Fifty years in control - the story of the IEEE Control Systems Society (original) (raw)
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Pioneers of Automatic Control Systems
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In the present review, instrumentation and control engineering (ICE) is defined as a branch of engineering that studies the measurement and control of process variables, and the design and implementation of systems that incorporate them. Instrumentation and control engineering (ICE) combines two branches of engineering. Instrumentation engineering is the science of the measurement and control of process variables within a production or manufacturing area. Meanwhile, control engineering, also called control systems engineering, is the engineering discipline that applies control theory to design systems with desired behaviors. Control engineers are responsible for the research, design, and development of control devices and systems, typically in manufacturing facilities and process plants. Control methods employ sensors to measure the output variable of the device and provide feedback to the controller so that it can make corrections toward desired performance. Automatic control manages a device without the need of human inputs for correction, such as cruise control for regulating a car's speed. In the present study a comprehensive review study on instrumentation and control engineering have been presented. The study was considered from different viewpoints which includes general introduction to instrumentation and control engineering; a comprehensive instrumentation that deliberates the present subject from the consideration of introduction, historical background and development, applications, measurement parameters, instrumentation engineering, impact of modern development; control engineering from the consideration of introduction, overview, history, control theory, control systems, control engineering education, control engineering careers, and recent advancement; and the last section is the conclusions.
A brief history of automatic control
IEEE Control Systems Magazine
utomatic feedback control systems have been known and used for more than 2000 years; some of the earliest examples are water clocks described by Vitruvius and attributed to Ktesi bios (circa 270 B.C.). Some three hundred years later, Heron of Alexandria described a range of automata which employed a variety of feedback mechanisms. The word "feedback" is a 20th century neologism introduced in the 1920s by radio engineers to describe parasitic, positive feeding back of the signal from the output of an amplifier to the input circuit. It has entered into common usage in the English-speaking world during the latter half of the century. Automatic feedback is found in a wide range of systems; Rufus Oldenburger, in 1978, when recalling the foundation of IFAC, commented on both the name and the breadth of the subject: "I felt that the expression 'automatic control' covered all systems, because all systems involve variables, and one is concerned with keeping these variables at constant or given varying values. This amounts to conccrn about control of these variables even though no actual automatic control devices may be intentionally or otherwise incorporated in these systems. I was thinking of biological, economic, political as we\1 as engineering systems so that I pictured the scope ofIFAC as a very broad one." This divcrsity poses difficultics for historians of the subject (and for editors of control journals), and this article does not attempt to cover all application areas. Thc history of automatic control divides conveniently into four main periods as follows:
Control in the technical societies: a brief history
Measurement and Control London Institute of Measurement and Control, 2010
By the time control engineering emerged as a coherent body of knowledge and practice (during and just after WW2) professional engineering societies had existed for many decades. Since control engineering is an interdisciplinary branch of the profession, new sections devoted to control were quickly established within the various existing technical societies. In addition, some new bodies devoted specifically or primarily to control were established. This article, a revised version of a paper presented at the IEEE 2009 Conference on the History of Technical Societies, describes how control engineering as a distinct branch of engineering became represented in technical societies in a number of countries.
Information and Control ICIC International c ⃝2019 ISSN
In recent years, the importance of electrical energy such as a motors' power source has become more and more in resolving global environmental problems. Thus, electrical motors are going to be widely used in not only industrial fields but also sources of motive force in electric cars. Despite this social environment, there are just a few changings in educational methods of electrical engineering about motors in university lectures. Since students learn motors control theory and technique with a textbook, it is difficult for them to understand a difference between the control method they learn in class and the control method experienced in practice after employment. Therefore, we are researching and developing an educational teaching material system that allows students to experience motor control based on motor control by the embedded system. This educational teaching material system aims to become a bridge between knowledge that can be learned by university lecture and learning of motors used in embedded system-s/electronics/mechatronics equipment.