Almanya İmparatoru II. Wilhelm'in İkinci Doğu Seyahati (original) (raw)
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Alman İmparatoru II. Wilhelm’in Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nu Son Ziyareti (1917)
sinecine: Sinema Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2018
Close political relations between the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire in the years before the World War turned into an alliance during the war and continued until the end of the war. One result of cooperation and solidarity between the two empires was the German Emperor Wilhelm II's visit to Istanbul in 1917. It was filmed by the photo-film units of both imperial armies. The Emperor met with notable Ottoman officials, visited historical places, and inspected the Gallipoli front seeking first-hand information. The films of Wilhelm II's visit assumed the propaganda function of informing the world about the political, economic, and military alliance. Today, they shed light on the history of the period. This study includes a comperative reading of the films, which are held by the Bundesarchiv in Germany and MSGSU Cinema-TV Center in Turkey. By looking at historical data through the lens of film, this historical reading of the films leads to an understanding of the propoganda value of cinema in that early period.
Almanya İmparatoru II. Wilhelm’in 1917 Türkiye Ziyaretinin Osmanlı Basınındaki Yansımaları
Anadolu Kültürel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2020
Uzun bir tarihsel geçmişe sahip olan Türk-Alman ilişkileri II. Wilhelm'in 1888 yılında Alman imparatoru olmasının ardından yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. İmparator, 1871 yılından itibaren Bismarck'ın idaresinde sürdürülen Alman denge siyasetini terk ederek, imparatorluğunun sınırlarını olabildiğince genişletmeyi hedeflemiştir. Fakat sömürgecilik konusunda Avrupa'nın diğer büyük devletlerinin gerisinde kalan II. Wilhelm paylaşılmış olan dünyada sömürge elde edebilmek için diğer devletlerden farklı metotlar uygulama yoluna gitmiştir. Bu bağlamda 1889 ve 1898 yıllarında Osmanlı Devleti'ni ziyaret eden II. Wilhelm son ziyaretini I. Dünya Savaşı'nın kritik günlerinde gerçekleştirmiştir. 15-19 Ekim 1917 tarihleri arasındaki bu ziyaret aslında Osmanlı halkının desteğe en çok ihtiyaç duydukları bir dönemde gerçekleştiği için halka moral ve destek ziyareti olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Alman imparatoru II. Wilhelm'in 1917 yılında Osmanlı Devleti'ne gerçekleştirdiği son ziyaretine dair bilgiler verilmekle birlikte bu ziyaretin Osmanlı basınında nasıl yer aldığı ele alınmaktadır.
Kudüs'teki Erlöserkirche'nin Açılışı: II. Wilhelm'in İkinci Doğu Seyahatindeki (1898) Dinî Motifler
Tarih ve Toplum, 2007
Title: The Religious Motifs of the Second Eastern Journey (1898) of Wilhelm II which Took Place by Means of the Inauguration of the Erlöserkirsche in Jerusalem. It is commonly agreed that the army was not the only instrument of the 19th century imperialism. Commercial representatives, schools, missionaries, hospitals and orphanages were used for imperialistic aims. Germany, who gained her political unity during the second half of the 19th century, has also made use of these experiences. Contrary to Bismarck, who wished to consolidate the empire, that he founded, in the continental Europe, Wilhelm II was in the opinion that Germany was to pursue Weltpolitik. Due to certain incompatibility, Bismarck resigned in 1890 and there remained no obscure for the Kaiser to practice his politics. One of the important steps of the Weltpolitik was gaining influence in the Ottoman Empire, both political and commercial. From 1882 onwards, the German officers were hired in the Ottoman army and the trade was developing gradually. Moreover, Wilhelm II was using every opportunity for developing the relations with the Ottoman Empire. During the reign of Sultan Abdulaziz, due to the efforts of Kaiser’s ancestors, a piece of land was granted to the Kingdom of Prussia in Jerusalem to build a Protestant church. To build a church on this land and to attend the inauguration ceremony was a great opportunity for Wilhelm II’s Ottoman policy. The foundation of the Erlöserkirche (The Church of the Redeemer) was laid in 1893 and completed in 1898. Wilhelm II, after visiting Istanbul, attended to the opening ceremony personally. The travel, in which the religious motifs were dominant, was in fact an openly challenge for Britain, France and Russia in the region. Because, including the sects which were under the protection of these great powers, every Christian sect and Jewish settlers in Palestine was visited and support was promised. By means of this journey, the wheels of German imperialism were revolved this time on religious senses to serve for the Weltpolitik.
sinecine, 2018
Öz I. Dünya Savaşı öncesi yıllarda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile Alman İmparatorluğu arasında kurulan yakın siyasi ilişkiler savaşın devam ettiği günlerde bir ittifaka dönüşmüş ve savaşın sonuna kadar devam etmiştir. Savaş koşullarında iki ülke arasındaki işbirliğinin ve dayanışmanın ifadesi olarak Alman İmparatoru II. Wilhelm, 1917 tarihinde İstanbul’u son kez ziyaret etmiş ve bu ziyaret her iki ülkenin Ordu Foto-Film birimi tarafından filme alınmıştır. Alman İmparatoru bu ziyaretinde Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun ileri gelenleri ve resmî yetkilileri ile görüşmelerde bulunmuş, tarihi mekânları ziyaret etmiş ve Çanakkale Cephesi’ne de bir ziyaret gerçekleştirerek cephenin durumu hakkında malumat almıştır. II. Wilhelm’in 1917 tarihli İstanbul ziyaretine ait bu filmler, iki ülke arasında ağırlıklı olarak siyasi, askeri, ekonomik alanda gerçekleşen yakınlaşmayı ve savaş koşullarında filizlenen ittifakı dünya kamuoyuna duyuran bir propaganda işlevi üstlenmiştir. 15-18 Ekim 1917 tarihleri arasında gerçekleşen bu ziyaret üzerine ordu birimlerinin çektiği filmler, dönem tarihine ışık tutarken aynı zamanda sinemanın erken dönemdeki kullanımı hakkında da ipucu vermektedir. Bu çalışma, II. Wilhelm’in 1917 tarihli İstanbul ve Çanakkale Cephesi’ni ziyaretini iki ülke ordu birimlerinin çektikleri ve Almanya’da Bundesarchiv’de, Türkiye’de ise MSGSÜ Sinema-TV Merkezi’nde mevcut olan filmlerin karşılaştırmalı okumasıyla ele almaktadır. Böylesi bir görsel tarih okumasıyla, sinemanın erken döneminde taşıdığı propaganda değerini ortaya koymak ve mevcut tarihsel bilgiye sinemanın merceğinden bakmak amaçlanmaktadır. Abstract Close political relations between the Ottoman Empire and the German Empire in the years before the World War turned into an alliance during the war and continued until the end of the war. One result of cooperation and solidarity between the two empires was the German Emperor Wilhelm II’s visit to Istanbul in 1917. It was filmed by the photo-film units of both imperial armies. The Emperor met with notable Ottoman officials, visited historical places, and inspected the Gallipoli front seeking first-hand information. The films of Wilhelm II’s visit assumed the propaganda function of informing the world about the political, economic, and military alliance. Today, they shed light on the history of the period. This study includes a comperative reading of the films, which are held by the Bundesarchiv in Germany and MSGSU Cinema-TV Center in Turkey. By looking at historical data through the lens of film, this historical reading of the films leads to an understanding of the propoganda value of cinema in that early period.
Karadeniz Araştırmaları, 2008
Title: According to German Foreign Ministry's Papers Germany's Approach Towards the Ottoman Armenians During the Period of Wilhelm II (Until 1914). Nationalist movements were one of the basic features that effected the 19th century’s political developments. As one of the multinational empires, the Ottomans have also been affected by these movements. In the course of time, these nationalist movements have become excuses for internal intervention for the Great Powers. The Great Powers’ approach towards the Ottoman Armenians must be evaluated within this frame. However, the Germans have pursued a benevolent policy to the Ottoman Empire concerning the Ottoman Armenians. Certainly, this was also for the German benefit. Since the Germans were in favor of the Ottoman continuation, the Armenian reforms were considered as a cause for the Ottoman disintegration. Therefore, the reform pressures put on by England, who were joined by Russia by 1905 onwards, were resisted by Germany in favor of the Ottoman Empire.
II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Bilimsel, Kültürel ve Turistik Amaçlarla Osmanlı Ülkesine Gelen Almanlar
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