Some additional properties of elementary landscapes (original) (raw)

The theory of elementary landscapes

Applied Mathematics Letters, 2003

When joined to a stipulated neighborhood digraph, an objective function defined on the solution space of a real combinatorial optimization problem forms a landscape. Grover shows that landscapes satisfying a certain difference equation have properties favorable to local search.

Quasi-elementary landscapes and superpositions of elementary landscapes


There exists local search landscapes where the evaluation function is an eigenfunction of the graph Laplacian that corresponds to the neighborhood structure of the search space. Problems that display this structure are called "Elementary Landscapes" and they have a number of special mathematical properties. The term "Quasi-elementary landscapes" is introduced to describe landscapes that are "almost" elementary; in quasi-elementary landscapes there exists some efficiently computed "correction" that captures those parts of the neighborhood structure that deviate from the normal structure found in elementary landscapes. The "shift" operator, as well as the "3-opt" operator for the Traveling Salesman Problem landscapes induce quasi-elementary landscapes. A local search neighborhood for the Maximal Clique problem is also quasi-elementary. Finally, we show that landscapes which are a superposition of 2 elementary landscapes are also quasi-elementary in structure.

Tunably Rugged Landscapes with Known Maximum and Minimum

IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2015

We propose NM landscapes as a new class of tunably rugged benchmark problems. NM landscapes are well-defined on alphabets of any arity, including both discrete and real-valued alphabets, include epistasis in a natural and transparent manner, are proven to have known value and location of the global maximum and, with some additional constraints, are proven to also have a known global minimum. Empirical studies are used to illustrate that, when coefficients are selected from a recommended distribution, the ruggedness of NM landscapes is smoothly tunable and correlates with several measures of search difficulty. We discuss why these properties make NM landscapes preferable to both NK landscapes and Walsh polynomials as benchmark landscape models with tunable epistasis.

The component model for elementary landscapes and partial neighborhoods

Theoretical Computer Science, 2014

Local search algorithms exploit moves on an adjacency graph of the search space. An "elementary landscape" exists if the objective function f is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian of the graph induced by the neighborhood operator; this allows various statistics about the neighborhood to be computed in closed form. A new component based model makes it relatively simple to prove that certain types of landscapes are elementary. The traveling salesperson problem, weighted graph (vertex) coloring and the minimum graph bisection problem yield elementary landscapes under commonly used local search operators. The component model is then used to efficiently compute the mean objective function value over partial neighborhoods for these same problems. For a traveling salesperson problem over n cities, the 2-opt neighborhood can be decomposed into n/2 − 1 partial neighborhoods. For graph coloring and the minimum graph bisection problem, partial neighborhoods can be used to focus search on those moves that are capable of producing a solution with a strictly improving objective function value.

Barrier Trees of Degenerate Landscapes

Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2000

The heights of energy barriers separating two (macro-)states are useful for estimating transition frequencies. In non-degenerate landscapes the decomposition of a landscape into basins surrounding local minima connected by saddle points is straightforward and yields a useful definition of macro-states. In this work we develop a rigorous concept of barrier trees for degenerate landscapes. We present a program that efficiently computes such barrier trees, and apply it to two well known examples of landscapes.

Barrier trees on poset-valued landscapes

Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2003

Fitness landscapes have proved to be a valuable concept in evolutionary biology, combinatorial optimization, and the physics of disordered systems. Usually, a fitness landscape is considered as a mapping from a configuration space equipped with some notion of adjacency, nearness, distance, or accessibility, into the real numbers. In the context of multiobjective optimization problems this concept can be extended to poset-valued landscapes. In a geometric analysis of such a structure, local Pareto points take on the role of local minima. We show that the notion of saddle points, barriers, and basins can be extended to the poset-valued case in a meaningful way and describe an algorithm that efficiently extracts these features from an exhaustive enumeration of a given generalized landscape.

A Methodology to Find the Elementary Landscape Decomposition of Combinatorial Optimization Problems

A small number of combinatorial optimization problems have search spaces that correspond to elementary landscapes, where the objective function f is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian that describes the neighborhood structure of the search space. Many problems are not elementary; however, the objective function of a combinatorial optimization problem can always be expressed as a superposition of multiple elementary landscapes if the underlying neighborhood used is symmetric. This paper presents theoretical results that provide the foundation for algebraic methods that can be used to decompose the objective function of an arbitrary combinatorial optimization problem into a sum of subfunctions, where each subfunction is an elementary landscape. Many steps of this process can be automated, and indeed a software tool could be developed that assists the researcher in finding a landscape decomposition. This methodology is then used to show that the subset sum problem is a superposition of 2 elementary landscapes, and to show that the Quadratic Assignment problem is a superposition of 3 elementary landscapes.

Elementary landscape decomposition of the 0-1 unconstrained quadratic optimization


Landscapes' theory provides a formal framework in which combinatorial optimization problems can be theoretically characterized as a sum of a especial kind of landscape called elementary landscape. The elementary landscape decomposition of a combinatorial optimization problem is a useful tool for understanding the problem. Such decomposition provides an additional knowledge on the problem that can be exploited to explain the behavior of some existing algorithms when they are applied to the problem or to create new search methods for the problem. In this paper we analyze the 0-1 Unconstrained Quadratic Optimization from the point of view of landscapes' theory. We prove that the problem can be written as the sum of two elementary components and we give the exact expressions for these components. We use the landscape decomposition to compute autocorrelation measures of the problem, and show some practical applications of the decomposition.

Fields of Extremals and Sufficient Conditions for the Simplest Problem of the Calculus of Variations in n-Variables

Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 2009

In a 1967 note, Leitmann observed that coordinate transformations may be used to deduce extrema (minimizers or maximizers) of integrals in the simplest problem of the calculus of variations. Subsequently, in a series of papers, starting in 2001, he revived this approach and extended it in a variety of ways. Shortly thereafter, Carlson presented an important generalization of this approach and connected it to Carathéodory's equivalent problem method. This in turn was followed by a number of joint papers addressing applications to dynamic games, multiple integrals, and other related topics. For the simplest vector-valued variables problem of the calculus of variations, making use of the classical notion of fields of extremals, we employ Leitmann's direct method, as extended by Carlson, to present an elementary proof of Weierstrass' sufficiency theorem for strong local and global extrema.