The Problem of «Historical Jesus» in Russia at the End of the 19th Century on the Example of the Books of D. F. Strauss (original) (raw)

“Historical Jesus” as a Scholarly Problem

Orientalistica, 2021

Аннотация. Статья предлагает краткое введение в современную проблематику «поиска исторического Иисуса» как научной проблемы. Основное внимание уделено оригинальной русскоязычной литературе в общемировом контексте. Поскольку Иисус из Назарета-ключевая фигура крупнейшей мировой религиихристианства, то посвященные ему работы обычно бывают не строго научными, даже если используют научный метод, и ставят свой целью оправдать или, наоборот, опровергнуть религиозную традицию. Но в последнее время достаточно много было сделано для того, во-первых, чтобы описать Иисуса на фоне иудейской традиции, к которой он принадлежал, а во-вторых, проследить развитие рассказов о нем в нарождающейся христианской традиции. Исследования такого рода выглядят вполне научно и перспективно.

The Problem of Reception of Joseph de Maistre in the Russian Culture at the Turn of the 19 th and 20 th Century (Vladimir Solovyov, Nikolay Berdyaev)

Studia Litterarum, 2018

Аннотация: В статье рассматривается рецепция Жозефа де Местра в русской культуре на рубеже XIX и XX вв. Ж. де Местр-французский философ начала XIX в., который провел четырнадцать лет в Санкт-Петербурге, исполняя обязанности посла короля Сардинии. В этот период Ж. де Местр посещает салоны петербургского общества и оказывает значительное влияние на светскую и интеллектуальную жизнь города. В дальнейшем его образ, как писателя, так и как персонажа, остается в сознании интеллектуалов XIX и начала XX вв. В нашей статье мы анализируем интерпретацию идей де Местра у Вл. Соловьева и Н.А. Бердяева. Соловьев пишет статью о Ж. де Местре в словаре Брокгауза и Эфрона. Комментарии русского философа свидетельствуют о глубоком изучении творчества де Местра, но также и о критичном восприятии некоторых его идей. Важной темой для обоих философов становится «Вселенская церковь», каждый из них понимает ее по-своему. В статье мы анализируем сочинениям Ж. де Местра и Вл. Соловьева, а именно «О папе» де Местра и «Россия и вселенская церковь» Соловьева. Н.А. Бердяев, в свою очередь, вдохновлялся как Соловьевым, так и де Местром. В своей работе «Философия неравенства» он ставит философов в один ряд и особенно сосредоточивается на контрреволюционных аспектах творчества де Местра. Мы прослеживаем динамику рецепции савойского философа и ее изменение в зависимости от исторического контекста на рубеже веков.

F. M. Dostoevsky on the Pages of the Church Academic Periodicals of the Late 19th - Early 20th Centuries (On the Material of the Journal of the Moscow Theological Academy «Theological Herald»)

Theological Herald

В статье рассматривается проблема восприятия творческого наследия Ф. М. Достоевского в церковной академической периодике рубежа XIX-XX вв. В «Богословском вестнике», журнале Московской духовной академии, представлен довольно большой пласт материалов, так или иначе связанных с Достоевским (в этом смысле писатель оставляет далеко позади себя Пушкина, Гоголя, Лескова и др.). Обращает на себя внимание широта тематического контекста, в котором упоминается Достоевский и/или его произведения (от историко-литературного и религиозно-философского до социально-психологического и естественнонаучного). Типичные формулы, через которые определяется образ писателя на страницах «Богословского вестника» - проповедник православия, учитель пастырей, панславист, психолог, философ, гений и др. В большинстве публикаций «Богословского вестника» сочинения Достоевского выступают не столько как объект историко-литературного анализа, сколько используются в качестве материала, позволяющего прокомментировать акт...


This article considers ludic aspects in the works of representatives of the Russian religious renaissance taking place at the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century. Playful cultural forms manifested in imitations of the traditional Russian practice of holy foolishness, juxtapositions of the serious and the humorous, the phenomena of autoparody, and ironic confession in the texts and personal myths of Vladimir So-lov'ev, Pavel Florenskii, and Vasilii Rozanov. In this context of categories of literary play, the author analyzes the peculiar phenomenon of the parodic double-ganger in Pavel Florenskii's works: Archimandrite Serapion (Mashkin). Введение Русский религиозно-философский ренессанс рубежа ХIX-XX веков – серьезнейшее напряжение европейского духа, появление впечатляющих

From the history of Religious Studies in Russia: The study of the History of Christianity (in the second half of the 19-th – early 20-th century)

The article was prepared on the basis of a study of the works on the history of Christianity, written by Russian researchers in the second half of the XIX – early XX century. In the history of the study of Christianity in Russia in the period under review, two areas are distinguished: confessional and academic, which was less affected by the church dogmatic tradition and sought to use critical methods. One of the reasons for the relatively late registration of the academic (secular) history of Christianity in Russia was the lack of a tradition of the existence of theological faculties within the universities and the concentration of the study of Church history within the spiritual schools, in which, on the whole, there was only an exclusively canonical attitude toward sources, mainly limited to the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers. Changes in the Russian " Church history science " would be impossible without changing the system of secondary and higher education. After the introduction of the new University Statute in 1863, the level of university teaching of the history of Christianity increased significantly, and the apologetic nature of teaching ceased to prevail in the training courses and in the writings of the faculty. There was no serious research on the history of Russia without touching upon the history of the Russian church; Russian historians explored the historical and ecclesiastical problems in the context of the history of Russia and the history of Russian culture. The history of Western Christianity was studied in Russia before the beginning of the twentieth century, practically, exclusively within the framework of comparative or accusatory theology, which was mainly concerned with the critical examination of the so-called " heterodox " confessions from the standpoint of Orthodox dogma.

Ideological Distortions of Russian Church History in the Works of Ukrainian Soviet Authors of the Second Half of the 1980s / Идеологические искажения русской церковной истории в трудах украинских советских авторов второй половины 1980-х годов

Богословский вестник, 2022

The second half of the 1980s opens a new stage of Ukrainian historiography. It was connected with the processes of democratization of the socio-political life of the country. However, the influence of Soviet atheist ideology on church-historical research remained quite strong. one of the main tasks of this study is to trace the ideological features of the formation of the historical thinking of Ukrainian historians in the context of understanding the role and place of the Church in the country's past. Using historical-typological and historical-comparative methods, the authors analyze the publications of Ukrainian historians, philosophers, and public figures of the second half of the 1980s concerning issues of church history. The author substantiates the conclusions that the main methodological methods of ideological distortion of church history were: wholesale simplification of historical reality; purposeful simplification of the church's interpretation of the past of Russia, distortion of the conclusions of Christian authors; the formation of a negative attitude to the position of church scientists by labeling, unjustified opposition «friend — foe», «progressive — backward», «scientific-fictional»; the use of expressive, negatively colored vocabulary. The article also discusses specific examples of the implementation of these methods in the distortion of historical reality in the cultural, social, public and state spheres. The ideological myth of «church modernism» in Russian theology of the second half of the twentieth century is analyzed separately.

G.R. Derzhavin and the «Jewish question» in Russian Empire in the late XVIII – early XIX century


Тhe article on the basis of a detailed analysis of writings G.R. Derzhavin and his contemporaries, the research Russian and foreign scientists studied the problem of the genesis of the «Jewish question» in Russian Empire at the beginning of the XVIII–XIX century and the role played by the G.R. Derzhavin. The paper deals with the position of supporters and opponents of Derzhavin in resolving the issue of incorporation of the Jewish population of Belarus in the Russian society.In particular, the points of view of historians Y.I. Hessen, J. Klier, A. Springer, writers and literary critics, I.N. Boguslavsky, E.G. Etkind, writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn are given. In the work some interesting information about the historical existence of «Opinion about disgust in Belarus hunger and organization life of the Jews» G.R. Derzhavin, a recognized expert on Judaism and Jewish history of the Moscow D.Z. Feldman are reported. Due to this note, Derzhavin already in his lifetime acquired a steady reputati...

The Events of N.O. Lossky's "History of Russian Philosophy" and the Debate Around it in the 1950s

RUDN Journal of Philosophy , 2022

The article presents the main stages of the N.O. Lossky's work on the book "History of Russian Philosophy", starting with the emergence of his interest in the works of Russian philosophers when writing an article for the journal "The Slavonic Review" about Vladimir Solovyov and his followers; preparing lecture courses on Russian philosophy for reading at foreign universities (including lectures on Slavic philosophy delivered at Stanford University in 1933) and ending with the publication of the book in the USA, England and France and his work on the future Russian edition. Particular attention is paid to the debate that arose after the publication of the book in America (1951) in the 50s and unfolds on the pages of American journals. The main claims of American critics (Sidney Hook, John Somerville, George L. Kline, etc.) to the content of the book are the uneven presentation of Russian philosophers’ teachings, the sketchiness and the absence of representatives of some schools of thought. N.O. Lossky's book also became the subject of discussion in the publications of the Russian émigré about Lossky's author's vision statement of the development of Russian philosophy and its specifics. As it follows from the correspondence of N.O. Lossky with D.I. Chizhevsky and with publisher A.S. Kagan, it was also planned to publish the book with additions in Spanish and German publishing houses. Up to and including 1956, N.O. Lossky continued to work on the Russian-language "History of Russian Philosophy", which was given to Russia for publication by his son Boris Nikolaevich Lossky only in the early 90s (it was published in 1994). New materials found in the Paris archive of N.O. Lossky (Lossky's text "Philosophy in Pre-Revolutionary Russia", S. Hook's review "They Looked to the West") complement the debate both about N.O. Lossky's "History of Russian Philosophy", and about the nature of Russian philosophy