The tradition of Ukrainian dumas in the focus of folklore science at the beginning of the 20th Century: Kyiv scientific school (original) (raw)

Faleristics Traditions of Ukrainian People's Republic


The article is about military awards Ukrainian armed forces during the Liberation struggle of 1917-1921. Analyzes the circumstances of the application and the differences in the army. Emphasizes that developments Ukrainian People's Republic served as the basis for creating award system of independent Ukraine.

Methods of Systematization and Classification in Ukrainian Folklore Studies (as Exemplified by Dumy Genre)

Ukrainian Studies, 2016

Ukrainian Studies УКРАЇНСЬКА НАЦІОНАЛЬНА КУЛЬТУРА УДК 39 (477) МЕТОДИ СИСТЕМАТИЗАЦІЇ ТА КЛАСИФІКАЦІЇ В УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ФОЛЬКЛОРИСТИЦІ (НА ПРИКЛАДІ ЖАНРУ ДУМ) Марина ГРИМИЧ доктор історичних наук, провідний науковий співробітник відділу культурологічних досліджень НДІУ Анотація. У статті на прикладі епічного жанру дум продемонстровано, як працюють методи класифікації та систематизації в фольклористиці. Власне, теорія і практика застосування згаданих методів пов'язана з історією видання фольклорних текстів. Ключові слова: метод класифікації, метод систематизації, українська фольклористика, думи. МЕТОДЫ СИСТЕМАТИЗАЦИИ И КЛАССИФИКАЦИИ В УКРАИНСКОЙ ФОЛЬКЛОРИСТИКЕ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ЖАНРА ДУМ) Марина ГРИМИЧ доктор исторических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела культурологических исследований НИИУ Аннотация. В статье на примере эпического жанра дум продемонстрировано, как работают методы классификации и систематизации в фольклористике. Собственно говоря, тео рия и практика применения упомянутых методов связана с историей издания фольклорных текстов. Ключевые слова: метод классификации, метод систематизации, украинская фольклористика, думы.

The role of museums of higher educational establishments of Western Ukraine in illustrating the history of science

History of Science and Biographical Studies, 2017

Стаття є спробою аналізу ролі музеїв історії закладів вищої освіти як ілюстраторів їхнього становлення та розвитку. На основі емпіричного матеріалу, нагромадженого упродовж 2013-2017 рр. головним чином шляхом інтерв'ю з персоналом цих структур, автор зазначив наступне. Маючи загальну об'єднуючу назву, музеї цієї групи істотно відрізняються за формальними та змістовими ознаками, які значною мірою обумовлюються уявленням про музей адміністрацією ВНЗ. Такі музеї належать не до навчальних та дослідницьких колекцій, з яких починалася історія музейної справи у вищій школі, а до збірок так званої «другої генерації». Завданням останніх було презентувати історію університету в різних аспектах, використовуючи для цього обладнання, яке в минулому активно використовувалося в навчально-дослідницькому процесі, але перестало повністю або частково виконувати свою функцію. Такі підрозділи становлять чверть мережі музеїв ВНЗ Західної України, відповідно, в умовах відсутності музеїв історії науки і техніки у регіоні роблять окремий внесок у презентацію цієї ділянки минулого людства. Ключові слова: музей, вищий навчальний заклад, історія науки, експонат.

Natural history collections in the Kyiv Pedagogical Museum in 1902–1917

Proceedings of the National Museum of Natural History

Природничі колекції в Педагогічному музеї Києва 1902-1917 років Ігор Загороднюк Національний науково-природничий музей НАН України (Київ, Україна) Natural History Collections in the Kyiv Pedagogical Museum in 1902-1917.-Zagorodniuk, I.-Considered and substantiated here is the hypothesis of existence of natural history collections deposited in the Pedagogical Museum (PM), which existed in Kyiv during 1902-1917. It is shown that collections of the museum have been formed from several sources: 1) collections of Mykola Cherkunov (1844-1902), a teacher of the First Kyiv Gymnasium who collected geological rocks and biological specimens in Ukraine and abroad; 2) collections donated to the museum by well-known naturalists, particularly from Villafranka Marine Biological Station; 3) collections of display materials in all branches of natural sciences collected by the staff and students of the Gymnasium, also by course organizers at the PM; 4) collections purchased by the museum on grand exhibitions organized in Europe and the Russian Empire; 5) collections donated to the museum by educational societies. Some specimens deposited in the PM are described here, as well as detected the "traces" of collections, which were in the PM but nowadays they are preserved in other facilities. Among such collections is the insect collection of M. Cherkunov and Y. Gokhut deposited now in the funds of NMNH NAS of Ukraine (17 000 specimens, including 100 type specimens). Possible ways of the collections' transfer are analyzed, particularly during 1917-1919 when the PM was closed and natural history museums of the Academy of Sciences were established.

The Slavic Academies of Sciences Intercultural Dialogue with the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv (end of 19th – first third of 20th century)

Proceedings of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

The present article deals with the peculiarities of cultural and scientific cooperation of the Slavic Academies of Sciences with the Shechenko Scientific Society in Lviv. The paper is the first attempt to systematically represent, on the basis of the epistolary heritage of the Society and the preserved copies of editions of the Slavic academies of the main vectors of the NTSH intercultural dialogue with the Slavic academies of sciences at the end of the nineteenth and first third of the twentieth century. The book exchange issues with Slavic Academy of Science of South East Europe were described with particular attention. The objective of this paper is the scientific-publishing production of the Slavic Academies of Sciences and their correspondence with the Society. The problems of intercultural contacts are also considered. The author describes the forms and methods of cultural and scientific cooperation of Slavic academies with NTSh according to the principles of historicism and o...

Buniatian, K. P., Rusiaieva, A. S. Life Devoted to the Science [in Ukrainian].

Від античності до християнства. Збірник наукових статей, присвячений 70-річчю Віталія Михайловича Зубаря. Київ, 2020, c. 9—14., 2020

В і д п о в і д а л ь н і р е д а к т о р и: А. В. Буйських, доктор історичних наук, Н. О. сОН, кандидат історичних наук Р е д а к ц і й н а к о л е г і я: Т. М. ШеВчеНкО, кандидат історичних наук, відповідальний секретар Л. В. МиРОНеНкО, кандидат історичних наук к. П. БуНяТяН, кандидат історичних наук Н а у к о в і р е ц е н з е н т и: с. Б. сОРОчАН, доктор історичних наук, професор, харківський національний університет імені В. Н. каразіна Б. В. МАгОМедОВ, доктор історичних наук, Інститут археології НАН україни

The Ukrainian Liturgical Music Culture of 1801-1916 years (scientifical-didactic, traditionally-singing, performing and composition aspects). – Qualifying scientific work on the rights of the manuscript.

The Ukrainian Liturgical Music Culture of 1801-1916 years (scientifical-didactic, traditionally-singing, performing and composition aspects). – Qualifying scientific work on the rights of the manuscript., 2019

The dissertation is dedicated to one of the most fundamental and still not investigated problems in the field of the Ukrainian human sciences. In connection with the specifics of the subject, first of all, the approach to the research material was rethought. Instead of the traditional and simplifying analysis of the best liturgical works of eminent composers (based on the methodology of studying secular art), as well as their presentation exclusively in secular performance, the opposite has been proposed. It is based on the acceptance of the laws and tendencies of the church life of the traditional society (the immanent quality of the corresponding period) by the dominant qualities of culture, as well as the relationship of liturgical musical culture with common social, cultural and religious ideological spheres. The analysis dynamics of the process of transition from single investigations of 1920-1980th to the problematic and thematic trends differentiation in the researches of the 1990th and the next decades had shown advisability of such kind of rethinking. In the process of building a context covering more than a hundred years and different regions of Ukraine, were discovered facts proving out the preservation and self-restoration of national religious phenomena in all possible perspectives had. The main material is devoted to the regional traditions of academic choral and common liturgical singing, its speakers and some loci associated with some ideal way of such singing. It was established that in the conditions of a natural polystylistic situation, the factor of the traditional type of singing (the combination of the deacon's singing with the ensemble or the common singing of the parishioners) was predominant in the parishes that did not have their own choir. At the same time, the relationship between the types of liturgical singing was regulated in accordance with the status and characteristics of specific loci. Exceptions to the general rule were created by the Peremyshl and the Kyiv Sophia Cathedral choirs which had brought new standards and modified the norms increasing some holiday and everyday services standards division. Therefore, not only the performing and compositional layers were studied, but also the processes of conservation and restoration of existing traditions. Another significant factor was taken into account: during this period, Ukrainian composers were mostly priests or choir leaders at the same time. Therefore, it turned out that the initial testing of their concepts took place at the duty station, while the basic levels of the system retained their influence. Taking into account resonance of the liturgical unity idea ensured by research and popularization activity, it’s extrapolation towards liturgical music culture spheres and levels, concentration in various information nuclei demonstrate the dynamic entirety of the system itself and the existence of multiple self-restoration centers. They also manifested themselves in such important trends as the deepening of performing interpretations, increasing the composer’s attention to a new challenge - the demand for the embodiment of the concept of integrity of the national religious and mental world. Such a situation found its reflection both in common dynamics and creativity vectors. Thus, the bulk of composer creativity is based on the obvious advantages that regional stylistic models have. The well-known sound elements prevailed in those models so some genetic structural determination was taking place. Such an embodiment of the "church spirit" meant the introduction of some features of regional singing traditions into the national language thesaurus. Therefore, any foreign influences were overcome by a genuine culture according to the genetic laws of the functioning of its system. These tendencies' effectiveness was provided by theological education units along with the highest level up-grade – the scientific study of the sources and their concepts translation towards the wider public. A high percentage of evidence was provided that the powerful communication between the professional environment and society led to the effectiveness of professional activities in didactic, ceremonial and creative spheres. The scientific novelty of the study lies primarily in the fact that for the first time the Ukrainian liturgical musical culture of the chosen chronological period within the confessions of the Eastern rite is considered as an integral and dynamic system. It is proved that the confessional subordination did not change the course of deep processes and the nature of the native traditions. It is shown that at different stages of the chosen period, this sphere is characterized by the binary nature of conservative-protective and modernizing factors with the dominance of the concept of “tradition”. Changes in the paradigm of the Ukrainian liturgical musical culture are noted. The features of the development of specialized areas in the general socio-cultural context are clarified; shows the interaction of the activities of their representatives in line with the maintenance of socially and artistically significant knowledge. The tendencies of research, critical and publicistic activity during separate historical and style phases are detailed. The understanding of differentiation of functions of the main types of liturgical singing was strengthened; ways of preservation of such models in leading loci were revealed. Numerous new facts created an opportunity to clarify and rethink the established concept of the development of this sphere, in particular – the substantiation of the "new direction" in it. As a result of such kind of approach the main purpose – the Ukrainian liturgical music culture comprehension as the integrated system based on specific features determinating its national originality – had been achieved. The basic result of the research work being held is: the entire material systematization gives a proof concerning the Ukrainian liturgical music culture system integrity in spite of states borders, historical differences in the social ideology, religious denomination and priorities, the education process and institutional organizing peculiarities or individual creativity examples. The frontal study of all liturgical culture spheres has obviously to become the next stage for creating of the informatively productive and spiritually consolidating strategy of social development grounded on genetically stipulated and still fundamental world-outlook concepts.

The Image of the Ukrainian Return in the Folklore Narratives of the Middle of the XX Century: Features of the Folk Reception (Based on Material from Volyn and Prykarpattia)

The Ethnology Notebooks, 2021

Subject of study. The article analyzes the image of the insurgent hero, which is central to the folk tales of the 1940s and 1950s. The purpose of the publication is to trace the typology in the form of return. Identify the established features and new elements, trace how the semantics of the form is formed under the influence of socio-historical factors. Consider its interpretation in folk prose. The object of research are folk stories recorded in Prykarpattia and Volyn during 2018-2019. These are narratives about the national liberation struggle of the middle of the twentieth century, which are carried by the participants and witnesses of this struggle, as well as their descendants. Actuality of theme. The topic of the article is not accidental, because for hundreds of years and to this day, in the popular consciousness, they have tried to create the absence of an unhappy, amorphous, image of the minority Ukrainian saloid. Hence the relevance of this intelligence, because, first, recorded and introduced into scientific circulation of new field materials relating to the events of the mid-twentieth century. In them in a national reception the image of the Hero of the XX-th century appears. Secondly, the writing of such an article is due to the need to trace how this image has evolved in different layers of folklore. Third, it is interesting to consider how the activities of real historical figures-prototypes of folk heroes-are recorded in historical sources and oral tradition. Fourth, given the laws of folk art, the image of the hero-warrior, the hero-defender of the XXI century is now based on the rice formed in the last century. Therefore, this intelligence is important for future research on the image of the hero in modern greeting. The article synthesizes methods subordinated to the purpose of the research: structural-semiotic and structural-typological. Based on the analysis of the structural parts of narratives, figurative system, they allow their analysis in diachrony. With the help of the historical-genetic method, the image of the Ukrainian insurgent, a warrior-defender of the native land, evolved. The method of field research is useful, which allowed to record new stories about the activities of the UPA and its heroes.

Gladkikh M.I. (ed). Український музей / The Ukrainian Museum. The collection of scientific articles

VITA ANTIQUA Library, 2003

Ця збірка наукових статей підготовлена до друку спільно співробітниками кафедри археології та музеєзнавства Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка і Національного заповідника «Софія Київська», присвячена пам’яті відомого археолога, музеєзнавця, педагога, знавця давньослов’янських та давньоруських пам’яток, автора навчальних посібників з музеєзнавства Галини Георгіївни Мезенцевої (1923— 1997), а також приурочена до ювілеїв - 70-річчя від заснування Національного заповідника «Софія Київська» та 60-річчя з часу відкриття кафедри археології, закладів, що займали важливе місце у житті дослідниці. Загалом до збірки увійшли статті, написані спеціально для неї працівниками ряду музеїв України, що є підсумком їхньої наукової роботи протягом кількох останніх років. Автори розглядають актуальні проблеми розвитку археології та музеєзнавства, торкаються різних аспектів музейної справи, висвітлюють важливі питання вивчення та збереження музейних предметів, зосереджуються також на історичних розвідках, узагальнюють досвід своєї роботи, який, сподіваємось, стане у нагоді тим, кому не стороння справа вивчення, охорони та популяризації вітчизняної історико-культурної спадщини.