A Two Node Tandem Communication Network with Feedback Having DBA and NHP Arrivals (original) (raw)

Performance Analysis of A Two Node Tandem Communication Network with Feedback

A Communication Network needs optimal utilization of resources such as bandwidth, routers, transmitters, etc. In this paper we have developed and analyzed a communication network with two nodes with feedback. In this network, the arrival of packets characterized by homogeneous Poisson process and transmission of both the transmitters is characterized by Poisson process. Dynamic bandwidth allocation policy is proposed by adjusting the transmission rate at every transmitter just before transmission of each packet. The model is evaluated using the difference-differential equations and a probability generating function of the number of packets in the buffer. Through mathematical modeling, performance measures including average number of packets in each buffer, the probability of emptiness of the network, the average waiting time in the buffer and in the network, the throughput of the transmitters, utilization and the variance of the number of packets in the buffer are derived under tran...

Tandem Communication Network Model with DBA having Non Homogeneous Poisson arrivals and Feedback for First Node


In this paper, we develop a two node tandem communication network model with dynamic bandwidth allocation and feedback for the first node. In most of the communication systems, the arrivals of packets follow Non-Homogeneous and arrival rate is time dependent. In this model, the transmission rate of each transmitter depends on the number of packets in the buffer connected it. The transmission rates at each transmitter are adjusted depending upon the content of the buffer connected to it. The packets transmitted through the first transmitter may be forwarded to the buffer connected to the second transmitter or returned back to the first buffer with certain probabilities. Using the difference-differential equations the performance measures including average number of packets in each buffer, the probability of emptiness of the network, the average waiting time in the buffer and in the network, the throughput of the transmitters, and the variance of the number of packets in the buffer ar...

Performance Evaluation of Three-Node Tandem Communication Network Model with Feedback for First Two nodes Having Non Homogeneous Poisson Arrivals

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014

Tandem Queues are widely used in mathematical modeling of random processes describing the operation of Manufacturing systems , supply chains, Computer and telecommunication networks. In many of the communication systems the arrivals are time dependent and can be characterized by a non homogeneous Poisson process. In this paper we developed and analyzed three nodes connected in tandem Queue with feedback for the first and second nodes assuming that arrivals follow non homogeneous Poisson process. Using the difference-differential equations and a probability generating function of the number of packets in the buffer connected to the transmitter the System is analyzed. The System performance is analysed by deriving expressions for the performance measures of the network like mean content of the buffers, mean delays through put, transmitter utilization with mathematical illustrations. The sensitivity analysis of the model reveals that the non homogeneous Poisson arrivals and dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy can reduce burstness in buffer and improve quality of service.

Three Node Tandem Communication Network Model with Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Non Homogeneous Poisson Arrivals

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2011

Communication networks create lot of interest due to their ready applicability in performance evaluation of several communication systems. In communication systems it is customary to consider that the arrivals are characterized by Poisson process. This assumption holds good if the arrivals are homogeneous and independent of time. But in many tele and satellite communication systems the arrivals are non homogeneous and the arrival rate is time dependent. Hence, in this paper we develop and analyze a three node communication network model with the assumption that the arrivals are characterized by non homogeneous Poisson process. It is further assumed that transmission time required by each packet at each node is dependent on the content of the buffer connected to it. The transient behavior of the network model is analyzed by deriving the system performance measures like mean number of packets in each buffer, mean delay in transmission, the throughput of the nodes, utilization of transmitters, etc,. The sensitivity analysis of the model reveals that the non homogeneous Poisson arrivals and dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy can reduce burstness in buffer and improve quality of service. A comparative study of communication network with non homogeneous Poisson arrivals and Poisson arrivals is also given.

Transient Analysis of Communication Network Model with Homogeneous Poisson arrivals and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation

International journal of computer applications, 2014

Queuing models play a dominant role in many communication systems for optimum utilization of the resources. In this paper, we develop and analyze a two node tandem communication network model with feedback for the first node, with an assumption that the arrivals follow homogeneous Poisson process. In this model, the service rates of each transmitter depends on the number of services in the buffer connected it. The model is analyzed using the difference-differential equations and a probability generating function of the number of packets in the buffer. Expressions are derived for performance measures including average number of packets in each buffer, the probability of emptiness of the network, the mean delay in the buffer and in the network, the throughput of the transmitters, and the variance of the number of packets in the buffer.

Three Node Tandem Communication Network Model with Duane Arrivals And Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation

IJCSIS, 2018

Conducting the laboratory experiments is time consuming and complicated. The mathematical models for the innovative communication networks is a prerequisite for designing and analyzing the communication networks. In Communication Systems such as Telecommunications, Satellite Communications, Computer Communications, the arrival of packets to the buffers are time dependent and bursty. This paper addresses a three node communication network model with time dependent arrivals having dynamic band width allocation. The time dependent arrivals are characterized by Duane process. It is further assumed that the inter transmission times in all nodes follow Exponential distribution. The joint probability of the number of packets in each buffer is derived. The explicit expressions for the system characteristics are obtained. The Sensitivity analysis of the model revealed that the time dependent arrival process can predict the performance measures more close to the reality. The DBA strategy can reduce the conjunction in buffer and avoid burstness. This model can also include some of the earlier model as particular cases. Keywords: Duane Process, Three node Tandem Communication networks, Performance Evaluation, Sensitivity Analysis.

Forked Communication Network Model with Non-Homogeneous Bulk Arrivals and DBA (

IJCSIS, 2018

In this paper we develop and analyse a three node tandem and parallel communication network model having bulk arrivals. The messages arrived to the communication network are converted into packets of random size and stored in buffers for forward transmission. After completing the transmission in the first node the packet may join buffer 2 or 3 which are in parallel and connected to node 1 with certain probabilities. The arrival process of the communication network is characterised by compound non-Homogenous Poison process. The transmission from each node follows Poison process. These types of networks are common at LAN, WAN, MAN. The performance of the network model is analysed by deriving the joint probability generating function of number packets in each buffer, the content of the buffers, the throughput of the nodes, the utilization of the transmitters, and the mean delay in transmission. The sensitivity analysis of the model with respect to the variation in input parameters revealed that the bulk size distribution parameters and time dependent arrival rate has significant influence on network performance. Through comparative study it is observed that the proposed model can predict the performance measures more accurately than the other stationery network models. This model also includes some of the earlier models as particular cases. Keywords: Tandem communication network, non-Homogenous compound Poison process, Bulk arrival, performance evaluation.

A tandem network with a sharing buffer

Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2011

In this paper, we consider a two-stage tandem network. The customers waiting in these two stages share one finite buffer. By constructing a Markov process, we derive the stationary probability distribution of the system and the sojourn time distribution. Given some constraints on the minimum loss probability and the maximum waiting time, we also derive the optimal buffer size and the shared-buffer size by minimizing the total buffer costs. Numerical results show that, by adopting the buffer-sharing policy, the customer acceptance fraction and the delivery reliability are more sensitive to buffer size comparing with the buffer-allocation policy.

Communication Network Model with two Stage Non-Homogeneous Direct Arrivals and Phase Type Transmission


Communication network models are important for design, development and monitoring the communication systems. Recently much emphasis is given for communication network with time dependent arrivals. In many practical situations the output of one transmitter is an input to other. In this transmission, in some system the packet after getting transmission first node may or may not get into second buffer. This type of transmission is called phase type transmission. In this paper, we develop and analyse a three node communication network model with assumption that the arrivals to each buffer are time dependent and follows a non homogeneous poisson process. The transmission at every node is dependent on content of buffer and its rate changes dynamically using difference differential equation. The joint probability generating function is derived. The system performance measures are enhanced. The sensitivity analysis of model reveals that the time dependent and DBA has significant influence o...

Delay Distributions in Discrete Time Multiclass Tandem Communication Network Models

International journal of electrical and computer engineering systems

An exact computational algorithm for the solution of a discrete time multiclass tandem network with a primary class and cross-traffic at each queue is developed. A sequence of truncated Lindley recursions is defined at each queue relating the delays experienced by the first packet from consecutive batches of a class at that queue. Using this sequence of recursions, a convolve-and-sweep algorithm is developed to compute the stationary distributions of the delay and inter-departure processes of each class at a queue, delays experienced by a typical packet from the primary class along its path as well as the mean end-to-end delay of such a packet. The proposed approach is designed to handle the non-renewal arrival processes arising in the network. The algorithmic solution is implemented as an abstract class which permits its easy adaptation to analyze different network configurations and sizes. The delays of a packet at different queues are shown to be associated random variables from ...