Ocean tides in the nearby of the Iberian Peninsula. Part I: M2 Iberia Map.-- Part II: S2 Iberia map (original) (raw)

A general discusion about the normalization of gravimeters in the Iberian Gravity Tide Profile

Instituto de Astronomía y Geodesia (IAG-CSIC-UCM) eBooks, 1986

A general discussion about the nonaalization of «ravimeters in the Iberian «ravity tide profile. Proceedings of the Tenth Internabonal Syapoaiu. on Earth's Tides, pp. 165-176. Absfract: The interpretation of gravity tide observations ia conditioned by reasons vith different origins; the instruaental problems, the theoric hypothesea aas_ed, the peculiar characteristics of the «eographic zones vhere the observations have been aade, the OVD station conditions, the influence of phenomena relationed vith the observable, as the oeean tide or the a tmosphera effects, ect., are c í rcuast.ances to be studied closely if ve vant to get the geodetic and geophysical infonaation that these cbscrva t í cns have. In the Symposia at Bonn and Nev York as in several articles published, ve have dealed vith some of these problems; in this paper,• ve expose soee considerabons about precision and ca Lí.brat í on of the gravillleters used in the so called Iberiam Netvork of Gravity Tides Stations, and about the lIIodeldet er-aí nat.Lon of the fundamental station at Valle de los Caídos as vello

Studies of Tides and Instrumental Performance of Three Gravimeters at Cueva de los Verdes(Lanzarote, Spain)

journal of the geodetic society of japan, 2001

Data from continuous observations with three Lacoste & Romberg gravity meters at station Cueva de los Verdes (Lanzarote, Canary Islands) are analysed. The tidal analysis shows, in general, a good agreement between the three meters. Correction frorn load and attraction effects permits to obtain better results when regional and local ocean models are considered, together with global ocean charts. The air pressure effect on two gravimeters exhibit important instrumental discrepancies.

Comunicaciones presentadas en el X Symposium Internacional de Mareas Terrestres, Madrid, 1985


A «eneral discussion about the noraalization of «raviaeters in the Iberian gravity tide profile R. VIEIRA; J.M. TORROJA and C. TORO vith 1 figures and 7 tables Vieira, R.; Torroja, J.M. &: 'roro, C.; 1985: A general discussion about the nonaalization of «ravimeters in the Iberian «ravity tide profile. Proceedings of the Tenth Internabonal Syapoaiu. on Earth's Tides, pp. 165-176. Absfract: The interpretation of gravity tide observations ia conditioned by reasons vith different origins; the instruaental problems, the theoric hypothesea aas_ed, the peculiar characteristics of the «eographic zones vhere the observations have been aade, the OVD station conditions, the influence of phenomena relationed vith the observable, as the oeean tide or the a tmosphera effects, ect., are c í rcuast.ances to be studied closely if ve vant to get the geodetic and geophysical infonaation that these cbscrva t í cns have. In the Symposia at Bonn and Nev York as in several articles published, ve have dealed vith some of these problems; in this paper,• ve expose soee considerabons about precision and ca Lí.brat í on of the gravillleters used in the so called Iberiam Netvork of Gravity Tides Stations, and about the lIIodeldet er-aí nat.Lon of the fundamental station at Valle de los Caídos as vello

Structural and oceanic effects in the gravimetric tides observations in Lanzarote (Canary Islands)

Instituto de Astronomía y Geodesia (IAG-CSIC-UCM) eBooks, 1989

Since 1987, and as part of the research project that the I.A.G. is carrying out in the Canary Islands, records are obtained of gravimetric and ocean tides, pressure, temperature, etc. on the island of Lanzarote. The structural and geodynamic features of the island make our observations especially interesting because they may help to further research of the possible correlations of responses to tidal forces and other parameters such as crust structure and thickness, geothermic anomalies, etc. In this paper, we present the results obtained until now and a preliminary appraisal is given of these results in view of various previous hypotheses. 1.

Verifying the body tide at the Canary Islands using tidal gravimetry observations

Journal of Geodynamics, 2011

Gravity tide records from El Hierro, Tenerife and Lanzarote Islands (Canarian Archipelago) have been analyzed and compared to the theoretical body tide model (DDW) of Dehant el al. (1999). The use of more stringent criterion of tidal analysis using VAV program allowed us to reduce the error bars by a factor of two of the gravimetric factors at Tenerife and Lanzarote compared with previous published values. Also, the calibration values have been revisited at those sites. Precise ocean tide loading (OTL) corrections based on up-to-date global ocean models and improved regional ocean model have been obtained for the main tidal harmonics O 1 , K 1 , M 2 , S 2 . We also point out the importance of using the most accurate coastline definition for OTL calculations in the Canaries. The remaining observational errors depend on the accuracy of the calibration of the gravimeters and/or on the length of the observed data series. Finally, the comparison of the tidal observations with the theoretical body tide models has been done with an accuracy level of 0.1% at El Hierro, 0.4% at Tenerife and 0.5% at Lanzarote.

A new compilation of gravity data over the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding areas


The aim of this work is the compilation of available gravity data over the Iberian Peninsula following strict quality control procedures to improve the spatial resolution compared to previous compilations and its publication on the Internet to ensure its public availability. Until the Inspire directive provides a European standard for the gravity databases, it is used the structure of the Bureau Gravimetric International (BGI) gravity database as a template. Additionally, the importance of establishing a common database standard is discussed because, on one hand, it will allow the users to assess the quality of the gravity data together with its limitations regarding the analysis and interpretation of the gravity anomalies and, on the other hand, it will facilitate the incorporation of new data into the database. Finally, a study of the spatial resolution of the data and the appropriated grid spacing for the whole Peninsula is presented.

A New gravimetric geoid in the Iberian Peninsula

A new high precision gravimetric determination of the geoid of the Iberian Peninsula has been made, using the following data types: a) a global geopotential model, namely the OSU91A spherical harmonic coefficients set, b) a set of 186813 point free air gravity anomalies covering the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding regions, including recent new data, and c) a 1000x1000 meters digital terrain model for Spain and the ETOPO5U for the rest of the area. The method used for the computations was the Stokes' integral in convolution form. The input data were gridded gravity anomalies. To evaluate the integral, the Fast Fourier Transform and Fast Hartley Transform techniques were applied. Discrete spectra of the kernel function is used. 100 % zero padding was appended around the signal matrix to avoid circular convolution effects. The terrain correction was applied to the data and the corresponding indirect effect was taken into account. The geoid computed has been compared to geoid undu...