Digital technologies and the teaching process (original) (raw)
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This article deals with teaching practice and the use of information and communication technologies in the pandemic context managed by the education department of the state of Amazonas. In this sense, through bibliographical research, the basis for approaching the chapters was theoretically raised, based on the assumptions of understanding the teaching work in relation to the application of ICTs in the period in which the world faced the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as digital literacy. The general objective is to identify whether teachers understand that in their practice, starting from the pandemic period, it is necessary to be digitally literate and make use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The discussion to be undertaken concerns theoretical considerations on the implementation of information and communication technology and distance education. To contribute, among others no less relevant, the texts of Adriana dos SANTOS (2011) are evoked, with the article Information and communication technologies: limits and possibilities in higher education, as well as the text of Antônio NÓVOA (2022), with the book Schools and teachers: protect, transform, value.
Creation of a Digital Repository by analyzing the urgent implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in the public basic education network in Brazil in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Atena Editora), 2022
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, relationships that were previously face-to-face were replaced by virtual ones. One of these relationships is that of teaching and learning, which, given the context of social isolation resulting from the need to contain the spread of this virus, needed to be rethought. The adoption of Emergency Remote Teaching comes up against issues related to social differences and the exclusions resulting from them, including digital exclusion, forcing society to review its values. Through a look at the current legislation on Brazilian education, related to national and international recommendations, in the face of public policies and actions coordinated by state education departments, this work presents an analysis of the context through a bibliographic review, raising points relevant to the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching in Public Basic Education in Brazil and presenting information through a Digital Repository created to collaborate as a virtual source that centralizes some of the reflections on education in times of pandemic.
E-Learning and the Challenges faced by Teachers during the Pandemic Period in Ipueiras – Ceará
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Distance education in Brazil is not recent. Although its beginnings date back to the first half of the 20th century, public policies on distance education began in the country in the 1960s and 1970s. Then, in the 1990s, the law 9394/96 (National Education Guidelines and Framework Law, LDB) was the frontier that established the legality for e-learning at various educational levels. From this perspective, this article aims to analyze the educational measures implemented during the pandemic period, more specifically the e-learning and its impacts on teachers' work from the public schools in Ipueiras/CE. It is descriptive and exploratory research, which has as theoretical
Technology-mediated Secondary Education in Paraguay: An Exploratory Study
European Journal of Teaching and Education, 2022
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1ο Διεθνές Διαδικτυακό Εκπαιδευτικό Συνέδριο Από τον 20ο στον 21ο αιώνα μέσα σε 15 ημέρες
With the outbreak of COVID-19, governments worldwide, including in Europe, have taken different actions with regard to the impact in education due to the containment procedures. In Portugal, to help learners and educators to continue with their education and training activities during this period, several measures were put in action, mainly connected with the transition to distance education, at all levels of education. Teachers were pushed to move to online communication with pupils, and to deliver contents and activities using different online tools. But the major problem is that although Portugal has a good internet network, yet some families lack computers/digital devices. On the other hand, many teachers are not still at ease working in digital contexts, lacking necessary skills. To help teachers, Universidade Aberta (Open University, Portugal) has collaborated with the Ministry of Education in a special online training for teachers to develop competences in the creation, desig...
Journal of Global Education Sciences
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Sinergias Educativas, 2021
The distance modality was the only way to continue with the educational cycle, due to the health contingency, I rethink whether university teachers should also know and manage the new digital applications, to turn them into teaching tools and environments that favor the learning process, a This process is called digital literacy; For this, a quantitative-qualitative research was carried out with an analytical and descriptive approach at Centro de Estudios Superiores en Ciencias Jurídicas y Criminológicas (Cescijuc), to teachers who study the Master in Pedagogy of the Niños Héroes campus in Mexico City, Only those who taught at a higher level were selected, being 152, the objectives of this research work are to know if they have a level of digital literacy and how the situation of continuing Doctor,
Public education digital technology access and remote education in the COVID 19 pandemic in Brazil
This study endeavors to provide a comprehensive overview of the availability and utilization of digital technology in elementary education during the COVID-19 pandemic while analyzing the educational policies within the Brazilian public education system. By analyzing relevant documents, the findings expose disparities in internet usage among students from public and private schools, which is attributed to the correlation between digital technology access and family income. In addition, pronounced regional and territorial inequalities in education emerge, notably between the Northeast and South regions, as well as between rural and urban areas. The data further revealed that approximately one million students enrolled in public high schools lacked internet access in 2019, posing major challenges for public educational institutions in implementing remote teaching in 2020. The gravity of the situation is exacerbated by the absence of envisioned public policies aimed at providing extensive and secure digital resources to nurture inclusive education for all.
Revista Espaco Academico, 2012
Resumo: Partimos da hipótese de que as características das Tecnologias Digitais de Rede (TDRs) ressignificaram a Educação a Distância (EAD). A interação desobstruída dos "grilhões" do tempo e do espaço, e a comunicação síncrona e assíncrona por meio de diferentes ferramentas, potencializam processos educativos que superam as limitações geográficas, promovendo uma educação não mais a distância, mas online. Atributos como autoria, co-autoria, criatividade e colaboração podem ser privilegiados nesses espaços, desde que a concepção pedagógica dos cursos tenha essa intencionalidade. A Educação a Distância torna-se realidade no contexto educativo brasileiro, expandindo e interiorizando a educação superior pública. Por intermédio da Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB) são oferecidos cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, assim como de formação continuada, que objetivam ampliar o acesso ao ensino público, mesmo nos lugares mais distantes dos grandes centros urbanos do país. Porém, questionamos: quais são os objetivos coexistentes com políticas públicas de Educação a Distância no Brasil? Este estudo busca analisar as imbricações das Tecnologias Digitais de Rede em contextos de Educação Online, e alguns de seus potenciais para a ressignificação das políticas públicas que orientam essa modalidade de ensino no Brasil.
This article is the result of a bibliographic and documentary study on the context in which the launch of the Education Media Center in São Paulo took place, and on the impact that remote teaching has on students' learning, assessments and school attendance. Several academic works and legislation that supports the use of technologies as an ally of learning were used to support the research. Which showed that remote teaching without mandatory face-to-face classes causes demotivation, delays in learning and a tendency to abandon studies, both in countries considered developed and in those still developing. After reflection and analysis of the findings, it is possible to affirm that the presence of students in schools is fundamental for their cognitive and socio-emotional development. Schools have the great challenge of ensuring that students make progress in their learning and improve their assessment results. To this end, there is a need for professionals committed to teaching how to study using the tools and technological resources so recommended in educational legislation.