Resursele umane şi competenţele (original) (raw)
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Human resources and competencies, 2018
<jats:p> One of the most important values of a medical practice is the human resource. Therefore, medical offices, smaller or larger, need to have some knowledge about human resource management. We also need to know and observe the development of medical education system because it prepares the professionals with whom we will inherently collaborate. The interest in what happens in medical education should not disappear once we have completed our vocational training. We need to be involved in developing regulations for the acquisition of new skills and the way they can be practiced safely. </jats:p>
Analiza Asigurării Cu Resurse Umane Ca Potențial Economic Al Entității
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
In the context of current technological, social and economic changes, entities face several challenges aimed at further developing the key role of supplier of high quality products and services. These include the need to meet future consumer demands and develop production processes that increase labor productivity and reduce costs. Adequate and qualified human resources are essential to ensure quality production and implement more efficient production processes based on new technologies. As a result, the analysis of human resources is essential to achieve the economic-financial objectives of the entity and to enable the entities to face current and future challenges. The present paper provides an analysis of human resource provision through the lens of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes made within the entity. At the same time, the method of analyzing the stability of human resources through indicators of labor force fluctuation and circulation was exposed.
Esse Versus Habere – Dualitatea Voinței Umane –
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2019
Esse versus Habere-The Duality of Human Will 1. Man's existence for "to be" or for "to have", depends on how he understands his meaning in the world. This study aims to offer the reader an orthodox view on these two terms, in the hope that it touches the existential substance of contemporary man. When man "stole" deification, possession (of having) became an existential archetype in his physical structure. The serpent bound the soul of the primordial man to a phantasmagoria, a magical deification. The principle of possession expresses man's desire to transform the world into an object of consumption. The fundamental difference between possession and being is that things are worn out by their use, while the being exercised day by day develops to perfection. The need of transcendence, intrinsic to man, has undergone an ontological change that has found naive compensation in the field of technology. Fathers of the desert teaches us to evaluate the world through an unpassionate perception. The evangelical and patristic precepts put in contrast the desire for spiritual growth with a desire possession. This vision of detachment, gives man a sort of discernment that makes him responsible in relation to God, nature and to himself. St. John Chrysostom, recommends the desert as a pedagogical school against passions. The decision of the monks to go to the wilderness was motivated by both the desire to give up the world, possessions and honours, and to fully belong to God. In conclusion, compulsive opening to possessions and objects is mental and not spatial. The contemporary man needs to reflect on what really matters in an ephemeral world.
Scanerele corporale şi problema încălcării drepturilor fundamentale ale omului1
Sfera Politicii, 2010 Sfera Politicii este prima revistă de ştiinţă şi teorie politică apărută în România, după căderea comunismului. Revista apare fără întrerupere din 1992. Sfera Politicii a jucat şi joacă un rol important în difuzarea principalelor teme de ştiinţă şi teorie politică şi în constituirea şi dezvoltarea unei reflecţii politologice viabile în peisajul ştiinţific şi cultural din România. Sfera Politicii pune la îndemâna cercetătorilor, a oamenilor politici şi a publicului, analize, comentarii şi studii de specialitate, realizate pe baza paradigmelor teoretice şi metodologice ale ştiinţei şi teoriei politice actuale. Sfera Politicii îşi face o misiune din contribuţia la consolidarea şi dezvoltarea societăţii democratice şi de piaţă în România.
Biblia: Sursă Fundamentală În Dezvoltarea Și Implementarea Valorilor Umane
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The Bible: Fundamental Source in Developing and Implementing Human Values. It was said that human values are the most important things in life for a person, a community, a nation, and the whole world. This is true because human values give direction, consistency, and continuity to humans on their daily life and activities. At the community, national, and global level, human values keep peace, harmony, and cooperation in developing wellbeing strategies and plans at the larger scale. In this article, the author studies the human values and their sources, considering that the Bible should be one of most reliable and valuable sources for them. By showing the value of the Bible in developing and implementing human values, the author emphasizes the benefits of applying biblical principles in developing human values in people, communities, and the whole society.
Provocările limbajului în Codul administrativ
Recently entered into force, the administrative code was adopted with the stated purpose of unifying the regulations in the field of public administration, in order to create a normative framework, coming to the aid of individuals, public administration, but also of practitioners. In this respect, a significant part of the provisions were taken identically from the normative acts that were repealed, while there are also new provisions, some of them leaving, unfortunately, the impression of a code adopted in haste. Without claiming a thorough analysis of the entire regulation, the present study aims to address some of the challenges brought by the language used in OUG: 57/2019. Between the two extremes among which the legislator oscillates (either an incomplete or ambiguous language, or an over-regulation), the most relevant problem, in terms of the consequences that it can produce, probably consists in using already legally established notions, with a totally different meaning (such...
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În articol sunt prezentate caracteristicile adaptării psihosociale și ale componentelor acesteia. Sunt descrise profilurile personalității adolescentului care denotă adaptabilitate și inadaptabilitate, precum și factorii: mitomanie / falsitate, acceptare de sine, neacceptare de sine; acceptarea celorlalți, neacceptarea celorlalți; confort emoțional, disconfort emoțional; control intern, control extern; dominare, supunere; evitarea problemelor.
Parteneriate Sustenabile Şi Bune Practici În Responsabilitatea Socialăă
După aproape două decenii de când Zidul Berlinului sa prăbuşit, a devenit clar că falimentul experimentului comunist nu echivalează cu validarea capitalismului cunoscut în istoria de pînă acum. Din infirmarea unei ipoteze nu se poate deduce cu necesitate confirmarea ipotezei contrarii: dacă am constatat că ipoteza „A” nu este validă, asta nu ne scuteşte de verificarea ipotezei „anti-A”. Altfel spus, faptul că proiectul „Fiecăruia după necesităţi” a eşuat nu implică legitimarea proiectului „Peştele mare înghite peştele mic”.