Tindaya Guanche sacred mountain, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain) and its Ibero-Guanche (Latin) rock inscriptions (original) (raw)

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts as precursors of Iberian and other lineal Mediterranean/Euro African ancient writings: the case of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain

Int J Modern Genet, 2021

Lineal Megalithic/Paleolithic Lineal signs/lines may have a variety of purposes or representations. Some authors have proposed they represent sky, planets and stars and their movements, space/time representations or others, including letters/syllables or symbols/events. Some are painted, other incised; the latter are relatively more common in Megalithic scripts. Man is "writing" or creating handmade figures on stones /rocks and other supports, which sometimes have intentionally been polished since Paleolithic times: at least 70,000 years BP (Blombos Cave, South Africa). Megalithic script is named because it is associated to megalithic structures, although not exclusively. Von Petzinger 40,000 years old "symbols" and/or writing are extended worldwide in Paleolithic caves and other rocks. Man connection was worldwide in Paleolithic times. Canary Islands incise or picketed lineal writing exists with a transcribed and translated meaning collection of signs (Ibero-Guanche or Latin inscriptions and Lybic ones). Also, other African/European/Mediterranean lineal scripts there exist and examples are given in the present paper. Fuerteventura Island contains in addition many small or bigger stones and rocks with these Paleolithic/Megalithic incised lines all over its territory. About timing in which these stones that were incised by man, we are only referring to a kind of stone crafting. However, we do not discard that they were made by man several thousand years BP. Some Paleolithic/Megalithic scripts are mixed with clear Iberian semi-syllabary signs in Fuerteventura and other Canary Islands. They may reflect the evolution of more ancient Megalithic scripts to lineal writings like those detailed in the present paper and others. Finally, writing concept should be redefined whenever more precise data and dating be available.

The Ibero-Guanche (Latin) rock inscriptions found at Mt. Tenezara volcano (Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain): A Saharan hypothesis for Mediterranean/Atlantic Prehistory

Two of the several rock script panels found at Mt. Tenezara volcano slope, Lanzarote Is. (Canary Islands) have been analyzed. Both of them contain a linear writing which corresponds to the ancient Iberian semi-sillabary discovered by Gomez-Moreno in 1949 AD, thus to Iberian-Guanche inscriptions which previously were referred as Latin. Ancient Iberian scripts have been found in France, Portugal, Spain and other Mediterranean places during the 1 st millennium BC and the following four centuries AD; it may be possible that Iberian signs could have been taken or used at the same time at Africa. Even one of the semi-vertical panels considered as Lybic is in fact written in Iberian-Guanche characters. Also, Mt Tenezara shows Cart-ruts pointing to Equinoxes Sunrise. Findings are put in the context of a Sahara relatively rapid desiccation and a massive people migration to establish several classic and pre-classic civilizations, like Sumer, Egypt, Hittite, Hellenistic, Iberians, Lybic and Canary Islands Guanches, and possibly other Old Atlantic Celtic ones. Saharan Hypothesis is based on Geology, Columbia Shuttle (1981) infrared photographs that show prehistoric desert fertility, Prehistory, Anthropology and Linguistics. A fertile and heavily populated Sahara existed before 6,000 years BC.

Lineal Megalithic Scripts found at Degollada de Facay, Fuerteventura (Canary Islands, Spain): A support of prehistoric megalithic Guanche Culture

Lineal Megalithic Rock Scripts have been found by us: 1) associated to megaliths in Southern Iberia Dolmens at Alcalar Dolmen (Portimao, Portugal), Cumbres Mayores Dolmens (Huelva, Spain) and in a fallen menhir at Zalamea la Real (Huelva, Spain); 2) not associated to megaliths in rocks or stones sizing from a fist in size to 110 cm or more at Zalamea la Real (Huelva, Spain) and other Malaga coastal sites; 3) in widespread rocks and stones in all main Canary Islands; and 4) in an Algerian Sahara shelter (Ti-m Missaou, Ahaggar Mountains area). These lineal megalithic rock scripts are sometimes identical to those of Iberian-Tartessian signary or are admixed with them on rocks. Other authors have also found them in several parts of southern Europe and also in Canary Islands. Some of the signs are repeated and have for us a funeral and religious meaning on the basis of Mother Goddess neolithic/paleolithic religion and Basque Iberian correspondence. It is postulated that these scripts may be the origin of Iberian-Tartessian signary and/or that these widespread stones/rocks were written by people who were learning to write, in contrast to, for example, the defined Iberian scripts found both at Lanzarote and Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), sometimes admixed with them. In the present paper, we describe Lineal Megalithic Script on rock/stones at a pass (between a chain of volcans or "degollada") on the way from Tefía to Tetir, close to Fuerteventura capital, Puerto del Rosario. These Lineal Megalithic Scirpts are postulated to be precursors of lineal writing of Berber, Iberian-Tartessian, Etruscan, Old Italian Languages, Minoan, Latin, Greek, and others like Runes, Grandeshnitsa and Vinca scripts.

The Ibero-Guanche (Latin) rock inscriptions found at Mt. Tenezara volcano (Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain): A Saharan hypothesis for Mediterranean/Atlantic Prehistory

International Journal of Modern Anthropology, 2020

Two of the several rock script panels found at Mt. Tenezara volcano slope, Lanzarote Is. (Canary Islands) have been analyzed. Both of them contain a linear writing which corresponds to the ancient Iberian semi-sillabary discovered by Gomez-Moreno in 1949 AD, thus to Iberian-Guanche inscriptions which previously were referred as Latin. Ancient Iberian scripts have been found in France, Portugal, Spain and other Mediterranean places during the 1 st millennium BC and the following four centuries AD; it may be possible that Iberian signs could have been taken or used at the same time at Africa. Even one of the semi-vertical panels considered as Lybic is in fact written in Iberian-Guanche characters. Also, Mt Tenezara shows Cart-ruts pointing to Equinoxes Sunrise. Findings are put in the context of a Sahara relatively rapid desiccation and a massive people migration to establish several classic and pre-classic civilizations, like Sumer, Egypt, Hittite, Hellenistic, Iberians, Lybic and Canary Islands Guanches, and possibly other Old Atlantic Celtic ones. Saharan Hypothesis is based on Geology, Columbia Shuttle (1981) infrared photographs that show prehistoric desert fertility, Prehistory, Anthropology and Linguistics. A fertile and heavily populated Sahara existed before 6,000 years BC.

Iberian inscriptions in Sahara Desert rocks (Ti-m Missaou, Ahaggar Mts. area, Algeria): first evidence of incise Iberian rock scripts in continental North Africa

In the present paper, we show Iberian or Iberian-Guanche scripts found in the Middle of Sahara Desert, Ti-m Missaou (Tim Missao, Tim Missaw), 270 km SouthWest of Tamanrasset on Ahaggar or Hoggar Mountains (Mts.) area (Algeria). More Iberian scripts may be earthed beneath Sahara Desert sands or have been neglected by observers. We also put forward that Iberian semi-syllabary may have its origin in the Neolithic Saharo-Canarian Circle, the same as other Mediterranean, Atlantic and European lineal scripts (apart from Berber/Tuareg) like Etruscan, Runes, Old Italian languages, Minoan Lineal A, Sitovo and Gradeshnitsa (Bulgaria) writings (6,000 years BC) and others. In fact, Strabo wrote that Iberians had written language before since 6,000 BC. On the other hand, Sahara Desert was green and populated since before 5,000 years BC and we had proposed that most of Mediterranean culture, languages and writing, had a Saharan origin. Ti-m Missaou Sahara Iberian inscriptions, together with our previous and others researches on Canary Islands, further support this proposal, i.e.: rock scripts, Gimbutas-like Paleolithic figurines and unusual artifacts, like a lunisolar Egyptian-like calendar ("Cheeseboard/Quesera" at Lanzarote) carved in a Megalithic stone, do no support that Phoenicians and Romans carried Canarian ancient Guanche culture. Finally, a continuous lineal writing systems developing seems to have occurred during Paleolithic and Neolithic Epochs, which also harbor the related incise Lineal Megalithic Scripts that could have given rise to Iberian development and other lineal African, European and Mediterranean lineal language scripts. Our present new data is interpreted in the context of the Sahara people migration which occurred when hyperarid conditions started establishing about 6,000 years BC.

The unique Balearic Megalithic "Taulas" (Tables): Paleolithic/Neolithic pre-Iberian lineal scripts found in the Taula complex of So Na Caçana (Menorca Island, Spain

Int J Modern Anthropology

Taulas (or Tables) are Megalithic unique monuments that are found only in Menorca Island (Balearic Is, Spain). Their construction age is uncertain but it is associated to Talayotic culture and it is assigned to the 1 st millennium BC without solid objective bases: particularly when the only one similar structure found in the World are those of Gobekli Tepe in Antolia (Turkey) constructed about 10,000 years ago. In the present paper, we have found Paleolithic /Neolithic Lineal scripts in the East Taula recint of So Na Caçana Minorca megalithic complex It was established that one of the few cultural features that maintained these scripts in Megaliths, rocks and stones at least in Balearic Islands (Menorca), Iberia, Canary Islands and South Sahara for such a long time could be the Mother Godess religion. On the other hand, this Megalithic Lineal script could also be Iberian signary precursor: our studies suggest that some of these scripts were included later in the Iberia-Tartessian signary at least. We have used the Iberian relationship with live Basque language for proposed a simple translation of these Megalithic signs in the context of the Mother Godess religion. Finally, it is postulated that a "green" Sahara migration of climate exiled people in the process of Sahara desertification after 10,000 years BC is responsible for many writing, language and genetic traits of the Mediterranean area, including Canary Islands and Balearic Archipelago, Also, So Na Caçana means in Menorca Island own language "The property of the She-Hunter".

A Saharan hypothesis for Mediterranean/Atlantic Prehistory


Two of the several rock script panels found at Mt. Tenezara volcano slope, Lanzarote Is. (Canary Islands) have been analyzed. Both of them contain a linear writing which corresponds to the ancient Iberian semi-sillabary discovered by GomezMoreno in 1949 AD, thus to Iberian-Guanche inscriptions which previously were referred as Latin. Ancient Iberian scripts have been found in France, Portugal, Spain and other Mediterranean places during the 1 st millennium BC and the following four centuries AD; it may be possible that Iberian signs could have been taken or used at the same time at Africa. Even one of the semi-vertical panels considered as Lybic is in fact written in Iberian-Guanche characters. Also, Mt Tenezara shows Cart-ruts pointing to Equinoxes Sunrise. Findings are put in the context of a Sahara relatively rapid desiccation and a massive people migration to establish several classic and pre-classic civilizations, like Sumer, Egypt, Hittite, Hellenistic, Iberians, Lybic and Can...

The Iberian-Tartessian semi-syllabary: possible evolution from Lineal Megalithic/Paleolithic Scripts and the Mother Goddess Religion

Paleolithic/Neolithic (Megalithic) Lineal Scripts have been found in big or small rocks with or without megalithic context. Huelva (South West Spain) megalithic rocks presented engraved signs apparently contained in the Iberian-Tartessian semisyllabary and this region is in the core of Tartessian civilization. Iberian-Tartessian scripts have been found in South West Algeria, Canary Islands and Iberia. The genesis of this type of writing may have more ancient roots than established (1 st Century BC) as Strabo stated that it may be thousands of years older. The finding of the same Iberian-Tartessian signs within such a big geographic area supports that demic diffusion substitution either from East Mediterranean or Russian steppes is not found in Iberia according to physical anthropology traits and also genetic studies from different research groups from different countries: Iberians, North Africans and Canary Islanders are genetically close supporting prehistorical contacts also sustained by Sahara Desert rapid desiccation followed by people migration. On the other hand, it is difficult to understand Paleolithic /Neolithic-Megalithic Lineal rock inscriptions continuity in such a long period without a known language, considered identical or related to Iberian, or political unit unless Basque language, or similar one, was present in Paleolithic time, as suggested by some authors. Paleolithic Lineal scripts have also been found in Java (Indonesia) and South Africa. It is feasible that worldwide Mother Goddess religion which extended since Paleolithic to Neolithic/Megalithic times may be the one common certain and documented character available to blame of such a surprising unity and continuity of rock lineal engravings.

The Iberian-Guanche rock inscriptions at La Palma Is.: all seven Canary Islands (Spain) harbour these scripts


Rock Iberian-Guanche inscriptions have been found in all Canary Islands including La Palma: they consist of incise (with few exceptions) lineal scripts which have been done by using the Iberian semi-syllabary that was used in Iberia and France during the 1 st millennium BC until few centuries AD .This confirms First Canarian Inhabitants navigation among Islands. In this paper we analyze three of these rock inscriptions found in westernmost La Palma Island: hypotheses of transcription and translation show that they are short funerary and religious text, like of those found widespread through easternmost Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and also Tenerife Islands. They frequently name "Aka" (dead), "Ama" (mother godness) and "Bake" (peace), and methodology is mostly based in phonology and semantics similarities between Basque language and prehistoric Iberian-Tartessian semi-syllabary transcriptions. These Iberian-Guanche scripts are widespread in La Palma usually together with spiral and circular typical Atlantic motifs which are similar to these of Megalithic British Isles, Brittany (France) and Western Iberia. Sometimes linear incise Iberian-Guanche inscriptions are above the circular ones (more recent) but they are also found underneath (less recent). The idea that this prehistoric Iberian semi-syllabary was originated in Africa and/or Canary Islands is not discarded. It is discussed in the frame of Saharian people migration to Mediterranean, Atlantic (i.e.: Canary Islands) and other areas, when hyperarid climate rapidly established. On the other hand, an Atlantic gene and possibly linguistic and cultural pool is shared among people from British Isles, Brittany (France), Iberia (Spain, Portugal), North Africa and Canary Islands.

Lineal Megalithic and Tartessian Rock Scripts in the Alcalar Dolmens complex (Portimao, Portugal) Also found in other Spanish and African prehistoric contexts


Lineal Megalithic Scripts (LMS) have been found in the Alcalar Dolmen complex (Portimao, Portugal) in a stoneslab which is located close to the reconstructed Dolmen 7. Exact situation of the megalithic Alcalar Stoneslab and scripts placing are shown in this paper. Their preliminar analysis has given also finding of some Iberian-Tartessian signs common to Cumbres Mayores Dolmens (Huelva, Spain), and other signs also found in Sahara Desert (Tim Missaou, Algeria) and Canary Islands rocks. The presence of these LMS admixed with some signs contained in the Iberian-Tartessian signary suggests a transition between LMS and lineal Tartessian signary. A religious funerary transcription has been proposed to these Tartessian signs based on Basque and ancient Iberian-Tartessian language close relatedness. The fact that Tartessian culture is located at Portuguese Algarve and Spanish Andalusia fits with the finding that both in Portugal (Alcalar) and Spain (Cumbres Mayores) Dolmens are found Iberian-Tartessian signs that may be as old as the megaliths (3-4 thousand years BC). It is also proposed that this development and concentration of megaliths in Algarve (Portugal) and Andalusia (Spain) is related to Tartessos civilization in the area which would follow the South Iberia Pyrite Belt, rich in cooper (Cu), silver (Ag), gold (Au) and iron (Fe), that crosses South Portugal and Spain; Tartessos would be somewhat attached to the Iberian Pyrite Belt source of richness. Leisners archaeologists also observed and photographed "Iberian" signs in the San Bartolomé Dolmen (Huelva, Spain) in 1951 AD; they described here "Iberian" scripts in a small artifact most likely is a slinger soldier ("hondero") projectile who could exixt since 3-4000 BC in South Spain