Romania - Development Policy Operation - DDO : P130051 - Implementation Status Results Report : Sequence 01 (original) (raw)

Romania - MUNICIPAL SERVICES PROJECT : P088252 - Implementation Status Results Report : Sequence 10


The objective of the Project is to assist the Borrower to meet EU environmental directivesinthewaterandwastewatersector,therebyimp r oving the quality and coverage of water and wastewater services,mainlythrough:(i)supportofinfrastructuredevelopment in themunicip a lities of Bucharest and Arad to provide betterwaterandwastewaterserviceandimprovestormwatermanagement; and (ii) prepa raa mion o f p riority water and wastewater projectsinselectedcounties. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project? • Yes No Component(s) Component Name Component Cost Component 1: Urban services in Bucharest Municipality 91.64 Component 2: Urban services in Arad Municipality 62.37 Component 3: Project application for the EU 16.24

European semester country report romania en

COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Country Report Romania 2017 Accompanying the document COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK AND THE EUROGROUP 2017 European Semester: Assessment of progress on structural reforms, prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances, and results of in-depth reviews under Regulation (EU) No 1176/2011 {COM(2017) 90 final} {SWD(2017) 67 final to SWD(2017) 93 final} This report assesses Romania's economy in the light of the European Commission's Annual Growth Survey published on 16 November 2016. In the survey the Commission calls on EU Member States to double their efforts on the three elements of the virtuous triangle of economic policy – boosting investment, pursuing structural reforms and ensuring responsible fiscal policies. In doing so, Member States should focus on enhancing social fairness to deliver more inclusive growth

Implementation of Operational Programmes in Romania the Period 2007-2013

Annals of the University of Petrosani: Economics, 2009

The access to Social and Cohesion Funds offers Romania a possibility to develop the regions which are lagging behind, to modernize transport and environment infrastructure, to support rural development, to create new employment opportunities, to sustain social policies which will lead to the growth of the standard of life. This research work displays a short presentation of structural instruments national level as well as on the institutions responsible for their implementation, on the principles and stages specific for projects with European financing. The existence of a strong institutional structure, capable to ensure the formulation and application of public policies, to keep the coordination processes inside ministries going, the implementation of national programs, increasing the application capacity of partnerships between local administrations, is absolutely necessary.

Publishing Ensuring the Viability of Romania Seitz Mihai final submission.docx

Abstract: Institutions of higher education are no longer immune to external forces affecting its operations. Plagued by rising costs, intense competition from private, public, vocational, and online institutions, declining support from the state, and a view that education is a commodity much like any product, universities are turning to strategic planning to anticipate and ward off these threats to grow and survive. In the European Union, the issue of strategic planning has been slow in development as part of planning and policy making for institutions of higher education. This has been due, in part, to the particular nuances that prevail in the EU as oppose to the US, such as the expanse of institutions across borders and the emphasis on state control. Moreover, as a collective body, the EU has focused on initiating policies that support standardization across its educational landscape to remain competitive on a world stage. The Bologna Declaration was initiated to bring about greater compatibility of degrees and diplomas and to eliminate impediments to mobility between countries, increase employability of its workforce and increase competitiveness in a globalized educational market. For Romania, strategic planning has been ineffectual given the strong hand of the state and the limited management experience among administrators (Nicolae & Vitelar, 2013). As a part of the EU, Romania has been involved in some training in strategic planning; however, emerging from a communist regime, has hampered its ability to integrate this tool successfully to realize each institution’s full potential and position it for its future success and survival. According to Voorhees (2008) strategic plans fail more often than they succeed in its implementation because of the failure to connect the dreams and aspirations that arise in strategic planning with specific actions. Moreover, failure of a plan results from leadership’s inability to follow a shared governance model in developing the strategic plan that brings the organization onboard in fulfilling the goals and strategies outlined in the plan. Hence, this paper describes strategic planning and outlines the process for successful integration and implementation.

European Projects and Programs in Romania and in the South-West Oltenia Region

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2022

A project involves complex elements, completed by efficient management of design, elaboration, implementation, and other activities related to project realization. The most used programs are the European funds, which include a wide range of projects after going through all the stages of implementation within these programs. Projects, through their role, actively contribute to the realization of strategic partnerships that can support the exchange of good practices, the acquisition and development of basic skills, the support of social inclusion and civic participation, and the increase and implementation of entrepreneurial skills. Thus, the purpose of the research is to show where is Romania situated in Europe when it comes to the European funds' programs, to see what impact had the European funds to the development of Romania and, especially, to the SouthWest Oltenia Region and what the funding they obtained.

EU-27 Watch No. 9, 2010 - Romania, country report

Welcome to the ninth issue of EU-27 Watch. Due to the new treaty provisions of the Lisbon Treaty and the economic crises the enlarged EU of 27 member states is on the search for a new modus operandi while also continuing membership talks with candidate countries. The EU-27 Watch project is mapping out discourses on these and more issues in European policies all over Europe. Research institutes from all 27 member states and the four candidate countries give overviews on the discourses in their respective countries. Topics discussed in EU-27 Watch, No. 9 / March 2010 · Implementation of the Lisbon Treaty · Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy · European economic policy and the financial and economic crisis · Climate and energy policy · Current issues and discourses in your country The reports focus on a reporting period from December 2009 until May 2010. This survey was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire that has been elaborated in March and April 2010. Most of the 31 reports were delivered in May 2010. The EU-27 Watch No. 9 receives significant funding from the Otto Wolff-Foundation, Cologne, in the framework of the “Dialog Europa der Otto Wolff-Stiftung”, and financial support from the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Post-Accession Priorities: Romanian National Strategy for Development 2007-2013


Since January 1st, 2007, Romania has entered a new era of progress where thefocus is on the economic convergence with the other European Union member states. TheNational Plan for Development 2007-2013 represents the strategic and financial multi-yearlyplanning document that directs the sustainable economic-social development of Romania instep with the Cohesion Policy of the European Union. This paper examines the issue