Amazonian Nature Reserves: An Analysis of the Defensibility Status of Existing Conservation Units and Design Criteria for the Future (original) (raw)
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El actual modelo de crecimiento económico que estimula a los países ricos en recursos a convertirse en proveedores de materias primas para un mercado global en expansión, está afectando gravemente la condición de grandes áreas naturales, tales como la cuenca occidental del Amazonas, una de las regiones con mayor biodiversidad del planeta. El proceso se acelerará a medida que esta región se vuelva más accesible con el desarrollo de la infraestructura de transporte, así como con la extracción de recursos no renovables. Disminuir estas presiones con el fin de salvaguardar la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos que presta a la humanidad requiere que los procesos de toma de decisiones se basen en datos relevantes y actualizados. En este sentido, se han aprovechado nuevos datos disponibles para varios grupos de especies, sistemas ecológicos acuáticos y terrestres, así como la distribución de las amenazas y los servicios de los ecosistemas, para medir y mapear a través de un área > 2 millones de km 2 , el estado y las presiones de la biodiversidad y la respuesta de la conservación y los beneficios, usando las subcuencas como unidades de análisis. Esta información, organizada según el marco Presión-Estado-Respuesta-Beneficios, debe apoyar las decisiones en materia de inversiones en conservación y desarrollo sostenible y el seguimiento de sus impactos en el largo plazo. Palabras clave: Amazonía Andina, amenazas, ecosistemas desprotegidos, ecosistemas amazónicos, especies amenazadas, planificación de conservación, rareza geográfica, servicios ambientales.
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Within the framework of the National Policy for the Integral Management of Biodiversity and its Ecosystem Services, the payment for ecosystem services (PES) has been proposed as a favorable tool for the conservation of protected areas in the country, particularly in territories that currently stand out as especially vulnerable to climate change, such as the Amazon. However, the approach to ecosystem services in the context of protected areas that overlap with indigenous territories should also consider additional focus elements such as cultural principles of the use of nature, cultural systems of land use and intercultural dialogue, as well as a holistic view of the territory and the reciprocal and grateful interaction between indigenous societies and nature. The case study confronts the elements of a typical PES scheme within the context of the Cahuinarí National Natural Park and the PANI (Piine Aiiyveju Niimue Iachiuma, which means God of the Center and his grandchildren, in Miraña language) indigenous Association. In this study, we analyze the socioecological risks on the design of the PES scheme and reflect on the stages of preparation, negotiation, motivation and retribution that must be agreed among the actors involved. The exercise also proposes some guidelines for the designing of an agreement to reach the conservation goals of the area and the objectives of indigenous life plans from an integrated point of view.
Major threats to Turquoise-fronted Amazon’s conservation in the Impenetrable region, Argentina
Las principales causas de la declinacion de las poblaciones de Loro Hablador (Amazona aestiva) son la destruccion del habitat y la explotacion para el comercio de aves silvestres. La deforestacion y la tala selectiva resultan en perdida de habitat. La extraccion de pichones reduce el numero de individuos y puede reducir el numero de cavidades disponibles para nidificar. Se evaluaron las principales amenazas que enfrenta el Loro Hablador en la region del Impenetrable, en Argentina. Se estimaron las perdidas de cavidades por deforestacion, tala selectiva y extraccion de pichones. Se analizo si la extraccion de pichones y la reparacion de las cavidades afectan la probabilidad de reutilizacion de las mismas. Se estimo si la extraccion de pichones afecta la supervivencia de los nidos. La deforestacion y la tala selectiva destruyeron por ano casi 20000 cavidades potenciales. La extraccion de pichones afecto en promedio 486 nidos cada ano y en los casos en que la cavidad fue reparada no af...
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Ecosistemas, 2020
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Revista Colombia Amazónica, 2019
ABSTRACT The National Natural Parks (PNN) have been promoted by a socio-environmental movement that in simple terms is called “Conservation”, whose legitimacy has been reinforced in the last few decades by the academic discipline known as Biology of Conservation. For this novel field of knowledge, biodiversity is one of its keys and reinforces conservation with scientific visions. Under these conditions, the objections usually stem from the natural enemies of the conservation of biodiversity: the friends of economic development. However, their rationale is unlikely to be questioned from other fronts. Different factors (e.g. new fields of academic work such as environmental history, critical studies of the territory and conflicts of local populations with environmental authorities), allow the defiance of the common sense of a broad public reinforced by biologists, ecologists and other scientists. Based on bibliographic information and observations derived from a permanent presence of authors in the region, this article analyzes, from a global context, the origins of the establishment of National Natural Parks in the Colombian Amazon region, where evident or latent social conflicts have been taking place since their creation. A review of the historical background of the territorial figure of Parks that, since its inception in the United States, “invented” a type of wild or “pristine” nature (wilderness) that was later associated with the idea of nation building. The formulation of a noble idea, as is often said about natural parks in the United States, was later implemented in Colombia and later still in the Amazon region. However, its rootedness is controversial because it occurs in a setting in which local populations, with important ethnic components, do not fit into the stereotype encapsulated in the idea of “wilderness”. This article is a critical reflection about the challenges that arise when trying to harmonize the pretensions of conservation with the autonomous sociopolitical and territorial organizational modes of the local inhabitants, which should lead to consolidate a different type of appropriation of the Amazon.
It was adopted as the research objective to understand how the recognition of natural territories is configured under the perspective of international heritage, from the contextualization of theoretical and documentary budgets. Three relevant influences were identified as results, in terms of theoretical perspectives, namely: “international environmental order”; “patrimonialization of the territory” and; “tourist valorization”. As documentary budgets, the realities of both the Andean Norpatagonic Biosphere Reserve (Argentina) and the Serra do Espinhaco Biosphere Reserve (Brazil) were contextualized, which showed that such internationalization processes of protected natural areas are very fragile as to the real involvement of the local population to favor the legitimate debate on what would be the possibilities of integration of “man in nature” as an effective strategy of a political ecology.