Drugs and Crime (original) (raw)

Probation Journal, 1998


1. Drugs and crime: an overview. Extent of drug use. An assessment. An historical approach to theories linking drugs to crime 2. Drugs and crime: theoretical assumptions. Introduction. The three major explanatory models. An overview 3. Sentencing drug offenders. Producing the data. An overview of the legal position. Some concluding comments 4. Coercive treatment and mandatory drug testing. The aims and nature of treatment. Coercive or enforced treatment of substance abuse. Mandatory drug testing. An overview of the types of tests available. Likely errors and ways of tampering with the tests. Some legal and social issues concerning testing. Conclusion 5. The Drug Treatment and Testing Order and drug courts. The pilot studies. Drug courts. Some additional comments. Drug courts and the DTTO: a comparison. Drug courts in Scotland and Ireland. An overview and summary. Improving treatment services 6. Trafficking and laundering. Trafficking ae' an overview. International cooperation. Drug dealing within Britain. Money laundering. Confiscation orders 7. Policing drug markets. Policing policy. Drug markets generally. The impact of policing. Assessing the effectiveness of policing. Policing professional organisations 8. Informers and corruption. The legal authority for informers. Protecting the informer. Reducing the sentence. Informers: who are they, and how to control them?. Informers and drug dealing. The special case of juveniles. Corruption. Corruption and policing. Conclusion 9. Women, drugs and crime. Women, health and social norms. Women drug users, crime and prison. Women as users and dealers. Women in treatment. A note on juveniles 10. The legalisation debate. The major positions ae' ideal types. The two major sets of arguments. An assessment 11. Suggestions for the way forward. The 1960s and beyond. Contributions from the drugs and crime debate and beyond

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