Speaking Skills of EFL Student Teachers of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang: Problems and Strategies (original) (raw)
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English Speaking Problems of EFL Learners of Mulawarman University
Learning English ideally consists of four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of them are interrelated from one another. Someone who masters four skills of English will be able to communicate in oral or written easily. In fact, speaking English is not easy. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information. In this study, the researcher was interested in describing the problems in speaking faced by fourth semester students of English Department at Mulawarman University. Descriptive qualitative research was used as design of this study. The sample of this research consists of 24 students in the fourth semester. The data were obtained through the speaking test and questionnaire. Based on the speaking test and questionnaire, the students faced some problems related to pronunciation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. The questionnaire also showed additional findings where students faced other problems, namely not having self-confidence, shyness to speak, being afraid of making mistakes, feeling nervous, and having nothing to say. Next, there are some factors resulting problems of speaking to the students, firstly less of reading habit, uneven participation and English practice both inside and outside the classroom, and confusion on applying grammar rules.
Analyzing Speaking Problems Faced by Efl Colleges Learners
The purpose of this qualitative research is to examine what problems are faced by EFL Colleges Learners in speaking English especially at IAIN Metro, Lampung. The researcher took the fourth semester at English Department of IAIN Metro as the subject. The total numbers of the subjects were ten (10) students. The researcher interviewed the students to find out about the EFL collages learners difficulties in speaking skill. The findings showed that there are four important themes which emerged in this study, namely (1) the students are lack of Vocabularies, (2) The grammar is not well mastered by the students, (3) the students are afraid of negative responses from others, and (4) the students have low self-confidence in speaking English.
AbstrakThe aim of this research is to describe the speaking difficulties faced by good speaking achievers, and to explain learning strategies used by good speaking achiever of English department of University of Islam Malang overcome their difficulties. Here, good speaking achievers are the forth semester students who can speak English very well in which they get A score in every semester and participated in competition related to English. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The researcher took two selected participants from the fourth grade of University of Islam Malang. The researcher used three instruments; interview guide, document and documentation. The finding of the study explained that mostly good speaking students had difficulties in learning speaking. The problems faced by the learners were lack of vocabulary, difficult in pronunciation, nervousness and less confident. The participants also had some strategies to overcome their problems. To encourage new vocabu...
One of the important skill in learning English that should be mastered by students is speaking. However, learning English speaking in Indonesia has many difficulties. Students worried of making mistake because their vocabulary mastery, they feel shy because of their mother tounge used, their clasroom situation also contributing learning speaking difficuties. In other hand, many teachers in Indonesia still implemented the conventional techniques in teaching learning process. The objectives of this study is to define the difficulties in learning faced by eleven grade of SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung. This research design belongs to qualitative research design, which taken from existing class. There were 36 students participated in this study. They were divided in 4 groups which consists of 9 students in each group. The separation of the students were based their students number in their attendence list. Each group were asked about their difficulties in learning speaking. In this research, the researcher involves some instruments in order to gain in depth data related to the statement of problem exist. The finding of this research reveal that there were a lot of difficulties in learning speaking that faced by eleven grade of SMAN 1 Kedungwaru Tulungagung. They were came from both of teacher and students. The difficulties faced by student were lack of vocabulary, lack of motivation in learning English especially in speaking, fear of making mistake in learning process and etc. Meanwhile, the difficulties that faced by the teacher were lack of knowledge in developing technique, so that the teacher implements the improper technique in teaching learning process.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the problems faced by the English Department students in speaking English. The subject of the study is the sixth and seventh semester students of the English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Serambi Mekkah Banda Aceh. There were 70 students who were choosen as the subject of the study. Purpossive sampling technique was applied in determining the subject. In order to collect the data for this study, the closed ended questionnaire was used with 11 questions related to the students’ speaking problems. The research finding shows that students get different problems in speaking English such as pronunciation and grammatical mistakes, vocabulary use, having no idea, less confidence, feeling afraid of making mistakes, lack of opportunity, insufficience support, the influence of mother tounge, and the effect of the lecturers’ teaching strategy. Key words : Students’ Problems, Speaking English ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan ...
This article describes the Indonesian influence in developing speaking skill in learning English especially as EFL learners' impediments. Learners speaking skill in learning English is also faced with number of problems such as their L1, social, environment and cognitive challenges related to Foreign Language Acquisition. Many scholars in the fields of language learning and teaching show evidence for L1-FL comparison by the learners when they confronted with difficulties grammatical forms including different grammatical rules, they are unaware to utter those sentences and it is natural for the learners. Since this comparison is implicit, it may result in the wrong formation rules due to an incomplete FL knowledge. In this study, an investigation was done to identify the impact of L1 (Bahasa Indonesia) on EFL learners of State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, a small district in East Java-Indonesia, in order to get underlying basis of capturing Indonesian influence in developing speaking skill in learning English for the sake of comparing their L1-FL impediments. The study involved qualitative methods of data collection. The data collected from the subjects utterances and responses were analyzed and findings were derived. The findings show that there are number of problems which are found to have impact on EFL learners speaking. Evidence provided by the utterances samples suggests that L1 (Indonesian) played a role in the process of intermediate EFL learners speaking. The impediments include tenses, verb, subject & agreement; word order, wrong chosen word; redundancy-reduction; phonological difficulties. Understanding linguistic differences between learners' L1 and English may help learners reduce the impact of L1. It can be assumed that a focus on speaking process as a pedagogical instrument is only for EFL learners if attention and supporting environment are given to linguistic development, if the learners are able to get sufficient and effective feedback with regards to their errors in speaking.
This minor thesis aimed at investigating the difficulties that students and English teachers at Van Canh High School have encountered in speaking lessons. The causes of those difficulties were also investigated in order to find the solutions to solve these problems. The results showed that the participants have encountered many difficulties in English speaking lessons such as; lack of motivation, lack of time, anxiety or lack of confidence, lack of vocabularies, structures, lack of opportunities to use English in real life, low linguistic competence and low communicative competence, lack of facilities. The reasons for these difficulties were mostly come from the teachers; the students and the school context. On the basis of the findings, some recommendations were made for the improvement of quality of teaching and learning English at Van Canh High School. The study is, thus, significant in helping Van Canh English teachers and students to deal with common problems they are facing.
Linguistics Factors as Speaking Obstacle of the EFL Students in Classroom
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
The study aims to find out the domain of linguistics factors as speaking obstacles of the EFL students in Classroom. This study used a descriptive qualitative method that described and explained the data found in the field. The data was collected using an interview guideline instrument and using a voice recorder. To analyze the data, the researchers used three stages: data reduction, data display, and generating conclusions/verification. Concerning the purpose, the major finding consisted of three domains of linguistic factors, namely lexicon, phonology, and syntax. The study's findings showed that in the lexicon factor, some of the students still lacked of vocabulary; in the phonology factor, some students had difficulty pronouncing English words; and in the syntax factor, it found that some of the students often encountered difficulty to complete the component of the structure in speaking. In addition, the researchers also found another factor that was a psychological factor, the students felt afraid to make mistakes and insecure when speaking in the classroom. In conclusion, the researchers found linguistic factors of speaking obstacles to some of the fifth-semester students of the English Department of Muhammadiyah Luwuk University in the classroom.
Strategies of Learning Speaking Skill by Senior High School EFL Learners in Indonesia
Incorporating theories of language learning strategies and theories of speaking strategies, the present study posed three research objectives: (1) identifying the categories of strategies of learning speaking skill employed by EFL learners of Indonesian senior high schools, (2) measuring the intensity of use of each strategy category, and (3) comparing the use of the identified strategies by successful and less successful students. The subjects were 743 second year students, selected from eleven senior high schools in East Java, Indonesia. They were asked to complete a seventy item questionnaire assessing their strategies of learning English speaking skill and a ten item self-assessment measuring their speaking competence. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed eleven categories of strategies, including cognitive interaction maintenance, self-improvement, self-evaluation, fluency-oriented, metacognitive planning, time gaining, resources-based, compensation, interpersonal, affective, and memory strategies, which all together accounted for 54.50% of variance of English speaking skill learning strategies. Further analyses revealed that learners employed the overall learning strategies of speaking at the moderate level (M=3.17), with resources-based strategies being the most intensively used (M=3.46) and self-improvement strategies (M= 2.83) being the least frequently employed. Finally, the present study found that successful learners reported using the eleven categories of strategies significantly more frequently than less successful learners did. The results of this study imply the need of explicit strategies-based instruction for developing students’ speaking skill, particularly for the less successful students.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Learning English is essential nowadays because of the widespread use of the language all over the world. In Indonesia, students have the opportunity to learn English language from elementary school, all the way to university. However, this does not imply that Indonesian students studying English at universities are proficient in the language, particularly when it comes to speaking English, when they often face an overwhelming number of challenges, both linguistically and psychologically. This study aimed to analyze the challenges that students experience while speaking English and to discuss the students' actions to address the difficulty. A mixed-method research was employed by collecting qualitative and quantitative data. The research's instruments were observation, questionnaires, and interviews. This study's participants include 45 second-semester English literature students at a state university in Malang, Indonesia. The findings of the study revealed that several s...