Collaboration, Dialogue, and Human-Robot Interaction (original) (raw)
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Collaboration, dialogue, human-robot interaction
Robotics Research, 2003
Teleoperation can be significantly improved if humans and robots work as partners. By adapting autonomy and human-robot interaction to the situation and the user, we can create systems which are easier to use and better performing. In this paper, we discuss the importance of collaboration and dialogue in human-robot systems. We then present a system based on collaborative control, a teleoperation model in which humans and robots collaborate to perform tasks. Finally, we describe our experiences using this system for vehicle teleoperation.
Robot as Partner: Vehicle Teleoperation with Collaborative Control
Multi-Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata, 2002
We have developed a new teleoperation system model called collaborative control. With this model, the robot asks the human questions, to obtain assistance with cognition and perception during task execution. This enables the human to support the robot and to compensate for inadequacies in autonomy. In the following, we review the system models conventionally used in teleoperation, describe collaborative control, and discuss its use.
Collaborative control: A robot-centric model for vehicle teleoperation
AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium: Agents with …, 1999
Telerobotic systems have traditionally been designed and operated from a human point of view. Though this approach suffices for some domains, it is sub-optimal for tasks such as operating multiple vehicles or controlling planetary rovers. Thus, we believe it is worthwhile to ...
Toward Human-Robot Collaboration
Recently robots have been launched as tour-guides in museums, lawnmowers, in-home vacuum cleaners, and as remotely operated machines in so-called distant, dangerous and dirty applications. While the methods to endow robots with a degree of autonomy have been a strong research focus, the methods for human-machine control have not been given as much attention. As autonomous robots become more ubiquitous, the methods we use to communicate task specification to them become more crucial. This thesis presents a methodology and a system for the supervisory collaborative control of a remote semi-autonomous mobile robot. The presentation centers on three main aspects of the work and offers a description of the system and the motivations behind the design. The supervisory system for human specification of robot tasks is based on a Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) which provides an effective framework for scalable robot autonomy, interaction and environment visualization. The system affords the specification of deictic commands to the semi-autonomous robot via the spatial CVE interface. Spatial commands can be specified in a manner that takes into account some specific everyday notions of collaborative task activity. Environment visualization of the remote environment is accomplished by combining the virtual model of the remote environment with video from the robot camera. Finally the system underwent a study with users that explored design and interaction issues within the context of performing a remote search task. Examples of study issues center on the presentation of the CVE, understanding robot competence, presence, control and interaction. One goal of the system presented in the thesis is to provide a direction in human-machine interaction from a form of direct control to an instance of human-machine collaboration.
Advice Provision in Teleoperation of Autonomous Vehicles
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Teleoperation of autonomous vehicles has been gaining a lot of attention recently and is expected to play an important role in helping autonomous vehicles handle difficult situations which they cannot handle on their own. In such cases, a remote driver located in a teleoperation center can remotely drive the vehicle until the situation is resolved. However, teledriving is a challenging task and requires many cognitive resources from the teleoperator. Our goal is to assist the remote driver in some complex situations by giving the driver appropriate advice. The advice is displayed on the driver's screen to help her make the right decision. To this end, we introduce the TeleOperator Advisor (TOA), an adaptive agent that provides assisting advice to a remote driver. We evaluate the TOA in a simulation-based setting in two scenarios: overtaking a slow vehicle and passing through a traffic light. Results indicate that our advice helps to reduce the cognitive load of the remote driver and improve driving performance. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI).
Human-robot collaboration and cognition with an autonomous mobile robot
Effective collaboration between robots and humans requires the use of an efficient interface whereby a human can communicate and interact with a robot almost as efficiently as he/she would with another human. In this interaction the human may act as a supervisor and/or collaborator with the robot. Human-robot collaboration is facilitated by a number of capabilities built into the robot and robot interface, including voice recognition, natural language and gesture understanding, and behaviors supporting dynamic autonomy. The inclusion of cognitively plausible representations and processes aboard the robot provides a further basis for facilitating collaboration between humans and robots, thereby reducing the human effort required to adapt to limitations of the robot as a non-human collaborator.
Human-robot Interaction and Robot Control
The ever increasing desire for fully autonomous robotics triggered in recent years the interest in the study of the interactions between robots and between humans and robots. The long term goal of this research field is the operation of heterogeneous teams of robots and humans using common interaction principles, such as a common form of natural language.
Development and Teleoperation of Robotic Vehicles
2nd AIAA "Unmanned Unlimited" Conf. and Workshop & Exhibit, 2003
Hands on robotics projects provide a wide array of educational benefits. Santa Clara University's robotics program develops a wide range of robotic systems with a level of capability and robustness that supports longterm, applied field operations. These systems support a variety of world-class science investigations and enable the development and operational assessment of a myriad of technology development innovations. This paper provides insight into the Santa Clara program by reviewing the design of several of its student-developed robots and by describing how these robots are used to further research studies related to robotic teleoperation.
Teleoperation mechanisms in a multi-agent system
2008 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2008
Human judgement is an integral part of the teleoperation process, heavily influenced by the rate in which commands are given to and the telemetry data is received from the robot. In this paper a multi-agent system for robot teleoperation is proposed. Several entities (e.g. robot or human) can easily be added and removed. In addition, this approach fosters a shared notion of reality to every entity present in the network, through a mechanism similar to the distributed blackboard architecture. This method provided an exchange of information regarding the teleoperation scenario, i.e. perceptual clues. This promoted a study on how perceptual clues influenced the operators' judgement and performance. The experimental results in a physical suggest that the system is able to guarantee a close interaction between users and robots.
The Hunt for Situation Awareness: Human-Robot Interaction in Search and Rescue
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000
Robots are gaining acceptance as team members in complex task completion, though they must be directed or closely supervised by human operators. Effective interaction between operators and robots is dependent upon the operator's ability to develop situation awareness on the robot and environment. In teleoperation this requires the effective distribution of attention between remote activities and the local controls and interfaces. Limitations in attentional resources can limit SA on one or the other place, resulting in overall decreased system performance. We present observations made at a robot-assisted search and rescue exercise to describe common SA problems in vehicle control. This paper focuses on human-robot interaction and the role of SA in search operations. Key SA concerns observed and discussed include difficulties in robot localization, inadequate support for team operations and shared SA, workload in the visually demanding task, and poor integration of data at the interface.