Study of the Effect of Family Communication and Therapeutic Communication on Anxiety ODHA (original) (raw)

The Influence Of Therapeutic Communication To The Level Of Patients’Anxiety In Rst Dr. Soedjono Magelang Icu


The research entitled THE INFLUENCE OF THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION TO THE LEVEL OF PATIENTS’ ANXIETY IN RST Dr. SOEDJONO MAGELANG ICU was conducted on May 1 st, 2007 until June 30th, 2007. Anxiety is a feeling of worry that is expressed in order to face threat from outside whether they are real or unreal. A way to overcome the anxiety is giving the therapeutic communication. The research goal is to find out how the influence of therapeutic communication of client treated in ICU and to find out the illustration of anxiety level before and after treatment by therapeutic communication. This research is stake to be an experiment research, one group pre-test – post-test research. The subjects are 30 clients treated in ICU. The anxiety level is measured by the research instrument named Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A). The statistical analysis test is carried out by using t-test in pre-test and post-test design. The result is t=19,746 > t table (d.f=29 t table=2,045) and the level of sig...

Reducing Anxiety in HIV/AIDS Patients Through Cognitive Therapy

Science Midwifery

This study aims to determine the effect of giving cognitive therapy in reducing anxiety in people with HIV/AIDS. The research subjects were 8 women with HIV/AIDS. Data collection was carried out using an anxiety scale, interviews and observations. The research design used was the Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The research analysis used is quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis by testing the hypothesis using the Mann-Whitney test analysis to determine whether there is an effect of cognitive therapy in reducing anxiety in HIV/AIDS sufferers in the study group before being given training and after being given training. Qualitative analysis was carried out based on the results of observations, interviews, worksheets. The results of the study, namely the pre-test and post-test anxiety showed that there were differences in anxiety after being given training with a value of Z = -2.309, p = 0.021, p <0.05. In the post-test and follow-up study groups there ...

The relationship between communication of nurses and level of anxiety of patient's family in emergency room dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara hospital, Serang Banten, Indonesia

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2016

Emergency room is one of challenges rooms in regard to the resulting of distress and anxiety of patients and their relatives. The anxiety level in family members is varied, including depression. 1 The impact of distress and anxiety are destruction of communication among family members and these will result to inability to concentrate and insufficiency of coping mechanism. 2 As a result, the changes of emotional status of the family members are ABSTRACT Background: Critical condition of patient is trigger to the increasing of anxiety of family members. This situation is vulnerable of ineffective nursing care services provide by nurses in emergency room. Communication is one of abilities which nurse have to performed, and is recognized not that simple in its implementation. This study aimed was to identify whether or not there is a relationship between communications performed by the nurses and the level of anxiety of family members of patient in Emergency Room dr. Dradjat Prawiranegara hospital, Serang Banten, Indonesia. Methods: This study was cross-sectional study with non-parametric analysis data used was Spearman's Rho. Data were collected through direct observation by 4 numerators and observational sheet of nurse's communication. Level of anxiety of family members was measuring by using State Trait Anxiety Inventory Y-1. Data were collected from 47 family members and 47 nurses who were selected by using accidental sampling technique. Results: The study revealed that nurses performed eye contact, well informed consent, quick respond to the needs of patient and family members, clear voice, understandable language, introducing them self, active listening and emphatic, calm and friendly. Regarding anxiety of family members, 42.6% of them were showing moderate level of anxiety, whereas 34.0% of them were showing low level of anxiety. In bivariate analysis by using Spearman's Rho showed that p value was 0.000 and coefficient correlation-0.765. It was indicated that there was significantly relationship between communication of emergency nurses and the level of anxiety of family members. It was indicated that the more effective the communication performed by nurses, the less the anxiety level of family members. Conclusions: Nurse is required to be able to perform their therapeutic communication skill effectively so that the anxiety level of family members is decreasing. As a result, the stable emotion of family members affect to the appropriate decision making of medical treatment.

The Knowledge Relationship And Family Attitude with Anxiety in Caring for Family Members People with Mental Disorders in Poly Jiwa Dadi Area Specialty Hospital Province of South Sulawesi

KnE Life Sciences, 2021

Mental disorders are patterns of a person’s behavior related to distress symptoms or impairments in one or more important functions of a human being. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and family attitude towards anxiety in caring for family members who have mental disorders. This study used an Analytical Survey method with a Cross-Sectional Study approach. The research instruments used are knowledge, attitude and anxiety. The data analysis used is univariate analysis, employed to produce the frequency and percentage of each variable, and Bivariate analysis to examine the research hypothesis to determine the relationship of dependent and independent variables by using Fisher’s Exact Test. The results of this study showed more respondents with mild anxiety of 52.5 % with a value of ρ = 0.005 which means ρ < α = 0.05. This study showed more positive attitude respondents with mild anxiety of 55.5 % with a value of ρ = 0.042 which means ρ < α = 0.05. It is reco...

Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga dan Depresi Dengan Kualitas Hidup pada Pasien dengan HIV/AIDS di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah


The number of people with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia is increasing from year to year, various problems that occur in patients with HIV / AIDS, namely physical, social and psychological problems. To overcome problems related to opportunistic infections, support antiretroviral therapy, prevent transmission of HIV / AIDS to others, motivate families to provide support and care for patients to be physically fit and not reportedly restore the patient's good quality of life. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between family support and recovery with the quality of life of HIV / AIDS patients in the Gajah Mungkur Peer Support Group in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia. The design of this research is quantitative research with cross sectional study. The population is HIV / AIDS patients who are members of the Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri Peer Support Group which is supported by around 130 people. The sampling technique with total sampling technique. Data collection tools a...

The Relationship Between Family Support and Depression Level Among Hiv/Aids Patients in PROF.DR. Soekandar General Hospital Mojokerto


Problems that arise in people with HIV / AIDS not only from viral infections there are also social impacts experienced such as a lack of support from the family. The phenomenon that occurs in the community that shy families sometimes even ostracize people with HIV / AIDS so that when treatment is rarely delivered, isolating in the family such as placing in a separate room makes ODHA increasingly experiencing psychological disorders such as prolonged stress reactions, namely depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support with the level of depression in patients with HIV / AIDS in VCT poly RSUD Prof.Dr. Soekandar Mojokerto. The research design used is correlation analysis. The population in this study were all HIV / AIDS sufferers in the VCT Police Hospital, Prof. Dr. Soekandar, Mojokerto Regency, which consists of 51 patients. The Sampling technique uses consecutive sampling with a number of samples that meet the research criteria of 50 peop...

Dukungan Keluarga Pada Orang Dengan Hiv/Aids (Odha) : A Literature Review

Avicenna : Journal of Health Research

Background: HIV / AIDS is one of one of the social challenges due to the impact of this disease is so widespread in society. When a person is infected with HIV, most of them more alienated themselves from their social environment as well as experiencing symptoms of psychosocial. Support from the family will certainly help to reduce the psychological disorders related to HIV / AIDS Objective: This study aimed to describe how the family support to people with HIV / AIDS. Methods: This study is litetaturereview.Sources were taken from several databases with keywords "family support on HIV / AIDS". From the Google Scholar database found some 23,400 journals, EBSCO found 323, found NCBI 16 and 693. Of the overall database ProQuest only 11 met inclusion criteria. Result: Family support is used widely enough in the 11 articles in the review: support awards, support information, emotionalsupport, support service.

A B S T R A K Kecemasan merupakan reaksi emosional yang normal terhadap stress & persepsi adanya bahaya, perasaan yang tidak tenang dan tidak jelas


Anxiety is a normal emotional reaction to stress and perceptions of danger, feelings are not calm and unclear because of helplessness, isolation and spiritual insecurity are the beliefs of our relationship with God Almighty and Creator, it permeates the lives of people who we are and our purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the spiritual level of anxiety in the elderly in the tresna werdha ciparay protection center in West Java province. Quantitative research method with cross sectional approach. The sample in this study were 98 respondents by using total sampling. Data 91 J U R N A L P E N D I D I K A N K E P E R A W A T A N I N D O N E S I A e-ISSN 2477-3743 p-ISSN 2541-0024