Computation of topological invariants for real projective surfaces with isolated singularities (original) (raw)
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C V ] 2 2 N ov 2 00 6 Topological Triviality of Families of Singular Surfaces
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Illustrating the classification of real cubic surfaces
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Knörrer and Miller classified the real projective cubic surfaces in 3 (¡ ) with respect to their topological type. For each of their 45 types containing only rational double points we give an affine equation, s.t. none of the singularities and none of the lines are at infinity. These equations were found using classical methods together with our new visualization tool surfex. This tool also enables us to give one image for each of the topological types showing all the singularities and lines.
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Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
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Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2005
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