Depictions of the History of the Ancient Hungarian Cemetery of Tiszacsoma in Scientific and Journalistic Works of Transcarpathia (original) (raw)

Hungarian (Magyar) Features of the Funerary Rite of Medieval Burial Grounds of the Cis-Urals. Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey №6.2018


The article considers the statistical features of the burial rite practiced by the Hungarians in the period of Arpad’s rule and the burial grounds of the Perm Cis-Urals dating back to the same period. The authors reveal the similarity of the primary features of the funerary rite and specific material culture. It is concluded that the “Eastern” Magyars (Hungarians) not involved in the Westward migration were present in the Perm Cis-Urals in the 10th - early 11th centuries. The materials of the Cis-Urals burial grounds contain rather prominent “Magyar” traits characteristic of Hungarian burial grounds of the Arpads period. This suggests that a part of the Magyars who did not leave in 884 together with tribes of the seven elders, remained in the Urals throughout the 10th-11th centuries, including not only the partial territory of the contemporary Tatarstan and Bashkiria, but also the territory of Perm Krai, also forming a part of Magna Hungaria lands.

Letters on the tombstone monuments in the villages of Ljuljac, Kuzmičevo and Škrijelje (19th century)

Bastina, 2021

In this paper, we will try to outline the letters on the old monuments in the Golija Mountain villages of Ljuljac and Kuzmičevo and compare them with the Nišan tombstones in the village of Škrijelje on the slopes of Pešter. All the monuments that were the subject of this analysis date from the 19th century. The main goal of the research is to determine the graphic circumstances and the relationships of the three alphabets (Cyrillic, Old Turkish / Ottoman alphabet and Latin) and their status in the mentioned period. In addition, the paper points out the sociolinguistic review of the graphic shift on Muslim monuments. The article also gives a brief overview of anthroponyms that appear on all tombstones.

Разуваев Ю.Д., Решетова И.К. Погребения на многослойном городище у с. Верхнее Казачье близ г.Задонска // История: факты и символы. 2019. № 4 (21). С. 55-67. DOI: 10.24888/2410-4205-2019-21-4-18-55-67

MORTGAGES ON MULTILAYERED ANCIENT CITY SITE NEAR THE VILLAGE VERHNEE KOZACHIE NEAR ZADONSK On the multilayered hillfort located on the left coast of the Don River near the Verkhnee Kazachye village in Lipetsk oblast’ recent excavation revealed a series of burials and separate human bones. Information on these finds and the results of their analysis valuable to characteris-tic of both funeral ceremonialism, and physical shape and living conditions of settled population of the Don forest-steppe during the different historical periods are for the first time published in article. Seven burials were studied without things that present skeletons, both whole and frag-mented preservation. Their chronology is defined on the basis of the analysis of a stratigraphy and radio-carbon dating. The men's half-ruined burial which was located on the platform of the hillfort is referred to the 13th century. It filled up number of the burials which are occasionally found on Old Russian settlements of the region. Six more ancient burials were placed in an embankment of a defensive shaft. Remains of people at excavation of defensive works found on several Don hill-forts of the Early Iron Age earlier, but much less expressive. From the published burials one ap-peared in the 2nd century BC – 1st century AD, the others – in Scythian time (the 5-3rd centuries BC). Despite different degree of safety, they should be considered in the same row with those, ra-ther not numerous, complexes so far that characterize the cemetery funeral tradition existing in the ancient time. Anthropological materials from burials were analysed by traditional techniques. A series of Scythian time includes remains of five male adult individuals, average life expectancy of which made 46.8 years. It contains some markers of stress and pathology, high individual indica-tors of longitudinal body size and average level of physical activity. Keywords: Upper Don, a Skifo-Sarmatian era, Old Russian time, burials on the hillfort.

Czechoslovakian period of archaeology of Transcarpathia

Materials and studies on archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian area, 2019

The paper is devoted to the results of studies of ancient history on the territory of contemporary Transcarpathian province of Ukraine during the period of it being a part of Czechoslovakia (1919–1939). It was an important stage of establishment of Transcarpathian archaeological science which began its development in the middle of the 19th century from simple collecting of antiquities. In 1929 a county museum was opened in Mukachevo which became an important centre of collection, systematization, and museumification of local artifacts. During that period the ancient history of the region was studied by Czechoslovak archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Among them, one should name J. Bem, J. Skutil, and J. Eisner. They carried out excavations of archaeological artifacts of the region from different epochs: Paleolithic, Neolithic, Copper and Bronze Ages, Early Iron Age. Due to the efforts of J. Bem collection of Transcarpathian antiquiti...

Д. С. Гречко, В. В. Дидык Раннесредневековое погребение в кургане у с. Циркуны Харьковской обл.: вопросы культурной атрибуции

The article presents the materials from biritual burial number 2 at mound nomber 14 at Tsyrkuny village of Kharkiv region. There are consider variants of Late Zarubynetska-Kyivska and Saltivska cultural attributions in this paper. Based on analogy of wooden structure burial, most likely that its burial refers to Saltivska culture and dates from the late 8th - the beginning of the 9th centuries AD. Keywords: Tsyrcuny village, Saltivska culture, burial, inhumation, cremation, burial mound, frame-tomb.

Images of the cemetery in the worldview of the Orthodox clergy and their influence on folk culture (the case of church journalism of the late 19th – early 20th c.)

Вестник Тюменского государственного университета, 2022

Аннотация. В статье проанализированы представления православного духовенства о кладбище как особом мортальном пространстве, отразившиеся в церковной публицистике Тобольских, Пермских, Рязанских, Вятских, Курских и Омских епархиальных ведомостей. Во-первых, рассмотрено, какие ценностные коннотации соответствовали образам кладбища, какие роли оно играло в систе-Бушуева А. А. 2023 Вестник Тюменского государственного университета Цитирование: Бушуева А. А. 2023. Образы кладбища в картине мира православного духовенства и их влияние на народную культуру (на материалах церковной публицистики конца XIX-начала XX века) // Вестник Тюменского государственного университет. Гуманитарные исследования. Humanitates. Том 9. № 1 (33). С. 97-113.

2011 Kurgans Near the Village of Cotiujeni in the South of the Middle Dniester Region and the Problem of the «Thraco-Cimmerian» Antiquities (Studies of the «Empty» Burials) (In Russian with English summary)

The small kurgan group excavated near the village of Cotiujeni (the southern area of the Middle Dniester basin in what is now the Republic of Moldova) (Fig. 1, Cotiujeni) included three barrows of the Early Iron Age (nos. 2, 4 and 5). These were earthen mounds (0.5-1.0 m high, 24 m and 36 m in diameter) with burnt layers. The kurgans were constructed each at a time for a single interment (Fig. 2: 1, 3, 6). The mortuary structures are rectangular pits with certain peculiarities, namely undercuts and steps (Fig. 2: 2, 4, 5). The rite of interment was inhumation. Of the grave goods, 53 ceramic fragments were preserved: from five burnished vessels (Fig. 3: 1–4) and a pot (Fig. 3: 5). Bitruncated-conical bowls appeared in the Carpathian-Danubian region as early as the Late Bronze Age and further on became one of the leading pottery types of the cultural complex of Basarabi (beginning from the second quarter of the 8th century BC) throughout the entire area of its distribution, including the Basarabi-Soldanesti variant in the Middle-Dniester basin (Fig. 4). Direct parallels to bowls of this type are known among the materials from the Zhabotin settlement on the right bank of the Dnieper river where similar vessels were among the most widely distributed ones in horizon Zhabotin-II (from the mid-8th century BC). Ladles with shallow bowls from the Carpathian-Danubian region are of an Early Hallstatt period origin (Fig. 5). The appearance of such scoops on the Middle Dniester and in the forest-steppe region of the Dnieper right bank is linked with the archaeological culture of Gáva-Holigrady-Granicesti in the East-Carpathian region. In addition, they have direct parallels among the finds from the settlement of Zhabotin (horizons Zhabotin-II and Zhabotin-III). Notwithstanding the fact that the kurgan complexes of Cotiujeni are situated within the area of the Basarabi-Soldanesti culture, analysis of the burial structures and the rite allows us to link them with the early nomadic (Cimmerian) burials of the Northern Black Sea region (the Novocherkassk group -?) and to compare them with the latest pre-Scythian forest-steppe complexes of the second half of the 8th century BC (Fig. 6). The Cotiujeni kurgan group combines the funerary traditions of the early steppe nomads and the pottery of Basarabi-Soldanesti types. The Cotiujeni barrows can be attributed to the «Thraco-Cimmerian» complexes of the Northern Black Sea region and are dated to the second half of the 8th century BC.