Development and Diffusion of Improved Sorghum Cultivars in India: Impact on Growth and Variability in Yield (original) (raw)
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Low remuneration and poor adoption of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] production technologies were major constraints in drastic decline in area under cultivation. Therefore, evaluation of production potential, adoption, economic and other benefits of the technologies in social perspectives of the farmers was undertaken. The study was conducted with 200 adopted farmers under frontline demonstrations programme organized during five years from 2009-10 to 2013-14 in five districts in two prominent sorghum growing regions in Maharashtra, India. The yield potential and merits were measured by following before and after method, and data were collected through semistructured interview schedule, group meetings, recorded data and empirical observations. The performance of the demonstrated technologies resulted into increase in adoption (27%), higher net returns (170%), followed by grain yield (58%) with better quality (78%) and fodder yield (26%). It enabled to motivate the farmers and ...
Growth Rates, Growth Models and Future Projections of Sorghum in Telangana State
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11th Africa Farm Management Association Congress Abuja-Nigeria 2018, 2018
Abstract The study aimed at analyzing the factors influencing adoption of improved sorghum seed technology in Gombe state, Nigeria. Four objectives were formulated to guide the study. The study was conducted in Gombe State. Multi stage sampling technique was used, Three Local Government areas were purposively selected and three wards were randomly selected from each of the selected Local Government areas. Three villages were also selected at random giving a total of 27 villages finally, five registered sorghum farmers were randomly selected from each village making a total of 135 farmers for the study. Structured questionnaire was used in collecting the data. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Tobit regression analysis). The result shows that majority (68.3%) of the respondents were within the age bracket of 20 - 55 years, dominated by male farmers (92%), married (69%), with 38% of the respondents having between 9 to 16 members per household. About 46% of the respondents were exposed only to the Qur’anic form of education. The result also revealed that 75% of the respondents were full time farmers, with 58% having less than 1 hectare of total farmland which is usually obtained through inheritance. About 81% of the respondents were members of one farmer’s organizations or another while 68% had 4-6 years of sorghum farming experience with 62% producing sorghum as sole crop. Most (58%) of the respondents got their improved seeds from Gombe ADP stores. Then 88% used N.P.K fertilizer with 69% of the respondents applying less than 3 bags of N.P.K fertilizer per hectare. Respondents engaged in sorghum production because of high yield obtained. The results revealed an R2 value of 0.831, indicating that 83.1% of the relationships can be explained by the variation in the independent variable. The respondents reported non-availability of fertilizer as the main constraints to adoption of improved sorghum seed technology. It is recommended that state government should supply all the necessary needed inputs to sorghum farmers at an affordable price in time. Keywords: Factors, Influence, Adoption, Improved Sorghum and Seed Technology
Trends of Sorghum Crop in Northern Telangana Zone
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2020
Introduction Sorghum bicolour ssp. Verticilliflorum is believed to be the progenitor of cultivated sorghum (Harlan, 1972). It is cultivated in wide geographic areas in the Africa, Asia, America and the Pacific regions. It is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world, after wheat, maize, rice and barley whereas in India, sorghum is the third large cereal crop after rice and wheat. But, sorghum is second major crop in Africa after maize. It is a staple food, produced and consumed by millions of rural poor in South Asia (SA) and SubSaharan Africa (SSA). In Northern Telangana Zone the major growing districts are Adilabad (5155 thousand ha), Nizamabad (978 thousand ha) and Kariminagar (653 thousand ha) Production are Adilabad (3406 thound tonne), Nizamabad (857 thousand tonne) and Kariminagar (426 thousand tonne). Productivity of Districts are Adilabad (660 kg/ha), Nizamabad (876 kg/ha) and Kariminagar (652 kg/ha). During last 10 years the trends in area showing decreasing downtr...
Adoption and Socio-economic Benefits of Improved Post-rainy Sorghum Production Technology
Agricultural Research, 2018
Low remuneration and adoption of sorghum production technologies were among the major constraints for drastic reduction in its cultivation. Therefore, evaluation of production potential, adoption, economic and other benefits of the technologies in social perspectives of the farmers was felt essential. The study was conducted with 200 adopted farmers under field trials organized during 5 years from 2009-2010 to 2013-2014 in five districts in two prominent sorghum growing regions in Maharashtra State of India. The yield potential and merits were measured by following before and after method, and data were collected through semi-structured interview schedule. The performance of the demonstrated technologies resulted in increased adoption (27%), higher net returns (170%), followed by grain yield (58%) with better quality (78%) and fodder yield (26%), and found to be significantly positive over the pre-FLD. It enabled to motivate farmers and increase in area under sorghum by 29%. Furthermore, the additional returns helped them in spending significantly higher on purchase of household items (111%), followed by attending more social functions (109%), purchase of animals (91%), in start of new business (86%), deposit in bank (77%) and investment in farm development activities (62%). Keywords Adoption Á Low remuneration Á Adoption of technologies Á Grain yield Á Fodder yield Á Income utilization pattern Á Post-rainy sorghum Á Yield advantages