Electrical signature of modern and ancient tectonic processes in the crust of the Atlas mountains of Morocco (original) (raw)

Deep resistivity cross section of the intraplate Atlas Mountains (NW Africa): New evidence of anomalous mantle and related Quaternary volcanism

Tectonics, 2011

1] The Atlas Mountains are characterized by high elevations and Quaternary volcanism. Long period magnetotelluric data acquired along a NNW-SSE transect reveal the presence of a conductive anomalous mantle below the High Atlas. Data dimensionality analyses show a preferent N80°E strike of the deep resistivity structure in agreement with the induction vector alignment at long periods. Accordingly, a 2D inversion of the data set was carried out. Large resistive bodies at the crustal basement most likely correspond to batholiths emplaced in more conductive metapelites. They are covered by outcropping conductive sedimentary detritic and carbonate rocks. Lithospheric thinning producing anomalous mantle and basin development in the Atlas probably started during Triassic-Jurassic rifting. Inversion tectonics since the Oligocene produced low shortening on previous lithospheric weak zones, with thrusting of the Atlas above the stable African plate. Melting at the top of the anomalous mantle is connected with Quaternary basaltic volcanism in the Middle Atlas. Citation: Anahnah, F., et al. (2011), Deep resistivity cross section of the intraplate Atlas Mountains (NW Africa): New evidence of anomalous mantle and related Quaternary volcanism, Tectonics, 30, TC5014,

Electrical resistivity structure of the eastern Moroccan Atlas System and its Tectonic implications


Im marokkanischen Atlas-System wurde der elektrische Widerstand der Kruste und des oberen Mantels mit magnetotellurischen und erdmagnetischen Tiefen-Sondierungen erkundet. Die Feldmessungen wurden in den Jahren 1983 und 1988 im östlichen Marokko entlang einer Traverse vom Anti Atlas bis in das Rif durchgeführt. In den einzelnen strukturellen Einheiten wurden in unterschiedlichen Krustentiefen Schichten sehr kleiner elektrischer Widerstände entdeckt, die direkt mit der tektonischen Entwicklung des Atlasgebirges verknüpft zu sein scheinen. Zwischen dem Südrand des Hohen Atlas und dem Mittleren Atlas im Norden erstreckt sich eine Zone sehr kleiner Widerstände (integrierte Leitfähigkeit etwa 2000 Siemens) in mittleren Krustentiefen. Diese Schicht scheint einen Bereich krustaler Ablösung zu kennzeichnen und kann als Basis einer weitspannigen Überschiebung angenommen werden. Diese Form der »thick- & thin-skinned« Tektonik scheint wesentlich am Prozess der Gebirgsbildung im Atlas beteiligt zu sein. Im westlichen Mittleren Atlas, im Bereich des jungen Vulkanismus, wurde eine gutleitende Zone in der oberen Kruste (Tiefe < 10 km) gefunden. Diese Beobachtung legt einen direkten Zusammenhang zwischen erhöhter elektrischer Leitfähigkeit und vulkanischen bzw. postvulkanischen Ereignissen nahe. Nördlich des Mittleren Atlas ändern sich die Widerstandsstrukturen sehr stark: Im Prä- und teilweise auch noch im Sub-Rif liegt eine sehr gut leitende Deckschicht (integrierte Leitfähigkeit etwa 6000 Siemens) über einem hochohmigen Basement. In der Kruste des Rif werden keine weiteren, tieferliegenden Schichten erhöhter Leitfähigkeit gefunden, wie sie z.B. unter dem Hohen Atlas vorliegen. Dagegen gibt es Hinweise auf Zonen hoher Leitfähigkeit im oberen Mantel. The electrical resistivity structure of the crust and upper mantle of the Atlas Mountain System was studied using magnetotelluric and geomagnetic deep soundings. Field experiments were done in eastern Morocco along a traverse from the Anti Atlas to the Rides Rifaines in two campaigns in 1983 and 1988. Zones of very low electrical resistivity could be identified in the various structural settings at different depth ranges, most likely connected directly to the tectonic evolution of the mountain belts. A mid-crustal low resistivity layer with total conductance (thickness-resistivity ratio) of about 2000 Siemens stretches from the southern border of the High Atlas towards the Middle Atlas. This layer seems to characterize the base of crustal detachment, e.g., the plane for large horizontal overthrusting, and supports the idea of thick- and thin-skinned tectonics involved in Atlasic mountain building. In the western Middle Atlas an upper-crustal low resistivity layer (at depth < 10 km) was found in the area where volcanic activity was present, pointing towards a direct relation between low electrical resistivity and volcanic or postvolcanic events. North of the Middle Atlas resistivity structures change totally: The Pre and parts of the Sub-Rif have a highly conductive cover, presumably connected to the molasse basin. Total conductance was calculated to reach 6000 Siemens. No further conductive structures, like, e.g., the ones found beneath the High and Middle Atlas, are seen within the resistive crust, but at much greater depth within the upper mantle. Dans l'Atlas marocain la résistivité électrique de la croûte et du manteau supérieur a été étudiée à l'aide des sondages magnétotelluriques et géomagnétiques. Ces travaux ont été effectués le long d'une traverse menant de l'Anti-Atlas jusqu'au Rif durant les années 1983 et 1988. Dans différentes profondeurs de la croûte terrestre des zones de résistances électriques très basses ont pu être découvertes ce qui peut être attribué à l'évolution tectonique de l'Atlas. Une couche de résistances très basses (conductance vers 2000 Siemens) s'étend entre le bord au sud du Haut Atlas et l'Atlas Moyen au nord. Cette couche peut être le signe d'un détachement de l'écorce et d'une poussée très vaste. Cette forme tectonique »thick- & thin-skinned« semble être essentiellement responsable du processus de la formation orogénique de l'Atlas. Une zone de bonne conductance se trouve dans la croûte terrestre supérieure (profondeur < 10 km) dans l'ouest de l'Atlas Moyen aux environs de l'activité volcanique caractérisant une relation directe entre une haute conductance électrique et des événements volcaniques et post-volcaniques. Vers le nord de l'Atlas Moyen les structures de résistance subissent un changement total: Au Pré- et partiellement aussi au Subrif se trouve une bonne couche guide (conductance vers 6000 Siemens). Aucune autre couche de conductance supérieure — comme au-dessous du Haut Atlas — n'a été découverte dans la croûte du Rif. On en décèle, par contre, dans le manteau supérieur. В Атласе с помощью маг нитотеллурических определений и глубин ного электрозондиро вания провели измерения эл ектрического сопрот ивления коры и верхней мантии в 1983 и 1988 годах в восточном Мар окко вдоль траверзы Анти-Атласа до рифа. В о тдельных структурны х элементах на различн ой глубине коры установили очень неб ольшое электрическо е сопротивление, котор ое, кажется, связано непосредственно с те ктоническим развити ем гор Атласа. Между южны м краем высокогорног о Атласа и среднего Атл аса в северной части простирается з она очень небольших сопротивлений на средней глубине ко ры (интегрированная проводимость пример но 2000 Si). Этот слой, кажется, опи сывает отрезок рассл аивания этой коры и его можно с читать базисом обширного на двига. Эта форма текто ники, именуемая »thick- & -thin-skinned«, как кажется, играет значи тельную роль при обра зовании хребтов Атласа. В запа дной части среднего Атласа, в рег ионах позднего вулка низма в верхней части коры (г лубина менее 10 км) установлена зона х орошей проводимости. Это наблюдение говор ит о прямой зависимос ти между повышенной эле ктропроводимостью и вулканическими, или п ост-вулканическими процессами. Севернее среднего Атласа отме чено значительное измене ние значений сопроти вления: в регионе до-рифа и, час тично, в таковом суб-рифа найд ен над фундаментом хорошо проводящий сл ой покрова, проявляющ ий высокое сопротивлен ие: интегрированная проводимость около 6000 Si. В коре рифа большие участки с повышенной проводимостью в глубоко залегающих с лоях не обнаруживают ся. Зато получены данные о наличие зон высокой проводимост и в верхней мантии.

Crustal resistivity structure of the southwestern transect of the Rif Cordillera (Morocco)

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2011

1] A NE-SW magnetotelluric 110 km-long profile including 18 sites was acquired across the western Rif Cordillera along the Eurasian-African plate boundary, allowing to constrain its poorly known deep structure. It extends from the Internal Zones, close to the Alboran coast, crossing the External Zones and up to the Gharb foreland basin. The periods recorded range from 0.001 s to 1000 s. The combination of magnetotelluric data with available geological data provides new insight regarding the relationship between deep and shallow crustal structures of the Rif Cordillera. Analyses of structural dimensionality suggest a preferential NW-SE direction, and a 2D joint inversion was performed. A 3D inversion extending the 2D model along the strike confirmed the reliability of this approach. The magnetotelluric model shows a heterogeneous upper crust in agreement with the geological structures observed at surface. The Internal Zones correspond to resistive (metamorphic rocks) and conductive (peridotites) bodies, while the External Zones and the foreland basin are characterized by large conductive bodies of variable thickness. A crustal detachment level separating shallow geological units from a probable variscan basement was inferred. At depth, the most relevant feature consists of large resistive bodies with a shallow irregular top, located below the frontal part of the Rif. The outcrops of exotic metapelitic, granitic and gneissic blocks in the frontal part of the Cordillera suggest that these large resistive bodies may correspond to a gneissic or granitic basement surrounded by metapelitic rocks. Late contractive thrust and diapiric processes were responsible for their uplift and shallow emplacement. The Rif constitutes an active southwestward vergent orogenic wedge, oblique to the present-day NW-SE convergent Eurasian-African plate boundary.

Contribution to a geodynamic reconstruction of the Anti-Atlas (Morocco) during Pan-African times with the emphasis on inversion tectonics and metallogenic activity at the Precambrian–Cambrian transition

Precambrian Research, 2005

New geochronological analyses (U-Pb SIMS zircon ages) have yielded ages of 552 ± 5 Ma for the Bou Madine rhyolitic dome (Ougnat, eastern Anti-Atlas), 543 ± 9 Ma for the Tachkakacht rhyolitic dyke (Saghro-Imiter, eastern Anti-Atlas), and 531 ± 5 Ma for the Aghbar trachytic sill (Bou Azzer, central Anti-Atlas). Inherited zircon cores from the Aghbar trachytic sill and from the Bou Madine rhyolitic dome have been shown to be of Statherian age (ca. 1600-1800 Ma) and Palaeoproterozoic (>2100 Ma) age, respectively, suggesting that a significantly older protolith underlies the Pan-African rocks in the Central and Eastern Anti-Atlas. Granodiorites and rhyolites from the Saghro-Imiter area have similar low 87 Sr/ 86 Sr (0.702-0.706) and 143 Nd/ 144 Nd (0.5116-0.5119) initial ratios, suggesting a mixture of mantle and lower crust sources. This can also be inferred from the low 187 Os/ 188 Os ratios obtained on pyrite crystals from the rhyolites.

Magnetotelluric investigation of the Precambrian crust and intraplate Cenozoic volcanism in the Gour Oumelalen area, Central Hoggar, South Algeria

Geophysical Journal International, 2020

The Tuareg Shield was assembled by oceanic closures and horizontal movements along mega-shear zones between approximately 20 terranes during the Pan-African Orogeny (750-550 Ma). Although there is an ongoing debate about its origin, the exhumation of the Tuareg Shield is assumed to be related to Cenozoic intraplate volcanism. The Gour Oumelalen is a key region of the Tuareg Shield and is located in the northeastern part of the Egéré-Aleksod terrane, corresponding to the eastern boundary of the Archean-Palaeoproterozoic microcontinent LATEA (Central Hoggar). The eastern boundary of the study area corresponds to a Neoproterozoic suture zone separating two old microcontinents, LATEA and the Orosirian Stripe. We deployed two magnetotelluric (MT) profiles consisting of 33 broad-band MT stations and combined these with aeromagnetic data, aiming to define the crustal structure in detail. The resistivity cross-sections obtained from the 3-D inversion of full impedance tensor and tipper data from stations along the profiles, confirm the main Precambrian faults, some of which are covered by Quaternary sediments and hence, have not yet been deciphered. The cross-sections also highlight the Cretaceous-Quaternary sedimentary basins represented by low resistivities. The upper crust is typically cratonic with a high electrical resistivity. On the contrary, the lower crust shows a drastic drop in resistivity (<10 m). The most plausible hypothesis is that the study area corresponds to a Cretaceous rifting zone. The Cretaceous magmatic event and its related fluids and mineralization as well as the recent fluids associated with Cenozoic volcanism, are plausible causes of a very conductive lower crust. However, we cannot exclude other reasons such as: (i) a high-temperature and strongly sheared mobile belt or (ii) a contribution of inheritance involving Pan-African events that affected this former suture area.

Geochronological Constraints on Late Precambrian Intrusion, Metamorphism, and Tectonism in the Anti‐Atlas Mountains

The Journal of Geology, 2005

The Bou Azzer inlier, Anti-Atlas Morocco, is a critical element for understanding Gondwanan geology because it exposes rocks formed during the paleosuturing of the Gondwanan margin with peri-Gondwanan arc terranes. Numerous intrusions within the inlier allow specific tectonic events associated with the tectonic evolution of the Gondwanan margin to be bracketed. Detailed examination of plutons within the inlier reveal down temperature magmatic to solid-state fabrics and contact relationships indicative of emplacement during oblique collision between the margin and one or more arc terranes. U-Pb geochronological data for the Aït Abdulla diorite ( Ma) and 653.8 ‫ע‬ 1.6 Bou Offroh granodiorite ( Ma) provide a limit to the onset of collision and regional metamorphism. A 653.0 ‫ע‬ 1.3 precise age of Ma for the Ousdrat quartz diorite provides an indication of the lower limit of the collision 640.8 ‫ע‬ 1.4 in the region. Tectonothermal activity in the Anti-Atlas at ca. 650 Ma correlates with similar periods of tectonism in the peri-Gondwanan terranes of Avalonia and Cadomia and points to the emergence of continent-wide tectonism in western Gondwana as early as 650 Ma.