Short communication. Effects of storage time and boiling on root tuber colour in two sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. (Lam.)) cultivars (original) (raw)

Effects of storage time and boiling on root tuber colour in two sweet potato ("Ipomea batatas L.) cultivars

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 2004

Colour is an important feature of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is usually the main attribute that consumers take into consideration when deciding whether to purchase such produce (Marsili, 1996). Skin and flesh colour are important in the visual appeal of sweet potatoes; the flesh colour of steamed sweet potatoes is probably a good indicator of their general acceptability (Villareal et al., 1979). From a health point of view, there is increasing evidence that the pigments responsible for sweet potato colour may have a positive effect on human well-being (Cevallos-Casals and Cisneros-Zevallos, 2002; Yamakawa and Yoshimoto, 2002). No reports have been published on the effect of storage time on sweet potato skin colour variables such as lightness (L*), a*, b*, chroma (C*) and hue (H°). Miyazaki (1995) reported that the absorbance (525 nm) of HCl-methanol periderm extracts of four sweet potato cultivars (a measure of their colour) decreased by 20-30% after storage at 13°C for six months. Colour was also lost during curing; high humidity also made

Skin Color Retention in Red Potatoes during Long-Term Storage with Edible Coatings

Foods, 2021

In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of edible coatings and cold storage conditions on the skin color of red potatoes (Ciklamen and Modoc) stored for six months at 4 ± 2 °C and 90 ± 5% relative humidity (RH). The four different formulations used were sodium alginate (F1), sodium alginate and potato starch (F2), zein and chitosan (F3), and chitosan, sodium alginate and potato starch (F4), in addition to the control treatment with distilled water. The treated samples were assessed periodically during six months of storage for changes in color, levels of reducing sugars, total phenolics and sensory qualities. The results indicated that the treatment with edible coatings significantly enhanced the chroma value of skin color, especially F1 and F2 formulations. However, these coatings instilled a limited effect on the level of reducing sugars. Moreover, F1 and F4 formulations exerted a significant effect (p < 0.05) on anthocyanin content examined after three months of stor...

Influence of cultivation technology on the color of raw potato tubers

Agronomy Sciences, 2020

Results of the research were based on a field experiment carried out in 2014‒2016 at the Experimental Station of Cultivar Assessment in Uhnin (51°34'N, 23°02'E), on podzolic slightly acidic soil. The experiment was carried out using random sub-blocks, in a dependent split-plot system, in triplicate. The first-order factor was potato cultivars (‘Vineta’ and ‘Satina’), and the second-order factor consisted of six cultivation technologies: A − using fungicides to control potato blight, technologies: B, C, D, E − with the application of effective microorganisms, and technology F − without the use of fungicides and effective microorganisms as a control object. The scope of the research included assessing the color of the raw tubers pulp. To determine the color of raw potato, the method of trichromatic colorimetry was used applying the Konica Minolta CM-5 spectrophotometer. The color measurement of raw tubers was carried out in the CIEL*a*b* system. Cultivation technology with fungicide application significantly contributed to the brightness change of the raw tuber flesh compared to the technology (D), where for the treatment, as in the growing season, effective microorganisms were used. Genetic properties of cultivars determined the color brightness, as well as its trichromatic coordinates.

Timed Color Changes Among Raw and Baked Potato Varieties

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 1998

Color changes in twenty two lines of potatoes by the browning reaction were measured and evaluated by Hunter color value and National Bureau of Standard (NBS) unit of color difference (AE). me relationship between color change and total solids content was evaluated < 0.05). CO87106-5 and AC87313-3 contained the highest solids content, while CO86218-2 and CO82142-4 had the lowest solids content. Overall color change in raw potatoes by browning showed CO86142-3 with the least color change and AC87084-2 with the most. Hunter color values for the browning reaction changed with time. As time increased, potatoes became darker, redder and bluer. Moreover, all of the Hunter color values were significantly changed by baking. Color of baked BC0894-2, CO86142-3 and CO87106-5 were the least changed, while that of the baked CO80011-5, Russet Norkotah and TC1406-1 were the most changed. Degree of browning in raw potato was not correlated with total solids content, but did show a negative relationship (r =-0.12). Also, rate of color change by the browning reaction in raw potato was not related to potato total solids (r =-0.10).

Performance of some purple-fleshed Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) as influenced by different storage conditions


Sweet potatoes are becoming a research focus in recent years due to their unique nutritional and functional properties. Purple sweet potato is a special type having high anthocyanin pigment and phenol content in the root. Sweet potato physiological parameters and biochemical constituents were evaluated to study the comparative performance in five cultivars (X-9, TSP-12-10, Cross 4, Sree Kanaka and Kishan) at harvest and after storage for 30 days under ambient, cool and refrigerated storage condition. All cultivars in different storage conditions exhibited steady weight loss and sprouting from the beginning and the tubers kept in refrigerated storage significantly least PLW%, followed by cool storage and ambient storage. Results of different storage conditions indicated that, there was a downward trend in starch, ascorbic acid and anthocyanin content with the increasing of storage time while total sugars and phenol contents gradually increased. Sugar content of the tubers tended to i...

Physicochemical and antioxidant capacity analysis of colored sweet potato genotypes: in natura and thermally processed

Ciência Rural, 2017

ABSTRACT: Sweet potato ( Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is one of the most popular and ancient roots of Brazil and it can be consumed at different forms such as boiled, roasted or as sweets. Its cooking can lead to physicochemical transformations altering the nutritional properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of twelve sweet potato genotypes of varying pulp color in natura and roasted. Soluble solids, acidity, sugars, carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity were analyzed in the following sweet potatoes genotypes: cream pulp (Rubissol, Cuia, ILS03, ILS10, ILS12, ILS24 and ILS44); orange pulp (Amelia and Beauregard); and purple pulp (ILS56, ILS16 and ILS71). According to the results, it was observed a wide variation among the sweet potato genotypes for all analyzed parameters, in both preparation forms. The antioxidant capacity was a parameter with wide variatio...

Carotenoid Stability and Quantity of Different Sweet Potato Flesh Colour over Postharvest Storage Time

Advances in Environmental Biology

Sweetpotato(Impomeabatatas) or locally known as 'keledek'in Malaysia, is one of the popularcrops grown by small farmers for the fresh market. Sweet potato is a rich crop with carbohydrates, carotenoidsand pro-Vitamin A.Carotenoids are antioxidants with pharmaceutical potential and have attracted the interest ofresearchers from diverse fields including, biochemistry, biology, food science and technology, medicine, pharmacy, and nutrition for more than a century.Malaysian climate is suitable for sweet potato growingandthere are 10 popular sweet potato variety recommended to grown in Malaysia. This study was conducted to identify which type of Malaysian sweet potato ttuber is the best in its content of carotenoids. Moreover, this study was carried out to evaluate and compared the total carotenoid content (tot. carot. cont.) and their stability in themost popular, available and cheapest variety of Malaysian sweet potato tuber over different postharvest storage time of four types...

Studies on keeping quality and proximate composition of different orange fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) genotypes under ambient storage


Sweet potato is positioned as the sixth most major food crop in the world, fourth in tropical countries and fifth most essential food crop on a fresh weight basis in developing countries after rice, wheat, maize and cassava. Orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP), in particular produces storage roots rich in β-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A. Therefore, OFSP is a promising genotype to address the Vitamin A deficiency needs of women & children and to prevent malnutrition in poverty & tribal areas. However, sweet potatoes face the problem of weevils, shrinkage and loss of nutrients in storage. Therefore, present research on shelf-life and physicochemical parameters of 7 different orange sweet potato genotypes were studied in order to determine the varieties for better storage. Among those, the genotype HUB-66 was found best with lowest firmness on all the days of observation, minimum loss in PLW and volume at the end of the storage by exhibiting higher shelf life of 12 days. Highest be...

Sweet potato research (1)

The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of hot water treatment, Bio-health and Clean Root as post-harvest bio-fungicide treatments after four cold storage period (13°C and 80:90% RH) on physical and chemical content of 'Abees' sweet potato cultivar roots at the end of shelf life (15 days). Results revealed a gradual increase in weight loss and dry matter content and decrease in general appearance score and starch contents with the storage prolongation. No defected roots were found during the first 2 months of storage and no effect on flesh hue angle value during all storage periods. The total carotenoids content remained constant for two months of cold storage plus 15 days shelf-life and then decreased sharply until the end of storage period while total sugars were increased up to 2 months of storage period and then it began to decrease. All applied treatments did not give any defected roots for 2 months of cold storage plus 15 days shelf-life, except roots washed with tap water and untreated roots (control). Roots washed with tap water and control treatments recorded the highest value of defected roots, weight loss and total sugars content, also had the lowest value of general appearance, dry matter and starch content. Hot water + Bio-health and Bio-health treatments had the lowest values of weight loss, defected roots and highest score of general appearance and dry matter. Bio-health and Clean Root treatments exhibited the highest content of total carotenoids while heat water treatments recorded the least value. In brief, immersion in Bio-health as bio-fungicide after hot water treatment or Bio-health only after cold storage up to 4 months and before marketing (shelf life) period, as postharvest treatments and air-dried had more pronounced effect on physical and chemical quality of 'Abees' sweet potato cultivar roots.