Sviatoslav Karavanskyi: The Problem of Spelling and Lexicographic Codification (original) (raw)


С. Ристић, И. Лазић Коњик, Н. Ивановић (ур.), Лексикографија и лексикологија у светлу актуелних проблема, Зборник научних радова, 2021

Рад се заснива на истраживању миколошке лексике српског језика, ексцерпиране из дескриптивних и дијалекатских речника српског језика. На основу спроведене анализе преко 480 једночланих и вишечланих народних назива, којима се именују различите врсте печурака и, у мањем броју, поједини родови и породице печурака, разматра се идеја стварања будућег миколошког речника, који би по својој структури спадао у ред терминолошких, и дају се оквирне смернице и принципи његове израде.

Review of: Steven Franks. Syntax and Spell-Out in Slavic. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Publishers, 2017. 346 p

А.В.Циммерлинг. Рец. на. кн.: Steven Franks. Syntax and Spell-Out in Slavic. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Publishers, 2017. 346 p. // Вопросы языкознания, 2019, № 6. , 2019

This a review of: Steven Franks. Syntax and Spell-Out in Slavic. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Publishers, 2017. 346 p. Keywords: Slavic languages, generative grammar, word order, linearization, spell-out, clitics, Balcanic Slavic, interfaces

Slavic Comparative Lexicography from I. I. Sreznevskiy's projects untill their realization in Etymological Dictionary of Slavic Languages

This article is a short review of Russian comparative lexicography of Slavic languages during the last 150 years. The Common Slavic Fundamenta (Grundriß) is still in the middle of the way to the completion. The author argues that this important type of lexicography shows wide heuristic perspective and gives many possibilities and illustrations for scholar and scientific research work. Since the 41st issue of ESSYa the entries on which already there were numerous references in the issued 40 issues should be necessarily submitted. As far as specified forms are totaled less than 1000 (931), they will produce content of 2 issues, not less than 500 entries in each of them. Practice shows, that entries can be much more in one issue of ESSYa (600, 700, even 800). A part of the listed reconstructions (especially with "?") can not receive confirmation on a Slavic material. But the majority necessarily should receive etymology for preservation of continuity and uniformity of the dictionary. It is necessary to toughen selection of entries of prefixal names, especially derivatives with verbal forms of prefixes (compare *pabirъka and *pobirъka) and substantives on-anьje/-enьje/-ěnьje. The author proposes not to refuse at all from inclusion of the elementary cases of prefixal word-formations, verbs, verbal participles on-anъ/-enъ/-ěnъ and to form entries of the optimized kind, but not to sink at ocean of prefixal verbs (on per-, po-, pod-, pri-, pro-, sъ-, vъ-, vy-). All this will allow to include several thousand entries in one issue of ESSYa and to exhaust all repertory of prefixal derivatives, either (probably) ancient Common Slavonic or late parallel formations.


для специального выпуска журнала "Труды ИРЯ" по итогам конференции "Языки народов России в контакте с русским языком" (осень 2018 г.) , 2019

This paper focuses on the use of the Russian predicative nado in Evenki, in particular, in two corpora of oral stories in Evenki recorded in 1930-2014. This predicative is generally considered as a lexical borrowing, written as нāда/ нāдэ/ нада and spelled as nāda/ nādә in the literary Evenki. In the oral stories, it is usually spelled as nada/ nado. Necessity is encoded in Evenki in specialized particles, in particular, the impersonal debitive particle with the -vkĀ/-pkĀ affix (PTCP.IMPDEB). Both the participial construction and the construction with nāda/ nādә co-exist in the corpus, and whereas the use of the participial construction gets reduced, the construction with nada/ nado is often used instead of the original participial construction, being synonymous. The issue of whether nāda/ nādә or nada/ nado must be regarded as a real borrowing, or it is an instance of code-switching is thoroughly studied. For this purpose, we use the data of the subcategorization frame of nado in Russian, and the way as to how nado’s subcategorization frame adapts to the Evenki grammar. In particular, nado in Russian subcategorizes for an infinitive clause, which lacks in Evenki. We consider in detail the variation in the realization of the argument that corresponds to the Russian infinitive. We arrive at the conclusion that the non-finite feature of an infinitive clause (as of nada/ nado’s sentential complement) is borrowed, so that several morphological types of non-finite clauses are allowed. An important issue is touched, as to how the subcategorization frame of a predicate can be realized in case of code-switching vs. in case of the predicate’s borrowing, and how/ to what extent the subcategorization frame of a predicate can vary in case of its borrowing.

«Yaroslavl Text» in the Work of A. F. Ivanov-Classic

World of Russian-speaking Countries, 2020

The article is devoted to the problem of "Yaroslavl text" in the work of a little known now poet of Yaroslavl origin A. F. Ivanov who initially followed the traditions of Nekrasov school but later began to support a more conservative position which reflected on the emotional mood of his poetry. The image of a homeland as a key component of Yaroslavl culture text is typical for the majority of poets of democratic directions and is understood by them as the image of "small homeland". In the majority of his works it is the image which comprises the village childhood reality, hard agricultural labour of peasants, middle strip of Russia landscapes, but deprives specific geographical realities, has a generalizing character. A. F. Ivanov-Classic's early lyrics together with a generalizing and "diffused" image of "a homeland" with traditional "poor images" and "thin fields" is based on his childchood impressions from the life in the village (he recalls a late grandfather, an old parents' house). In his works there are a lot of toponymic realities, but the object of his creative reflection is not his native village in Lubim region of Yaroslavl province (not a single mentioning) but Yaroslavl a big city but it doesn't differ much in importance from a nearby situated Rybinsk. Yaroslavl for A. F. Ivanov-Classic is the city situated on the Volga connected with heroic pages of Russian past. "Yaroslavl text" of a poet's lyrics in spite of this fact that it has an autobiographical basis is "modeled" by the author but does not appear in the result of a personal reflection on his own past.