The effect of avocado butter to stability of avocado emollient cream (original) (raw)

The effect of avocado butter to characteristics of emullient W/O cream


Avocado butter is an unsafonifiable fraction of avocado oil that contains of 25-30 % fitosterol as anti-aging agent. In this research, the influence of 6 variation avocado butter between 1–11 % to o/w cream characteristics has been researched. O/W cream has been made by meltingand mixing methods at 70 0 C, and than cream product was evaluated. The result showed that o/w cream characteristics were progressively influenced by amount of avocado butter. In using avocado butter between 1–7 % in creams, the value of pH, viscosity, and particle size in product creams progressively go down, but theirs spread-abilities progressively go up. On the contrary cream characteristics that usage 9% of avocado butter, the value of viscosity and particle size began to go up while pH, but spread-abilities go down. Key words :avocado butter, O/W cream, cream characteristic, stability

Optimation of avocado fruit added on the ice cream product of coconut milk

Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 2012

Buah apokat merupakan salah satu jenis buah-buahan yang mudah mengalami kerusakan, oleh sebab itu untuk memperpanjang daya simpannya diperlukan upaya pengolahan. Salah satu bentuk produk yang cocok untuk pengolahan buah apokat adalah es krim, karena produk tersebut memerlukan lemak yang tinggi seperti yang terkandung dalam buah apokat. Susbstitusi apokat ke dalam produk es krim, selain sebagai divertifikasi produk, juga bertujuan untuk mengurangi kadar susu sapi yang sebagian besar kurang disukai oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang mempunyai karakteristik tidak tahan laktosa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan komposisi es krim yang baik dengan menggunakan bahan buah apokat, sehingga diharapkan dapat dihasilkan produk es krim yang kualitasnya tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan buah apokat 20% menghasilkan es krim terbaik, kadar air 36,77%, protein 1,60%, lemak 23,53%, kecepatan pelelehan 62,62 menit, nilai rasa 5,35 (disukai), warna 5,75 (disukai), aroma 5,65 (disukai) dan tekstur 6,34 (sangat disukai).

Stabilitas Fisik Emulsi Ganda Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Menggunakan Emulgator Span 80 dan Tween 40

Jurnal Ilmiah Farmasi, 2009

Virgin Coconut Oil is pure coconut oil produced biotechnology with low temperature or without heating. It has a lot advantages in health. Virgin Coconut Oil that circulates in the market has unpleasant taste and appearance. Therefore, it need to be formulated in water in oil in water (W/O/W) multiple emulsion. The aimed of this research is to find out the influence of emulsifier toward physical stability of emulsion. Multiple emulsion w/o/w is made in Span 80 with variation concentration (20%, 15%, 10%) and Tween 40. In order to know the physical stability of emulsion w/o/w should be carried out globule size, homogeneity, sedimentation volume (in room temperature, 40°C and centrifugation), viscosity test for 4 weeks storage and respondent test should carried out. The result of the research showed that Virgin Coconut Oil (w/o/w) multiple emulsion was succeed to formed, sedimentation volume and creaming volume when storage in room temperature, 40°C and centrifugation along 4 weeks storage was increase while viscosity was slowly decrease along with the age of formulation. Variation of mix emulsifier between Span 80 with variation concentration (20%, 15%, 10%) at tween 40 in making multiple emulsion w/o/w influential the physical stability multiple emulsion w/o/w. More higher Span 80 used so sedimentation volume (in room temperature, 40°C and centrifugation) progressively lower, while viscosity excelsior. Virgin Coconut Oilemulsions formulation more be likely by consumer.

FORMULASI VIRGIN COCONUT OIL(VCO) DAN PENGEMULSI LESITIN KEDELAI TERHADAP STABILITAS EMULSI DAN SIFAT ORGANOLEPTIK PASTA KACANG MERAH [Formulation of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO)and emulsifier lechitin of soy on the emultion stability and sensory characteristic of red beans paste

Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 2016

Red beans and VCO are produced abundantly in Indonesia, but are not fully utilized. In this research, red beans and VCO were processed into red beans paste product as food diversification efforts. The objective of this research was to obtain the best formulationof VCO and lechitin addition to produce the best emultion stability and sensory characteristic the red beans paste. The experiment was arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with one factor and four repetitions. The treatments had 6 levels comparison of VCO and lechitin (K), that were K1 (30%:0,25%), K2 (45%:0,25%), K3 (60%:0,25%), K4 (30%:0,5%), K4 (45%:0,5%), K6 (60%:0,5%). The data were analyzed using Barlett test to find homogenity, furthermore the Tuckey test was used to test the additivity, then analyzed using ANOVA to test the effect of the treatments further analyzed with Least Significant Difference (LCD) test at 5% and 1% level. The results showed that K4 are the best formulation to produce r...

Pengaruh Konsentrasi Xanthan Gum Terhadap Stabilitas Fisik Krim Virgin Coconut Oil (Vco)


Abstract: Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is a pure oils that is extracted from fresh coconut meat at low temperatures. The formulation of VCO in cream dosage form could retain skin moisture and improve the acceptability. Xanthan gum is one of the emulsifier that used to form oil in water (O/W) cream. The purpose of this research were to determine the effect of xanthan gum concentration to the physical stability of VCO cream. VCO creams were prepared by emulsifying the oil phase and the water phase with the variation of xanthan gum concentration (2.5; 2.7; 2.9; 3.1; 3.3% w/w). Observation of the physical stability of the cream includes organoleptic, emulsion type, droplets size, viscosity, spreadability, adhesion, and ratio of separation volume was conducted until 7th week, and also the freeze-thaw test for three cycles. The results showed that each formulation could produces homogeneous light brown cream with oil in water type. Increasing of xanthan gum concentration would increases visco...

Stabilitas Fisik Krim Ekstrak Kulit Buah Alpukat Dengan Variasi Perbandingan Asam Stearat dan Trietanolamin

Jurnal MIPA

Karakteristik emulsi krim dipengaruhi oleh suhu, kecepatan agitasi, waktu, tekanan dan surfaktan. Variasi emulgator seperti asam stearat dan trietanolamin (TEA) dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas krim. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menguji kestabilan fisik krim M/A ekstrak kulit alpukat dengan variasi kombinasi asam stearat dan TEA sebagai emulgator. Kulit buah alpukat diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut aseton 70%, kemudian diformulasikan menjadi sediaan krim m/a dan diuji stabilitas fisiknya pada penyimpanan selama 4 minggu dalam suhu rendah (4±2ºC), suhu kamar (25±2ºC), dan suhu tinggi (40±2ºC) juga uji stabilitas sentrifugasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sediaan F3 dan F4 tidak menunjukkan adanya perubahan pada uji organoleptik dan homogen setelah 4 minggu, memenuhi syarat uji pH, daya sebar dan daya lekat serta tidak ada pemisahan fase setelah uji sentrifugasi sedangkan F1 dan F2 mengalami perubahan pada uji organoleptik dan tidak memenuhi syarat pH. Berdasarkan hasil ...

STABILITAS DAN VISKOSITAS PRODUK EMULSI Virgin Coconut Oil-MADU [The Stability and Viscosity of Virgin Coconut Oil-Honey Emulsion]

Jurnal Teknologi Dan Industri Pangan, 2012

This study was conducted to develop an alternative energy drink from VCO and honey. The objective of the study was to find out the relationship between VCO and honey concentration, viscosity and emulsion stability. The viscosity was measured by viscometer and the diameter of emulsion droplet was measured from microscopic images. The results showed that the increases of VCO and honey concentration corresponds to the increase of viscosity, and the reduction of emulsion droplet diameter sizes. From the viscosity and emulsion stability parameters, it could be concluded that the best formulation VCO-honey emulsion drink should contain 25-35% of VCO and 20-25% of honey. The emulsion products of VCO-honey at 25-35% of VCO had viscosity of 21-27 poise and the products at 20-25% of honey had viscosity of 14-21 poise. The stable emulsion product of VCO-honey had the emulsion droplet diameter of 2-5 µm.

Manufactured of Lotion from Avocado Leaf Ethanol Extract ( Persea Americana Mill) as Skin Moisturizer


Abstrak Alpukat diformulasikan menjadi lotion, berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya daun nya mengandung antioksidan tinggi yang diwakili dengan senyawa flavonoid. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui sediaan dari ekstrak etanol daun alpukat dapat melembabkan kulit. Penelitian ini dengan metode eksperimen. Ekstrak daun alpukat dilakukan dengan proses maserasi. Pemeriksaan sediaan dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah uji skrining fitokimia, uji Ph, uji iritasi dan uji kelembapan kulit dengan konsentrasi 3% dan 5%. Avocado is formulated into a lotion, based on previous research, its leaves contain high antioxidants which are represented by flavonoid coumpounds . The aim was to determine whether the preparation of avocado leaf ethanol extract could moisturerize the skin. This research uses the experimental method. Leaf was carried out by a maceration process. Examination of the preparation carried out in this study were phytochemical screening tests, pH, Irritation and skin moisture with ...

Pengaruh Perendaman Kulit Buah Cokelat (Theobroma cacao)Terhadap Kualitas Minyak Goreng Bekas

Jurnal Serambi Engineering

The use of waste oil that can cause health problems. The disturbance is caused by the high peroxide number triggered by oxidation and hydrolysis of oil in the presence of free fatty acids and high water content. Reuse of waste oil can be done with several alternatives such as the addition of natural antioxidants or synthesis. This study aimed to determine the effect of soaking wet and dry chocolate fruit on the quality of waste oil. The parameters seen are water content, acid numbers, peroxide numbers and free fatty acid levels. The moisture content was determined by the oven drying method, acid numbers and free fatty acid levels by the alkalimetry titration method, and peroxide number by the iodometry method. The results showed that the waste oil soaked on the exocarp of dried cacao is more optimal in reducing the peroxide number by 38.71%, while soaking with wet exocarp is only 12.14%. Moisture content increased by 0.08% on soaking with the exocarp of dried cacao, whereas wet exso...