The Impact of the Web and Social Media on the Performance of Nonprofit Organizations. Journal of International Technology and Information Management (original) (raw)

The Impact of the Web and Social Media on the Performance of Nonprofit Organizations

Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2019

This research empirically analyzes the impact of both the Web and social media on the performance of nonprofit organizations by using 100 nonprofit organizations ranked by web traction measures, including Facebook Likes and Twitter Followers. Our findings from ANOVA and non-parametric tests demonstrate that nonprofit organizations with higher web traction have greater contributions and grants than others with lower web traction. These findings suggest that the use of the Web coupled with social media promotes better, interactive (two-way) communications with the public, as well as fundraising and that nonprofit organizations that attract more supporters on the Web and social media can increase charitable giving. Our regression analyses based on the economic model of giving that estimates the direct relationship between web traction and donations show similar results. However, the results also show that the impact of economic factors such as price and fundraising activities on charit...

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Success in an Online Giving Day: The Role of Social Media in Fundraising

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Social media platforms offer nonprofits considerable potential for crafting, supporting, and executing successful fundraising campaigns. How impactful are attempts by these organizations to utilize social media to support fundraising activities associated with online Giving Days? We address this question by testing a number of hypotheses of the effectiveness of using Facebook for fundraising purposes by all 704 nonprofits participating in Omaha Gives 2015. Using linked administrative and social media data, we find that fundraising success—as measured by the number of donors and value of donations—is positively associated with a nonprofit’s Facebook network size (number of likes), activity (number of posts), and audience engagement (number of shares), as well as net effects of organizational factors including budget size, age, and program service area. These results provide important new empirical insights into the relationship between social media utilization and fundraising success...

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Nonprofit Organizations and Social Media Use

Social Media Performance Evaluation and Success Measurements

The use of social media technologies such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn has enhanced and increased the communication and engagement strategies available to nonprofit organizations. This chapter focuses on and addresses the question of nonprofit use of social media by examining the main objectives for using social media, and whether social media has been effective in meeting these objectives. Existing research on nonprofit social media use tends to focus on finding out which social media tools nonprofit organizations are using and which one of these yields the most impact. To answer these questions, descriptive analysis is conducted on social media technologies and their usage to identify associations between effectiveness of social media in meeting objectives. These questions go beyond asking why nonprofit organizations use social media and analyzes how they meet their objectives using various social media tools.

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Why aren’t small nonprofits better utilizing their Web sites? A longitudinal analysis of social media tools available on their Web sites

Many descriptive studies have measured the adoption of ICTs by nonprofits. What is less understood is why this adoption takes place. This study measures the change in social media adoption by small nonprofits over a one year period after attending a social media marketing workshop. A pre-measurement of the social media tools available on their Web sites was taken prior to their participation in a social media marketing workshop. A post-measurement was taken a year later. In addition, an e-survey was administered to better understand the challenges of ICT adoption for non-large nonprofits. This study adds to the understanding of ICT adoption for small nonprofits.

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Why aren’t small nonprofits better utilizing their Web sites? A longitudinal analysis of social media tools available on their Web sites Cover Page

Strategies for Social Media Use in Nonprofits

Journal of Management Policy and Practice Vol. 18(1) 2017, 2017

The aim of this paper is to detail the social media engagement efforts used by successful nonprofits and to build on these insights in developing recommendations for effective social media plans to increase the visibility and service areas of public service organizations. The topic of social media use by nonprofits is viewed through a practice lens. Specific campaign activities for becoming distinguished nonprofits are identified. Essential aspects of social media engagement initiatives that translate into public service activities include tying online effort to the mission of the organization, providing for a dedicated person or team to ensure pointed social media efforts integrated into existing strategies, and developing a cost analysis coupled with benchmarks for success. Incorporating the recommendations detailed in this paper may help to expand the reach of otherwise resource-limited public service organizations, and can foster the transition from merely having supporters on paper to working with engaged, committed, and informed volunteers and donors.

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How Nonprofit Organizations Use Social Media for Fundraising: A Systematic Literature Review

International Journal of Business and Management

Social media (SM) are widely used by nonprofit organizations (NPOs). However, little is known about how they are used for fundraising, especially regarding their benefits/disbenefits, and the optimum strategies for maximizing value from such campaigns. The study presented here aimed to address this gap by collecting, analyzing and synthesizing the results of the corpus of published academic research on this topic. Of 194 potentially relevant search results generated from seven international online databases, only 71 (62 studies) fully met the inclusion criteria. Most of these qualifying studies were published in social science journals in the past three years and derived from high-income countries. Our findings indicate that the benefits NPOs can obtain from using SM for fundraising include increased transparency and accountability, operational, involvement and engagement, and improved organizational image (although in respect of the two latter, outcomes can be mixed). The strategie...

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The Social Network Effect: The Determinants of Giving through Social Media

Social networking applications such as Facebook, Twitter, and Crowdrise offer new ways for nonprofits to engage the community in fundraising efforts. This study employs data from Facebook Causes to examine the nature and determinants of charitable giving in social networking environments. Our findings suggest donations on these sites are not driven by the same factors as in “off-line” settings. Instead, a social network effect takes precedence over traditional economic explanations. Facebook donors do not seem to care about efficiency ratios, their donations are typically small, and fundraising success is related not to the organization’s financial capacity but to its “Web capacity.” Moreover, online donors are prone to contribute to certain categories of causes more than others, especially those related to health. Given the growth in social media-driven fundraising – and the increase in crowdfunding, slacktivism, impulse donating, and other new practices this entails – these findings carry notable theoretical and practical implications.

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The Social Network Effect: The Determinants of Giving through Social Media Cover Page

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Online or Offline? Nonprofits’ Choice and Use of Social Media in Hong Kong Cover Page

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Promoting Corporate Philanthropic Efforts through Social Media Cover Page

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Measuring the performance of social media marketing in the charitable domain Cover Page