Counselling psychology and the wider world (original) (raw)
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Counselling Psychology Quarterly Counselling psychology in the United Kingdom
Counselling psychology within the UK has grown over the last three decades, adapting to many changes in the field of applied psychology, whilst remaining true to its core values and humanistic origins. The identity of counselling psychology is strongly rooted in a relational stance and applied psychology, where attention to psychological formulation is given to improve psychological functioning and well-being. This article outlines a brief history of counseling psychology in the UK, the training process, credentialing and looks at some important challenges and future directions for counselling psychology in the UK. A proportion of the members from the British Psychological Society’s division of counselling psychology (DCoP, N = 148) took part in the study. Participants provided demographic, training, employment, workplace and career pathway information obtained through an online questionnaire distributed to all DCoP members. On the whole, DCoP members are working in a variety of areas within the UK and the findings of this article contribute to the international study comparing counselling psychology across the globe.
The Growth and Understanding of Counselling Psychology in Modern Living
The Counsel-ling Magazine , 2021
In our first edition of The Counselling Magazine, we introduced the various concepts, majorly counselling, psychology and therapy. We have since received overwhelming feedback from our readers who have expressed their opinion on using various terms such as guidance, counselling, mentoring, coaching, 'madness', mental illness, stress, depression, anxiety and anxiety disorders. As the Executive Editor, we will embark on a journey that explores these and other terms systematically. In this issue, we will examine in context and conventional terms the very beginnings, the background and context of counselling psychology. Human societies had, and still have derived several 'solutions' to the common social, medical, psychological and psychosomatic problems of life and living. These include illnesses of various types. The aim is to provide healing, offer compassion, sympathy and empathy in times of distress. Some of these resolutions take the form of elaborate rituals for bringing about healing. Counselling is part of human tradition, though as a profession, by way of a formal counselling contract Counselling History of The Growth and Understanding of Counselling Psychology in Modern Living By Dr Geoffrey Wango | July-September 2021 Magazine Counselling Diary with the client has developed a formalised content and context. Most societies in the world, including in Africa, had various forms of social services that were provided for children and young people so as to enable them to grow into responsible and productive members of their community. These social services were inbuilt in ordinary living. In addition, social relations provided for and often constituted family and group therapy. The young and old were continuously inducted into cultural values, beliefs, customs and future roles according to their gender in community settings. They were socialised into the community through history, oral narratives, proverbs, riddles, songs and dances, art and environmental orientation, as well as various skills to shape their future behaviour and character. The immediate and extended family provided support services, was a source of information and help, and thus assisted in psychological counselling. Children in the traditional African society were guided and counselled by elder relatives, parents, uncles and aunts in the informal context and during initiation ceremonies. Initiation ceremonies were also avenues of peer counselling. They were also used to induct the initiates into their new roles as adults, future parents and members of the community. Sexual health education (SHE), living values and life skills were also imparted.
Counselling Pyschology: A Position Paper
Donohue, C., Ade-Serrano, Y., Di Mattia, M., Srivastava, A., Webber, M., Hwang, B., Whitcombe, S., Young, C., Kotźe, S., Charura, D., Consoli, A. J., Van Wanrooij, T., Murphy, K., Streatfeild, K., Gilmour, A., & Puno, L. (2024). Counselling Psychology: A Position Paper. The Global Counselling Psychology Forum. This Position Paper aims to provide a global perspective on Counselling Psychology for the purpose of education and creating a unifying voice. The Position Paper begins with a brief introduction - stating its unique purpose and value. It presents the history of Counselling Psychology, investigating its roots and the emergence of the tension between empirical science and humanistic practices; the contextual history of Counselling Psychology in various nations is also presented. Next, the philosophy of Counselling Psychology is discussed, highlighting its core pillars. The professional competencies are outlined, emphasising the many roles, areas of expertise, and work environments that Counselling Psychologists work in. The latter part of the document showcases the unique value of Counselling Psychologists and the embodiment of its core values particularly in centring the human experiences in context.