Identifying quantum correlations using explicit SO(3) to SU(2) maps (original) (raw)
Related papers
Quantum Computing by an Optimal Control Algorithm for Unitary Transformations
Physical Review Letters, 2002
Quantum computation is based on implementing selected unitary transformations representing algorithms. A generalized optimal control theory is used to find the driving field that generates a prespecified unitary transformation. The approach is independent of the physical implementation of the quantum computer and it is illustrated for one and two qubit gates in model molecular systems, where only part of the Hilbert space is used for computation.
Time-optimal synthesis of unitary transformations in a coupled fast and slow qubit system
Physical Review A, 2008
In this paper, we study time-optimal control problems related to system of two coupled qubits where the time scales involved in performing unitary transformations on each qubit are significantly different. In particular, we address the case where unitary transformations produced by evolutions of the coupling take much longer time as compared to the time required to produce unitary transformations on the first qubit but much shorter time as compared to the time to produce unitary transformations on the second qubit. We present a canonical decomposition of SU(4) in terms of the subgroup SU(2) × SU(2) × U(1), which is natural in understanding the time-optimal control problem of such a coupled qubit system with significantly different time scales. A typical setting involves dynamics of a coupled electron-nuclear spin system in pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance experiments at high fields. Using the proposed canonical decomposition, we give time-optimal control algorithms to synthesize various unitary transformations of interest in coherent spectroscopy and quantum information processing.
Algebraic synthesis of time-optimal unitaries in SU(2) with alternating controls
Quantum Information Processing, 2015
ABSTRACT We present an algebraic framework to study the time-optimal synthesis of arbitrary unitaries in SU(2), when the control set is restricted to rotations around two non-parallel axes in the Bloch sphere. Our method bypasses commonly used control-theoretical techniques, and easily imposes necessary conditions on time-optimal sequences. In a straightforward fashion, we prove that time-optimal sequences are solely parametrized by three rotation angles and derive general bounds on those angles as a function of the relative rotation speed of each control and the angle between the axes. Results are substantially different whether both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations about the given axes are allowed, or only clockwise rotations. In the first case, we prove that any finite time-optimal sequence is composed at most of five control concatenations, while for the more restrictive case, we present scaling laws on the maximum length of any finite time-optimal sequence. The bounds we find for both cases are stricter than previously published ones and severely constrain the structure of time-optimal sequences, allowing for an efficient numerical search of the time-optimal solution. Our results can be used to find the time-optimal evolution of qubit systems under the action of the considered control set, and thus potentially increase the number of realizable unitaries before decoherence.
Simplified approach to implementing controlled-unitary operations in a two-qubit system
We introduce a scheme for realizing arbitrary controlled-unitary operations in a two-qubit system. If the 2 ϫ 2 unitary matrix is special unitary ͑has unit determinant͒, the controlled-unitary gate operation can be realized in a single pulse operation. The pulse in our scheme will constitute varying one of the parameters of the system between an arbitrarily maximum and a "calculated" minimum value. This parameter will constitute the variable parameter of the system while the other parameters, which include the coupling between the two qubits, will be treated as fixed parameters. The values of the parameters are what we solve for using our approach in order to realize an arbitrary controlled-unitary operation. We further show that the computational complexity of the operation is no greater than that required for a controlled-NOT ͑CNOT͒ gate. Since conventional schemes realize a controlled-unitary operation by breaking it into a sequence of single-qubit and CNOT gate operations, our method is an improvement because we not only require less time duration, but also fewer control lines to implement the same operation. To demonstrate improvement over other schemes, we show, as examples, how two controlled-unitary operations, one being the controlled-Hadamard gate, can be realized in a single pulse operation using our scheme. Furthermore, our method can be applied to a wide range of coupling schemes and can be used to realize gate operations between two qubits coupled via Ising, Heisenberg, and anisotropic interactions.
Quantum Information Processing, 2015
In this paper the geometry of two and three-qubit states under local unitary groups is discussed. We first review the one qubit geometry and its relation with Riemannian sphere under the action of group SU (2). We show that the quaternionic stereographic projection intertwines between local unitary group SU (2) ⊗ SU (2) and quaternionic Möbius transformation. The invariant term appearing in this operation is related to concurrence measure. Yet, there exists the same intertwining stereographic projection for much more global group Sp(2), generalizing the familiar Bloch sphere in 2-level systems. Subsequently, we introduce octonionic stereographic projection and octonionic conformal map (or octonionic Möbius maps) for three-qubit states and find evidence that they may have invariant terms under local unitary operations which shows that both maps are entanglement sensitive.
Local control theory for unitary transformations: Application to quantum computing without leakage
We present a local optimal control strategy to produce desired unitary transformations. Unitary transformations are central to all quantum computational algorithms. Many realizations of quantum computation use a submanifold of states, comprising the quantum register, coupled by an external driving field to a collection of additional mediating excited states. Previous attempts to apply control theory to induce unitary transformations on
Bloch sphere-like construction of SU (3) Hamiltonians using unitary integration
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009
The Bloch sphere is a familiar and useful geometrical picture of the time evolution of a single spin or a quantal two-level system. The analogous geometrical picture for three-level systems is presented, with several applications. The relevant SU(3) group and su(3) algebra are eight-dimensional objects and are realized in our picture as two four-dimensional manifolds that describe the time evolution operator. The first, called the base manifold, is the counterpart of the S 2 Bloch sphere, whereas the second, called the fiber, generalizes the single U(1) phase of a single spin. Now four-dimensional, it breaks down further into smaller objects depending on alternative representations that we discuss. Geometrical phases are also developed and presented for specific applications. Arbitrary time-dependent couplings between three levels or between two spins (qubits) with SU(3) Hamiltonians can be conveniently handled through these geometrical objects.
Geometric theory of nonlocal two-qubit operations
Physical Review A, 2003
We study non-local two-qubit operations from a geometric perspective. By applying a Cartan decomposition to su(4), we find that the geometric structure of non-local gates is a 3-Torus. We derive the invariants for local transformations, and connect these local invariants to the coordinates of the 3-Torus. Since different points on the 3-Torus may correspond to the same local equivalence class, we use the Weyl group theory to reduce the symmetry. We show that the local equivalence classes of two-qubit gates are in one-to-one correspondence with the points in a tetrahedron except on the base. We then study the properties of perfect entanglers, that is, the two-qubit operations that can generate maximally entangled states from some initially separable states. We provide criteria to determine whether a given two-qubit gate is a perfect entangler and establish a geometric description of perfect entanglers by making use of the tetrahedral representation of non-local gates. We find that exactly half the non-local gates are perfect entanglers. We also investigate the nonlocal operations generated by a given Hamiltonian. We first study the gates that can be directly generated by a Hamiltonian. Then we explicitly construct a quantum circuit that contains at most three non-local gates generated by a two-body interaction Hamiltonian, together with at most four local gates generated by single qubit terms. We prove that such a quantum circuit can simulate any arbitrary two-qubit gate exactly, and hence it provides an efficient implementation of universal quantum computation and simulation.
Fast quantum state engineering via universal SU(2) transformation
Physical Review A
We introduce a simple yet versatile protocol to inverse engineer the time-dependent Hamiltonian in two-and three level systems. In the protocol, by utilizing a universal SU(2) transformation, a given speedup goal can be obtained with large freedom to select the control parameters. As an illustration example, the protocol is applied to perform population transfer between nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Numerical simulation shows that the speed of the present protocol is fast compared with that of the adiabatic process. Moreover, the protocol is also tolerant to decoherence and experimental parameter fluctuations. Therefore, the protocol may be useful for designing an experimental feasible Hamiltonian to engineer a quantum system.