APP.YET APK Assisted Thematic Learning Through The Case Method to Increase The Love of Local Wisdom for Elementary School Students (original) (raw)

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science Education in The Industrial Revolution 4.0, ICONSEIR 2022, November 24th, 2022, Medan, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on App. Yet apk through a valid Case Method or the feasibility of cultural-based teaching materials, the practicality of teaching materials, and the effectiveness of teaching materials with a touch of local wisdom. This research and development is carried out using a 4D model (Define, Design, Development, Dissemination). With the research subject, the fourth grade students of SD IT Ashabul Kahfi Medan Tuntungan. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, scales, and tests. Data analysis techniques are qualitative and quantitative. The results of the validation assessment of material experts I and II, Design and Technology experts, and practical experts obtained 85.25% and, 91.57%, 92.78% with qualifications very feasible and practical to use without any revision. Before conducting the pretest, the validity and reliability of the questions were tested, with the results of 20 valid questions from 35 questions and a reliable value of r.count > r.table, namely 0.7153 > 0.432. it can be concluded that the question as a whole is reliable. The results of the pre-test and post-test showed the results of the 22 students who took the pretest there were 18 students who had not completed and only 4 students completed with a percentage of 56.13%, while the results post-test there are 18 students who completed and 4 students who did not complete with a percentage of 84.54%. Based on the calculation of class completeness, the percentage of the effectiveness of teaching materials is 84.54% with 81%-100% completeness criteria categorized as very effective.