Academic Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: The Concepts and the Subjects (original) (raw)
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The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of entrepreneurial ecosystems as a medium of growth of small firms with the participation of universities, as well as aspects of state policy in the field of innovation and small business development. It is shown that domestic universities, as a rule, adhere to the traditional innovative approach of cooperating with entrepreneurship on the basis of technology transfer and obtaining a direct financial result. The provisions of the Strategy for the development of small and medium enterprises and the role of universities in these aspects of state policy remain conceptually uncertain. It is proved that universities in Ukraine are not focused on the formation of entrepreneurial ecosystems and in support of small businesses. An example of the university unit's activity, whose cooperation with small firms contributes to the formation of a business ecosystem, is considered. The possibilities of increasing the role of the universities of the country in the formation of entrepreneurial ecosystems and more productive cooperation with small business are substantiated. The project of the Strategy of innovation development of the country for the period till 2030 is considered and it is proposed to pay more attention to creation of enterprise ecosystems with the participation of universities, and also to introduce the approach of knowledge exchange between universities and business on the basis of positive experience of a number of leading countries.
In Russian Federation, as in many other countries across the world, the higher education institutions have experienced significant transformation. This process has being driven by profound structural changes in social and economic fabric of the society, as well as by increasing needs to rejuvenate national and regional economy through innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper seeks to shed the light on the dynamics of the transformation of two leading universities in Russia, which represent two types of universities – one former technical university with strength in engineering and direct links with industry and another classic university with strength in research and education. Conceptually the paper is grounded in institutional path-dependency approach. On the basis ofmultiple case-studies the paper examines the formation, interpretation and implementation of entrepreneurship and innovation function of the universities. The empirical findings suggest that institutional factors, such as historical and normative context, established social, professional and economic relations, regulatory and control mechanisms, play an important role in shaping universities’ strategic orientation, their dynamic capabilities and ultimately define diversity in model of entrepreneurial university. Although the paper focuses on universities in Russia, it provides critical insights on diversity of model of entrepreneurial universities that reflect the diversity of the universities themselves (mid-range vs top universities; teaching vs research oriented universities).
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The entrepreneurship - concept known for over two centuries, is extensively promoted in academic and business environment in the last decades, as a key factor of the competitiveness and economic growth. In a broader sense, the entrepreneurship defines a behaviour ch aracterized by the emphasis on innovation, on the creation of new business or to make changes in exis ting organizations in order to obtain useful result s. Initially applied in business, entrepreneurship is present today in a ll spheres of economic and social life, materialize d through all kinds of projects: for disadvantaged regions, humanitaria n and environmental projects etc. Based on these general considerations, the paper aims pr esenting relevant aspects of academic entrepreneurs hip, with emphasis on the relationship between entrepren eurship and modern management systems implemented for quality assurance in university education and research.
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Academic Entrepreneurship in the Development Strategies of Polish Universities
Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja
This article addresses the issue of academic entrepreneurship, broadly understood as: (1) the process of establishing companies, (2) university entrepreneurship, (3) development of educational programs and entrepreneurial attitudes among students and academics, (4) creating institutions and programs that support setting up of companies, (5) intellectual property management and (6) entrepreneurial university management (Banerski et al., 2009). The goal is to examine the presence of academic entrepreneurship in the development strategies of eighteen Polish public universities. This study uses the content analysis method and is a part of strategic research. To answer the research question, the universities’ development strategies were analysed and in particular mission statements, strategic and operational goals, activities/tasks. Based on the research, it can be concluded that university authorities do not perceive academic entrepreneurship as a goal of the utmost importance and only ...
Potential and prospects for development of academic entrepreneurship in Poland
Management, 2012
The development of knowledge-based economy has forced - especially in countries with advanced industries - profound changes in the operation of all scientific institutions, including higher education, which is one of the most important intellectual assets available to national economies. Triggering the entrepreneurial potential of academic staff and opening to business of university research laboratories has become a primary objective of scientific and technical policy in many countries, including Poland. This article aims to present the state of academic entrepreneurship in Poland, including the factors determining its development. The first section discusses the theoretical issues related to the essence of academic entrepreneurship and the results of selected research and analytical work on issues of development of academic entrepreneurship in Poland. In the further part of the article, in relation to the discussed research, presented are conclusions and recommendations on how to ...
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The purpose of the work is the study of the complex essence of higher education as anintegral part of the anthroposphere (technosphere); definition of the main fundamental tasks of innovativeacademic (university) entrepreneurship; studying the main types of innovations initiated by academiccapitalism in the higher education system, which can lead to innovative changes and their classification;determination of the main objects of innovation activity in the field of higher education and science andexpedient directions of further innovative development of higher education in Ukraine; studying the typesof innovations in the higher education system.The authors consider innovative transformations in the field of higher education and science asobjectively conditioned transformational changes caused by the environment of academic capitalism. Thecore of the study is academic or university entrepreneurship, based on market relations spread byacademic capitalism in the field of scientific and ...