Simulating phenology in perennial grasses using a morphogenetic model: L-GrassF (original) (raw)

2023, HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe)

Interactions Between Environment and Genetic Diversity in Perennial Grass Phenology: A Review of Processes at Plant Scale and Modeling

Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021

In perennial grasses, the reproductive development consists of major phenological stages which highly determine the seasonal variations of grassland biomass production in terms of quantity and quality. The reproductive development is regulated by climatic conditions through complex interactions subjected to high genetic diversity. Understanding these interactions and their impact on plant development and growth is essential to optimize grassland management and identify the potential consequences of climate change. Here, we review the main stages of reproductive development, from floral induction to heading, i.e., spike emergence, considering the effect of the environmental conditions and the genetic diversity observed in perennial grasses. We first describe the determinants and consequences of reproductive development at individual tiller scale before examining the interactions between plant tillers and their impact on grassland perenniality. Then, we review the available grassland ...


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