls, which tells the background of the war experiences, will be analysed within the framework of Barker's form and method of creating historical fiction. In this direction, the related study suggests that the author did not apply the rules of historical fiction while writing her work.