Strength Analysis of PGV-1000M Steam Generator Support (original) (raw)
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Parameters of the Hybrid Gas-Steam Power Plant Operating on Hydrogen Fuel
Збірник наукових праць Національного університету кораблебудування, 2023
Solving issues related to the improvement of existing heat engines and expanding knowledge about the prospects of complicating the schemes of gas turbine power plants opens new horizons for modern mechanical engineering. Combined gas-steam power plants with a hybrid cycle, operating on hydrogen-containing gases and pure hydrogen, attract a wide range of possible initial parameters and options for combining technical solutions. The scope of the article is a theoretical study of the parameters of the combined hybrid gas-steam plant and the possibilities of its operation on hydrogen fuel. A promising variant of a combined gas-steam plant with a hybrid cycle is considered. In order to achieve a wide range of used electric power, a modular scheme is proposed, which combines a gas turbine engine with a heat recovery circuit and a gas turbine engine with steam injection into its combustion chamber, the operation of which is regulated by the selected load mode. Taking into consideration the main global trends in environmental issues and a number of international agreements, of which Ukraine is also a party, a technical solution related to the development of decarbonized energy systems and the improvement of the environmental performance of a hybrid installation using hydrogen as fuel is presented. The combined gas-steam plant with a hybrid cycle and the principle of its operation in different modes are described in detail. The main equations of the mathematical model of the hybrid gas-steam plant are presented. Optimization calculations were carried out, the results of which show the effect of the initial parameters of the power plant on the compressor pressure ratio, the air excess coefficient in the combustion chamber of the contact gas turbine engine and the gas temperature in the turbine inlet for the contact gas turbine engine, as well as the part of steam injected from the steam generator of the main gas turbine engine. Possible parameters of operating modes are presented depending on the initial electric power produced by generators. Optimization calculations confirm the possibility of adjusting the output parameters of the power plant by changing the operating mode and introducing steam into the combustion chamber of the contact gas turbine engine.
Scientific notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 2020
Стаття присвячена дослідженню взаємного впливу зміни рівня води в парогенераторі кожної з чотирьох петель енергоблоку атомної електричної станції з ВВЕР-1000. Метою роботи є розробка моделі процесу зміни рівня води в парогенераторах атомних електричних станцій із реакторами ВВЕР-1000 і взаємодії між парогенераторами, а також модернізація автоматичної системи регулювання рівня води в парогенераторі енергоблоку атомної електричної станції з ВВЕР-1000. Рівень води в парогенераторі залежить від витрати живильної води, витрати згенерованої пари та кількості теплоти, підведеної з боку першого контуру енергоблоку атомної електричної станції з ВВЕР-1000. Підтримання рівня води в парогенераторі здійснюється шляхом зміни витрати живильної води другого контуру. Управління рівнем води в парогенераторі подачею керуючого впливу на регулюючу засувку витрати живильної води на конкретний парогенератор не може забезпечити необхідну точність без належного алгоритму керування. Головною причиною цього є те, що живильна вода на парогенератори подається з одного живильного тракту і зміна витрати води на один парогенератор призводить до зміни витрати на усі інші парогенератори. У статті парогенератор енергоблоку атомної електричної станції з ВВЕР-1000 досліджується не лише як цільна система, а й як частина більш складної системи. Для дослідження факторів, які впливають на рівень води в парогенераторі, розглядається група парогенераторів чотирьох циркуляційних петель першого контуру енергоблоку атомної електричної станції з ВВЕР-1000 як цільна система. Розробка моделі взаємних впливів зміни рівня води в парогенераторах дозволить удосконалити автоматичну систему регулювання рівня води в парогенераторі енергоблоку з ВВЕР-1000, забезпечити підвищення якості регулювання й поліпшення техніко-економічних показників. Зокрема, дослідження цього питання дозволить експлуатувати парогенератор та енергоблок більш ефективно.
Гистерезисный электродвигатель для насосной станции вертолета
Проектирование гистерезисного электродвигателя для насосной станции вертолета. В результате исследования спроектирован синхронный гистерезисный электродвигатель для насосной станции вертолёта.Designing of hysteresis motor for the helicopter pump. As a result of the research, a synchronous hysteresis device was designed electric motor for the helicopter pumping station
Структурные аспекты циклической прочности сварного узла пароперегревателя
Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов, 2018
The relevance of researching power generator weldments is associated with the necessity of increasing the operational reliability of the heat-power equipment frequently damaged and most critical units. One of the working efficiency increasing factors is the consideration of internal structural stresses, formation mechanism of which is associated with the structural heterogeneity developing in exploitation and resource structural degradation leading to destruction. The aim of the research is to establish interrelationships between the structural damage accumulation, internal stresses and cracking under the mechanical cyclic loads influence. Subject: welded superheater unit made of low-alloy heat-resistant steel 12Cr1MoV. Methods: physical modeling of operating conditions by external mechanical cyclic deformation, microscopic surface morphology research, x-ray diffraction of deformed samples, evaluation of internal structural stresses, mean square atoms displacement during deformation and characteristic temperature. Results. The paper demonstrates the role and the influence of the cyclic load on fracture. It means that wave periodic deformation «hardening–softening» and the cyclic variation of internal structural stresses are the most important. It was established that under variable cyclic load conditions the periodic internal stresses relaxation is typical. This process corresponds to the rupture of interatomic bonds and formation of a microstructural short crack. According to relaxation conditions, according to A. Griffith ideas, the authors have determined the critical crack opening stress. The values of mean square displacement of atoms and the characteristic temperature during cyclic deformation reflect the structural features of plasticity, porosity and brittle state. Conclusions. The paper introduces a new methodology for estimating critical states of the weld-affected zone based on the use of relations between internal stresses and the structural damage accumulation. It is shown that internal stresses, vibrational amplitude of Ū2 atoms and characteristic temperature can be a sign of structural transformation diagnostic: the brittle fracture sign is a deep (to zero) relaxation of the first kind internal stresses; the structural plasticity sign is an increased amplitude of atomic Ū2 displacements; and the structural porosity feature is an abnormal increase in the vibrational atoms amplitude and characteristic temperature decrease.
Model of steam turbine К-1000-60/1500-2 for control processes research
NTU "KhPI" Bulletin: Power and heat engineering processes and equipment, 2017
Presentation of model of steam turbine К-1000-60/1500-2 in the state space of relative variables is the aim of the article. Using the physics laws equations describing the dynamics of NPP steam turbine as an automation object in variable modes are considered. By transforming the equations of the dynamics nonlinear model of the steam turbine in relative state variables is built as a system of differential equations in the Cauchy form. The model takes into account the experimental data of regulators and uses a minimal amount of computations. Graphs of nonlinear functions of flow coefficients of the variables of servomotors coordinate values of the control valve and control flap, derived from the experimental data, are constructed. Formulas for the calculation and the calculated values of the constants parameters of the model are given. The input variables of the model are the coordinates of the servomotors of control valve and control flaps, as well as the power of the electric generator. On the basis of the turbine model for the study of the load shedding mode of electric generator graphs of pressure variables in steam volumes and speed of the rotor are constructed by numerical integration of the differential equations system for given functions of closing of servomotors of control valve and control flap. The maximum casting speed of turbine rotor is 7.36 % of the nominal frequency value. Similarly, nonlinear model of a steam turbine K-1000-60/1500-2 can be obtained. Models nuclear steam turbines in relative variables with the minimum number of calculations can be used to optimize the control system parameters of the steam turbine of nuclear power plant.
The paper presents the results of the analysis and evaluation of the energy characteristics of the wind regime in the south of Ukraine, which is one of the most important stages in determining the prospects of the region's territory for the development of wind energy. The study of data obtained on an array of 10-hill measurements of velocity and wind direction in meteorological station of Botievskaya wind farm, Priazovsky district, Zaporozhye region. Namely, the potential specific power of a typical wind power plant is determined to estimate the volumes of wind power generation. A comparative estimation of calculations by Weibull distribution and actual values of wind speed at different altitudes is carried out. According to the obtained results, the calculated power of the wind power of the unit power wind farm by the distribution of Weibull is somewhat less than the actual wind speed values. So at an altitude of 94 m the average error is approximately 4 %, and at an altitude of 66 m - 2 %. The dependence of the wind speed on the height of the measurement is analyzed, and the fluctuations of speed and wind direction are possible. As a result, the dependence of the distribution of the wind speed on altitude, at least at altitudes of 60-100 m, can be considered stationary.
The Study of Part Fracture Toughness Under the Thermal Pulse Loading
Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія, 2017
The cracking problem of aviation unit part under the influence of the thermal pulse loading were considered. The problem of thermal plasticity during thermal pulse processing were solved in CAE system Ansys; internal stresses were calculated and stress concentration zones in the part were defined. A numerical simulation of crack formation in the zone of greatest stress concentration allowed to determine the stress intensity factors for the case of normal separation, transverse and longitudinal shift and J-integral. This study allows to estimate the defect behavior during thermal pulse part treatment. The reliability of obtained results is confirmed by the adequacy of used models. In subsequently the study of metal fracture toughness allows to improve the method of setting modes for thermal pulse parts treatment taking into account the strength limit.