Influence of Foreign Economic Activity on the Economic Growth of Russian Regions (original) (raw)

The Influence of the Geographical Factor on the Economic Growth of Russian Regions (Evidence from the Border Regions of Siberia)

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekonomika, 2017

Предпринята попытка оценить влияние географических факторов на экономический рост регионов России. Выявлена значительная недооценка развития приграничных регионов, при создании необходимых институциональных условий приграничные регионы могут в разы увеличить свой экономический потенциал. Для дальнейшего поступательного развития приграничных регионов Сибири предложены меры, направленные на кардинальные изменения в области инфраструктурного обеспечения развития и создания условий для технологического развития приграничных регионов Сибири.

The Problems of Foreign Economic Activity of the Russian Medium-Sized Business

Мир новой экономики, 2018

The article is devoted to the problems of Russian export-oriented medium-sized companies. The task of the Russian economy diversion from raw material oriented exports over the years is perceived more and more asan insoluble problem, which leads to Russia being significantly behind the world leaders, increased dependenceon raw materials, unfavorable terms of trade and a whole number of other negative consequences. Careful attention is paid to the role of the state in support of medium-sized companies. The authors suggest several ways out of this situation, and also considering the experience of other countries in solving similar problems.

Investment Attractiveness of Russian Regions

RUDN Journal of Economics, 2011

In this article an impact of financial crisis on Russia’s development is analyzed. Search of reserves is becoming a main point for stimulation of the economic growth of the country. As the authors suppose, regions of Russia which can provide this process will play the major role in realizing this task. This article reviewed a number of key indicators to determine the image of the region and its attractiveness. Place ranking of regions according to these indicators and the main task to create the investment image of the regions

Developing the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises of the Kherson Region: The Economic and Statistical Analysis

Business Inform, 2021

The article is aimed at analyzing the main indicators of foreign economic activity of the Kherson region. Considering that in the context of globalization the development of the economy of any country is firmly related to the development of its foreign economic activity, the article contains an analysis of the main indicators of international trade in goods and services of the Kherson region. Based on the carried out analysis, it is found that in 2020, in the total structure of Ukraine’s exports and imports, the share of the Kherson region amounted to 0.6%. Active participants in foreign trade in goods and services were more than 300 enterprises of the region, and the partners - 120 countries over the world. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators (exports, imports, balances) showed that in trade in goods there are positive tendencies to increase export volumes in recent years, as well as an increase in the number of participants and the expansion of the geography of foreign trad...

Influence of Ukraine's Foreign Trade Structure on Economic Growth in Context of Involvement in Global Value Chains

Economy of Ukraine, 2019

The interrelation between the volumes of export-import, GDP and industrial production is researched. This allows identifying the ways to increase the technological level of exports as a prerequisite for successful integration in global value chains (GVC). Fragmentation of the world production is usually regarded as a defining feature of a globalized economy; at the same time, the technological complication of production is necessary for successful competition in foreign markets. The sectoral influence of export-import on GDP and industrial production is evaluated, which is important for identifying promising areas for the participation of Ukrainian enterprises in the GVCs. For empirical research, a structural analysis of domestic foreign trade was carried out in the context of the four main categories: (i) technological goods; (ii) low-tech products; (iii) metal products; (iv) other raw materials. Quarterly 1998-2016 data were used for empirical estimation. The research methodology ...

Traditional activities in the region as import-substitution model of modernization Russian economy

Економічний вісник університету, 2016

Thing. In connection with the crisis in the global economy and the imposition of economic sanctions against Russia on the part of developed Western countries has acquired special urgency import substitution model of modernization of the Russian economy, one of the most important areas where the regional level (especially in the Russian republics - and they number 22, ie. approximately a quarter of the total number of subjects of the Russian Federation) is the renewal and development of traditional crafts, which has long been engaged in the titular nations and nationalities living in them. The aim is to determine the regional factors and features of the restructuring, modernization and upgrading (especially import-substitution model of modernization) of the Russian economy on the basis of the analysis and the study of positive foreign and domestic experience of innovative development of the reproductive systems. We used the methods of comparative statistical analysis, strategic analy...

Business Activity of Enterprises as a Factor of Economic Growth of the Russian Industry

Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University (Economy), 2016

Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются особенности современной экономической категории «деловая активность» с точки зрения макроэкономики и микроэкономики. Проводится анализ основных индексов, используемых современной теорией и практикой: индекс предпринимательской уверенности, индекс деловой активности, индекс предпринимательских ожиданий и др. Отражены основные факторы, определяющие деловую активность предприятий. В заключение авторы подытоживают, что деловая активность предприятий и фирм может быть определена как интенсивность проводимых организационно-технических, финансово-экономических и социальных мероприятий, направленных на обеспечение устойчивости экономического роста. Ключевые слова: деловая активность экономики, индекс предпринимательской уверенности, индекс деловой активности, индекс предпринимательских ожиданий, индекс деловой среды.