The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLIII-B2-2021 , 2021

Many odontological studies held through application of traditional and modern techniques, especially when related to measurements and morphology, very much depend on methodological aspects referred to orientation of teeth. And this is particularly relevant to new imaging and 3d reconstruction implemented in dental research and practice in a wide range of disciplines from anthropology to dentistry. The current paper deals with studies of palaeoanthropological findings dating back to the Upper Palaeolithic period in Central Russia-well-known archaeological site of Sunghir. Micro-computed tomography has been used for digital reconstructions of teeth-molars and premolars representing well-preserved dental morphology of an adolescent individual. This is due to new opportunities introduced by 3d reconstruction techniques in general and high-resolution x-ray imaging in particular that this study has become relevant. Thus digital techniques do not only provide for operating convenience but, which is even more important, allow application of image processing algorithms. In the suggested methodology these are automated, based on morphological interpretations and serve for orientation of studied teeth for further measurements. At the same time micro-computed tomographic imaging allows accurate reconstruction of other morphologically important structures which are used for an alternative orientation algorithm. Comparisons of dental measurements' results obtained through automated digital odontometry (aDo) after both orientations applied are presented in the current paper.


isprs-archives-XLII-2-W12-2019, 2019

Odontological studies, which constitute a considerable part of anthropological research, have been predominantly based on visual, or odontoscopic, examination of teeth. The most studied parts are coronal parts of teeth in terms of their relief features, and, in reference to the current study, tooth cusp relief eminence, sharpness of cusp tips and degree of tooth outer slope inclination are of interest. Traditional odontological methods, in addition to visual, suggest measurement techniques for coronal parts in mesio-distal and vestibular-oral dimensions, which actually do not possess methodological potential for reasonable angular measurements. However, the suggested automated digital odontometric method, being largely based on photogrammetric techniques applied to 3D images of teeth, has showed its applicability for such assessments. Tooth shape analysis is provided through software, being permanently elaborated in terms of automation degree for measurement objectivity and precision increase, as well as in expansions of parameters variety. Odontological samples from Upper Palaeolithic archaeological site of Sungir are picked for measurements in the current study due to their presumably archaic relief of molars, described for this unique finding by prominent odontologist A.A Zubov. This research includes comparisons with odontological material, which historically refers to significantly later periods (Middle Bronze and Modern Era). The applied digital method has showed its effectiveness in estimation of parameters of demand in anthropological studies, and evaluations of visual studies and measurements are suggested in the article.

“Odontometrics:” A need for anthropological data

J Forensic Dent Sci , 2018

Teeth provide excellent material in populations for anthropological, genetic, odontologic, and forensic investigations. The study of human tooth size variation is called “Odontometrics,” and it plays a very important role in routine clinical practices also. Tooth morphometry is said to be influenced by physiological, pathological, cultural, environmental, genetic, and racial factors. The measurements of tooth are introduced to the frst-year BDS students, during their tooth-carving sessions as a part of their academic curriculum. It helps the students to know the individual tooth from all aspects including the structural morphology.

Dental anatomy and morphology (Atena Editora)

Dental anatomy and morphology (Atena Editora), 2023

The curricular component of Dental Anatomy and Morphology provides dental students and faculty with scientific foundations associated with anthropological, technical and artistic ones. There are numerous methodologies to approach the teaching of Dental Anatomy and Morphology. In this booklet, the content was distributed in five chapters, ending with the step by step of articulated teeth on a typodont used in the practices of Dental Anatomy discipline. The sequence of chapters and their contents were arbitrarily determined, aiming at a didactic logic of presentation, for professionals and students whom make Dentistry a mixture of art and science.

Anthropological study of dental indices in Bulgarian population

Folia Medica

Introduction: A number of derived quantities (called dental indices) that characterize the shape and size of the teeth are calculated between the absolute dimensions of the teeth (mesiodistal, vestibulo-oral, and height of the dental crown). Aim: The aim of the present study was to explore the degree of sexual dimorphism in dental indices in the Bulgarian population. Materials and methods: The study included 232 Bulgarians aged 20–40. The vestibulo-oral and mesiodistal dimensions of the teeth were measured. The crown module and crown index were calculated. Results: We found that male Bulgarians had a significantly greater crown module of the upper canines, first premolars, molars, and second molars than females. The crown module of the lower molars was found to be similar in this respect. The crown module of the lower lateral incisors also revealed statistically significant differences, although in females it had higher values. Only the upper and lower canines and upper molars displ...

Orta Çağ’dan Günümüze Anadolu’da Üç Köklü Mandibular Daimî Molar Dişlerin Görülme Sıklıkları

Antropoloji, 2019

Teeth are among the structures of the skeleton which are most resistant against external effects. It has also been put forth in population, family and twin studies examining the impacts of genes and the environment that tooth development is generally affected less from environmental factors and that it has a significant genetic component. It is possible to understand the biocultural kindredship relations, oral health, relationship between oral health and life style and nutritional habits by taking metric measurements from tooth, examining pathologic formations or variations. In our study, three-rooted mandibular permanent molars have been examined from among the root variations in teeth and it has been examined whether there has been any change in Anatolia from the past to the present. Three different populations were examined in our study; two of which were from the Medieval Period and one was current population. It is known that teeth variations differ geographically and that three-rooted mandibular permanent molars are of Asiatic origin. Whereas three-root was not observed in the first molar teeth in our current population, it was observed that the ratio of three-root in the second molar teeth declined significantly from the past to the present. It has been determined in studies carried out on different populations in Turkey that no significant changes have been observed between Anatolian populations of the past and today's populations and that the ratios are close to each other.

Symposium marking the 50th anniversary of the Department of Dental Anthropology of the School of Dental Medicine University of Zagreb

Acta stomatologica Croatica, 2016

Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu jedan je od rijetkih stomatoloških fakulteta na svijetu s vlastitim Zavodom za dentalnu antropologiju. Utemeljen je 1966. godine, a prvi predstojnik bio je doc. dr. sc. Mustafa Ćatović. Kako bi se na primjeren način obilježila 50. godišnjica osnutka zavoda, od 9. do 11. lipnja 2016. na Stomatološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je Znanstveni simpozij dentalne antropologije. U organizaciji skupa sudjelovali su svi djelatnici Zavoda, a predsjednica organizacijskog odbora bila je doc. dr. sc. Jelena Dumančić. Članovi znanstvenog odbora simpozija bili su prof. dr. sc. Hrvoje Brkić, prof. dr. sc. Kurt W. Alt, prof. dr. sc. Zvonimir Kaić, prof. dr. sc. Jadranka Keros, prof. dr. sc. G. Richard Scott, prof. dr. sc. Tore Solheim i prof. dr. sc. Mario Šlaus. Znanstvenom dijelu simpozija koji je bio podijeljen u tri cjeline, prethodila je svečana sjednica u sklopu koje je rektor Sveučilišta u Zagrebu prof. dr. sc. Damir Boras prigodnim govorom pozdravio nazočne i otvorio skup. Osim mnogobrojnih gostiju, na svečanoj sjednici bili su i umirovljeni djelatnici Zavoda za dentalnu antropologiju, uključujući njegove dosadašnje predstojnike prof. dr. sc. Zvonimira Kaića i prof. dr. sc. Veru Njemirovskij, što je bila lijepa prigoda za druženje i sjećanje na mnogobrojne nekadašnje zajedničke trenutke, čemu su bitno pridonijela predavanja svih trenutačno aktivnih znanstveno-nastavnih djelatnika Zavoda. Nastup ženskog pjevačkog zbora Stomatološkog fakulteta Zubor ostavio je posebno lijep dojam na sve nazočne i obogatio je proslavu. Nakon svečane sjednice i prigodnog domjenka u kantini Stomatološkog fakulteta, počeo je znanstveni dio skupa koji je otvoren predavanjima Kurta W. Alta i G. Richarda Scotta. Na simpoziju je sudjelovalo 70-ak sudionika iz 20 zemalja koji su održali 25 predavanja i 17 posterskih prezentacija iz područja dentalne antropologije, morfologije zuba, paleostomatologije i forenzične stomatologije, pružajući uvid u tre-Symposium marking the 50 th anniversary of the

Applicability Of The Demirjian Method For Dental Assessment Of Southern Turkish Children

Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2014

Age-related legal problems are especially common in underdeveloped parts of Turkey. In terms of civil and criminal law, the ages from 13 years to 18 years are critical in our country. Estimation of age is a very significant in aspect of accordance with laws. The aims of this study were to evaluate the applicability and accuracy of the Demirjian technique for assessing southern Turkish children; to analyze the sexual dimorphism of dental age in the studied groups; and to define the relationship between the dental age and the degree of mineralization in mandibular permanent tooth in southern Turkish children.