Transient numerical simulation of a thermoelectrical problem in cylindrical induction heating furnaces (original) (raw)
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A FEM/BEM for axisymmetric electromagnetic and thermal modelling of induction furnaces
… journal for numerical …, 2007
In this paper, we propose a numerical method to solve a mathematical model for axisymmetric induction furnaces used for melting materials like metals or silicon. A finite/boundary element method (FEM/BEM) is introduced to solve the eddy current problem giving the electromagnetic field. In order to solve the non-linear heat transfer problem involving change of state, we use an enthalpy formulation and propose an iterative algorithm to solve the corresponding finite element approximation. Numerical results for an industrial induction heating system are presented.
Numerical simulation of a thermo-electromagneto-hydrodynamic problem in an induction heating furnace
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2009
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Numerical analysis and thermographic investigation of induction heating
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010
Induction heating process was investigated numerically and experimentally. Cylindrically shaped steel workpiece was heated with different heating protocols. Numerical model with coupled electromagnetic and thermal physical phenomena was solved using the finite element method. Temperature-dependent and temperature-independent steel material properties were considered and their impact on simulation results was evaluated. Simulation results were also compared with experimental measurements using an algorithm for processing thermographic images. Good agreement between them was obtained for workpieces without defects. With ability to observe temperature distributions and material defects, the thermographic camera demonstrated to be an effective non-contact measurement tool and suitable alternative to thermocouples.
Numerical Modeling of Induction Heating for Two-Dimensional Geometries
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 1993
We present both a mathematical model and a numerical method for simulating induction heating processes. The geometry of the conductors is cylindrical and the magnetic field is assumed to be parallel to the invariance axis. The model equations have current tension as prescribed data rather than current intensity. In particular, the formulation of the electromagnetic problem uses the magnetic field as the unknown function. The numerical method takes into account the time periodicity of the prescribed tension and deals with the two different time scales of electromagnetic and thermal phenomena.
Numerical modeling in induction heating for axisymmetric geometries
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 1997
This paper deals with numerical simulation of induction heating for axisymmetric geometries. A mathematical model is presented, together with a numerical scheme based on the Finite Element Method. A numerical simulation code was implemented using the model presented in this paper. A comparison between rcsults given by the code and experimental measurements is provided.
Numerical modelling of an induction heating problem
Induction heating is a process of heat generation which uses metal conductors and the Joule effect. The induction heating process has many applications in industry, such as metal melting, preheating for forging operations, hardening, and welding. A model of induction heating is given by a coupled system of partial differential equations relating temperature field and magnetic potential. Precisely, a coupled system of Maxwell and heat equations is given in the workpiece, while in the exterior domain the Laplace equation for the magnetic potential is formulated. Finally, nonlinear boundary condition for the heat equation, transmission conditions and asymptotic condition for the magnetic potential are given. Solution of such coupled multifield problems requires advanced coupled numerical methods. Therefore, in this paper we present a coupled numerical approach connecting Finite Difference Method and discrete potential theory. The use of discrete potential theory is motivated by the fact that asymptotic conditions are satisfied exactly on the discrete level. Thus, a general scheme for the coupled numerical method is presented in this paper.
Computational Modeling of Induction Heating Process
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters, 2009
An accurate 2D steady state mathematical model for induction heating process is described and additional results of electromagnetic field, eddy currents distribution and volumetric heat generation have been computed for a sample setup using a finite element method. For the calculations, the input voltage of induction coil is set to be 200 V with a frequency of 10 kHz. It was shown that for the case considered here, the distribution of eddy currents density along the radius/thickness of the workpiece has a damped sinusoidal wave-shaped form.
The aim of this paper is to analyze a finite element method to solve an eddy current problem arising from the modeling of an induction furnace. By taking advantage of the cylindrical symmetry, the threedimensional problem reduces to a two-dimensional one on a meridional section, provided the current density, written in cylindrical coordinates, has only azimuthal component. A mixed formulation in appropriate weighted Sobolev spaces is given. Existence and uniqueness of solution is proved by analyzing an equivalent weak formulation. Moreover, additional regularity is proved under suitable assumptions on the physical coefficients. The problem is discretized by standard finite elements and a priori error estimates are proved. Finally, some numerical experiments which allow assessing the performance of the method are reported.
Review Paper on Numerical Analysis of Induction Furnace
A new generation of industrial induction melting furnaces has been developed during the last 25 years. Present practices followed in Induction Furnaces are discussed in this paper. Through a literature review account of various practices presently being followed in steel industries using Induction Furnaces has been carried out with a view to gather principal of working. This paper is related with the modeling of induction process and its development is discussed. The computational techniques available for the modeling the process and the various methods for optimization is also discussed in this review paper.